
  • 网络virtualization software
  1. 虚拟化软件管理来自IBM和其他供应商的中间件和硬件。

    Virtualization software manages the utilization of middleware and hardware from IBM and other vendors .

  2. 但是我建议使用虚拟化软件测试ISO,而不要实际将它们烧制到物理介质上。

    But I 'd recommend using virtualization software to test the ISO without actually burning them onto physical media .

  3. EC2采用开放源码的Xen虚拟化软件。

    EC2 is powered by the open source Xen virtualization software .

  4. XEN是一款非常流行的虚拟化软件,它也得到了众厂商的支持,本文将深入研究XEN相关的技术,并在此基础上搭建一个弹性云平台。

    XEN is a very popular virtualization software , and it has also been supported by many companies .

  5. 请提防您的虚拟化软件可能提供的选项和设置,因为它常常很容易与本来高效的NUMA架构相抵触。

    Be wary of the options and settings that your virtualization software might provide , because it 's often easy to counteract the inherently efficient NUMA architecture .

  6. 根据交易条款,戴尔将向EMC股东支付每股24.05美元的现金,由于EMC持有虚拟化软件厂商VMware公司81%的股份,戴尔还会向股东提供一些追踪股。

    Under the terms of the deal , Dell will pay $ 24.05 a share in cash to EMC shareholders and shares of a tracking stock tied to EMC 's 81 percent stake in VMware , which makes so-called virtualization software .

  7. 管理程序是一个平台虚拟化软件。

    The hypervisor is a platform-virtualization software .

  8. 询问他们使用了什么虚拟化软件以及如何安排打补丁和升级。

    Inquire about what virtualization software they use and what their schedule is for patching and upgrading .

  9. 绿色的数据中心通常通过虚拟化软件尽可能充分地利用数据中心资源。

    Green datacenters typically are built around the idea of maximizing datacenter resources , using virtualization software as its underbelly .

  10. 虚拟化软件不仅在企业级应用中有着广泛的应用前景,更被越来越多的个人用户所使用。

    Virtualization software is used not only in the enterprise-level applications , but also by an increasing number of individual users .

  11. 不好的一面是,由于虚拟化软件互操作性方面的问题,虚拟化后的服务器有可能不能从一个厂商转移到另一个厂商。

    One downside is that virtualized servers may not be transferable from one vendor to another due to interoperability issues of the virtualization software .

  12. 虽然它本身不包括任何虚拟化软件,但它可以通过与虚拟化技术有关联的驱动程序来集成许多常见的虚拟机管理程序。

    Although it does not include any virtualization software itself , it can integrate with many common hypervisors through drivers that interface with the virtualization technologies .

  13. 该方案采用免费版本虚拟化软件和廉价硬件设备,接合自开发软件,以非常低的成本实施。

    The scheme adopts the free version of virtualization software and cheap hardware ; it is combined with the self-development software and implemented with a very low cost .

  14. 再上面是看到平台,或者是应用,包括虚拟化的软件,有服务,最终是用户。

    It is again saw platform , or applications , including virtualization software , service , the final user .

  15. 电力行业的开发和QA团队可以利用服务虚拟化来减少软件生命周期中的依赖项和约束性,可以延迟项目或者影响应用程序性能。

    Development and QA teams in the utilities industry can leverage service virtualization to reduce dependencies and constraints in the software life cycle that can delay projects and hinder application performance .

  16. 基于虚拟化架构的软件开发与测试环境自动化

    Automation Environment for Software Developing and Testing Based on Virtualization Architecture

  17. 但是,正如我们所展示的,如果使用不当,虚拟化会给软件的操作带来不利影响。

    However , as we have shown , virtualization can be used poorly with detrimental effects to the software 's operation .

  18. 硬件辅助虚拟化技术弥补了软件虚拟机技术性能上的缺陷,使得虚拟机具有接近于物理机器的性能表现,并促生了Kernel-basedvirtualmachine(KVM)等新的虚拟机技术解决方案。

    The hardware-assisted virtualization technology remedies the performance defect of software-based virtualization , brings a closely same performance for virtual machine to native physical machines and promotes some new virtualization solutions such as Kernel-based-virtual machine ( KVM ) .

  19. 是可虚拟化系统资源的软件或固件组件

    Are software or firmware components that can virtualize system resources

  20. 虚拟化可以应用于软件开发生命周期的不同阶段,而且根据用法的不同,每种虚拟化技术有不同的优点。

    Virtualization can be adopted at different stages of the product development life cycle , and each virtualization technique has a different advantage based on the usage .

  21. 网络虚拟化把硬件和软件网络资源以及网络功能组合成单一的基于软件的管理实体&虚拟网络。

    Network virtualization is the process of combining hardware and software network resources and network functionality into a single , software-based administrative entity & a virtual network .

  22. 相对于计算机内存,虚拟化是指使用软件,以允许程序能够寻址的内存比实际能使用的要大得多。

    Relative to computer memory , virtualization is the use of software to allow a program to address a much larger amount of memory than is actually available .

  23. 随着应用需求和硬件能力的不断发展,虚拟化核心技术已经日趋成熟,但是目前对虚拟化软件易用性的研究还不够充分。

    With the development of software and hardware technologies , the key technologies of virtualization is already mature , but current research does not make enough effort for its operability .

  24. 虚拟机管理程序(hypervisor)是一个较薄的虚拟化软件层,它抽象化来自服务器平台的操作系统和应用程序。

    The hypervisor is a thin layer of virtualization software that abstracts the operating system and applications from the server platform .

  25. 我在Ubuntu中搜索“虚拟化”,但是我发现文档有点过时,所以我决定从库里下载“虚拟化”软件然后亲自尝试。

    I searched for " virtualization " in Ubuntu but I found the documentation to be * a bit archaic , so I decided to download " virtualization " software from the repositories and then try it out for myself .

  26. 系统虚拟化最常使用虚拟机管理程序技术实现,虚拟机管理程序是能够虚拟化系统资源的软件或固件组件。

    System virtualization is most commonly implemented with hypervisor technology ; hypervisors are software or firmware components that are able to virtualize system resources .

  27. 本文介绍了虚拟仪器的网络化技术,提出了网络化虚拟仪器的设计思想,并对虚拟仪器网络化的软件开发方法做了阐述。

    In the paper the networked technology of virtual instrument is introduced , the design idea of networked virtual instrument is proposed , and the method of software development is expounded .

  28. 然而,当虚拟化被引入到嵌入式系统后,运行在虚拟机上的实时操作系统的响应性能易受到虚拟化软件层的负面影响。

    With the introduction of virtualization to the embedded systems , however , the responsiveness of the RTOS running on top of a vir-tual machine is prone to be adversely affected by the virtualization software layer .