
xū zhǐ
  • indefinite denotation
  1. 英汉数词词组的虚指义及其翻译

    On the translation of the implicit meaning of numeral groups

  2. 现代汉语虚指的他的来源

    Origin of Void Reference " Ta " in Modern Chinese

  3. 第一人称代词的虚指及其心理动因

    The Extensive Reference of the First Person Pronoun and Its Psychological Motivation

  4. 虚指,多见的意思。

    See Virtual refers to more common meaning .

  5. 英语数词既可实指也可虚指,既具有精确性也有模糊性;

    English numerals may refer to actual or imaginary accounts with accuracy or fuzziness respectively .

  6. 本文考查了“他”字的虚指用法,并根据“他”语义的语法化程度将其区分为虚指和虚用两种类型。

    According to the grammaticalized degree oft (?) s semantic , we distinguish between empty reference and empty usage .

  7. 疑问代词除了表示询问、任指和虚指外,还有一种重要的用法:表示否定。

    Besides expressing inquiry , free reference and form reference , interrogative pronouns have another important function : expressing negation .

  8. 批评报道虚指化是指在批评报道中媒体或记者故意对批评对象的身份进行模糊处理,使其身份不可指认。

    By vagueness is meant the way the critic reporters use intentionally to blur the identity of exact targets in media .

  9. 惯用语的真实意义是通过一些修辞手段表现的,其中所用的修辞手段主要有比喻、对数量的虚指、借代、夸张等。

    The real meanings of phrases are revealed through rhetorical means including metaphor , void numerical reference , metonymy , hyperbole and so on .

  10. 其实,这正反映了唐诗在地名使用上的一些特点,主要可以归纳为实指、虚指和泛指等几种情况。

    It actually reflects some usage characteristics of the place name , which can be mainly concluded as reality , unreality , generality and so on .

  11. 第二人称代词“你”在典型交际环境和非典型交际环境中有一系列各自不同的用法,如确定指称、不定指称、虚指等等。

    In modern Chinese , second personal pronoun " you " can be differently used to denote meanings , such as defined denotation , non-defined denotation .

  12. 疑问不定词语的虚指义表示所指对象未加以确定,相当于某个或某些的意思。

    The virtual meaning of WH-words refers to the virtual object which is not to be determined , equivalent to " a " or " some " .

  13. 他在现代汉语中有一种虚指用法,它出现在动词后,但既无指代作用,又不是动词的宾语,同常见的作第三人称代词和旁指代词他的用法很不相同。

    " Ta " in void-referring usage in modern Chinese after verb as neither reference nor object is quite different from the third person pronoun or other-referring pronoun .

  14. 其一,它能说明为什么同样的句式(如否定句、条件句、疑问句等)既能允准表示虚指义又能允准表示任指义的疑问不定词语。

    First , it explains why the same sentence ( such as negative and conditional sentences , questions , etc. ) can not only license virtual meaning , but also license the free-choice WH-words .

  15. 通过研究发现,不同民族的数字文化虽然迥异,但也存在许多共性,如在数词虚指意义、象征意义、原始思维领域等都存在相同或相通的思维方式。

    The research shows that the numerical cultures of different ethnic are both various and common , such as the same way of thinking in numerical implicit meaning , symbolic meaning , and primitive thinking .

  16. 本文在第二章重点考察了(?)和这/那的指示对象,揭示了韩汉指示词在指示人物,事物,时间,场所,事件/话题以及虚指时的特点。

    And " zhe / na ", and reveals the characteristics of Korean and Chinese demonstratives in indicating people , things , time , space , matter / topic as well as the empty reference .

  17. 由此可以看出小数减法的意义与整数减法的意义有什么关系?这种虚指意义实质上是一种脱离数词本义的文化意义。

    How is the essence of subtraction of decimals related to the essence of subtraction of whole numbers ? The implicit meaning of a numeral is in essence a cultural departure from the original literal meaning .

  18. 由于疑问代词的虚指、任指以及表反问、否问的情况在翼城方言中比较突出,所以本章特意举例论证了疑问代词的非疑问用法,最后是与周边乡镇的疑问代词的比较。

    As the interrogative pronouns virtual refers to any means , as well as the table , asking , asking whether the situation in which the more prominent Yicheng dialects , so in this chapter intentionally put an interrogative pronoun usage of non-questions to be discussed and examples demonstrated .

  19. 本章较详细地描写了恩施方言中常见的疑问代词的意义和用法。同时还特别分析了恩施方言中疑问代词的非疑问用法,即疑问代词用来表示任指、虚指和强调等。

    The article describes the meaning and usage of the usual interrogative pronouns of Enshi dialect in detail , and at the same time , specially analyzes the non-interrogative function of interrogative pronoun of Enshi dialect & the interrogative pronouns can be used to express the nonspecific and the emphatic .

  20. “职业虚景”指的是老板为你的工作描绘出的那一层薄薄的发展前景,可能会包括职业升迁、薪水增长以及更多发展机会等,这样描绘的目的是为了让你相信未来会比现在更好。

    Career veneer1 refers to the thin layer of potential for career advancement2 , increase in pay and future opportunities that an employer paints on your job to convince you that the future holds something more than you are currently experiencing . For example :

  21. 实空间是指实体所占据的空间;虚空间是指实体所限定的空间。

    Space of entity is the space occupied by entity , while space of emptiness is the space limited by the entity .

  22. 虚主语是指句子开头的it或there没有指代物(it、there指代的名词)。

    When we use the words it and there to begin a sentence without a referent ( a noun the pronoun is referring to ), were using a dummy subject .

  23. 虚光照是指增亮或是调暗图片的边缘。

    Vignetting refers to the lightening or darkening of the edges of an image .