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  • virtual-real comparison
  1. 一种用于体育运动仿真分析的虚实对比方法

    A Virtual-Real Comparision Method Used for Sport Simulation and Analysis

  2. 建筑立面追求简洁完整的风格,南北立面的通透玻璃与东西立面的实面墙体形成强烈的虚实对比。

    Building integrity to face for concise style , to face the North-South and East-West Wing glass wall to face the real face a strong strength contrast .

  3. 园林中的参差布局,虚实对比,组成园中有园,变化的空间序列成为旋律上的起伏收敛。

    Chinese Gardens have irregular layout , density and spacing , far and near , with garden in garden . Variational space sequences become gurgitation and constringency of the rhythm .

  4. 虚实关系是中国绘画美学的重要课题,虚实对比显示中国画的意境美。

    The relationship between nothingness and essence is an important subject in Chinese aesthetics of painting .

  5. 诗境的虚实处理方面,大体可分为化虚为实,实中见虚、虚实错综,映衬对比、似实还虚,似虚还实三种方式。

    But on dealing with the actual situation , it divides into three ways : Turn timid into real , there has timid in real , Timid and real crisscross and contrast , Like real and also timid , like timid and real even .