
  1. 《五十度灰》讲了克里斯蒂安诱惑羞怯的大学生安娜斯塔西娅·斯蒂勒(AnastasiaSteele),带领她进入一段主仆虐恋关系的故事,对于许多《五十度灰》的书迷来说,上周四出版的《灰》意味着他们的等待终于结束了。

    For many fans , the wait ended Thursday with the publication of " Grey , " which rehashes Christian 's seduction of the demure college student Anastasia Steele as he draws her into a dominant-submissive sadomasochistic relationship .

  2. 虐恋之花:艾米莉·狄金森精神分析初探

    The Flower of Masochism : A Preliminary Psychic Analysis of Emily Dickinson

  3. 天啊,我是不是跟一个指点生活的专家在谈一场虐恋啊?

    Oh , god , am I in an abusive relationship with a lifestyle guru ?

  4. 到达洛杉矶后在一段虐恋中遭受了厌食症。

    She suffered anorexia while in an abusive relationship after she arrived in Los Angeles .

  5. 众声喧哗中的三重遮蔽&从郁达夫、王小波笔下的孽恋和虐恋谈起

    A Talk on the Evil and Tyrannical Love in the Works of Yu Da-fu and Wang Xiao-bo

  6. 曹七巧和埃里卡在经受封建成规以及荒谬的社会成规的压迫之后,都表现出强烈的虐恋意识。

    Being repressed both by the feudal disciplines and the ridiculous social rules , they behave the sense of sadomasochism in their minds .

  7. 量场关系主要包括量场间的强力与模仿关系以及虐恋关系。

    The quantity field relation mainly includes the force and the imitation relations between the quantity fields as well as loves the relations oppressively .

  8. 依据这两种关系可以总结出世界历史的基本结构&虐恋结构。

    According to this I can summarize the world history basic structure based on these two kind of relations & to the love structure oppressively .

  9. 不但社会批判主题和虐恋主题在一定程度上相互矛盾相互消解,即在虐恋问题上也暴露出作家思想的不确定性。

    Not only his social criticism and sadomasochism subjects contradict and dispel to each other , his sadomasochism subject also discloses the writers unstableness in thought .

  10. 虐恋关系中最主要的内容是统治与屈从关系和导致心理与肉体痛苦的行为。

    The main contents in the sadomasochist relation contain the relationship of domination and subordination , and the deeds which will bring psychological and physical pains .

  11. 第四章旨在发掘虐恋意识的深层内蕴,揭示作品对女性神话和母亲形象的消解,以及女性对权力的反叛和追求。

    Chapter four will explore the profound implications behind the sadomasochism , reveal the deconstruction against the female mythology and mother image , and the rebellion against and sought after power .