
xū nǐ shè qū
  • virtual community
  1. 从Internet化学化工资源导航到虚拟社区

    From an Internet chemical resources navigator to a virtual community

  2. 这一独特的3D数码形象和虚拟社区也成为了可口可乐2006年主题促销的一部分。

    The unique concept of the3D avatar and virtual community also transcends into Coca-Cola's2006 thematic campaign .

  3. P2P对等网络技术的出现,为虚拟社区开辟了新的前景。

    Appearance of P2P technology has opened up new prospects for Virtual Community .

  4. 随着网络技术的进步和Internet的普及,虚拟社区在数量和质量上都有了长足的发展。

    With the improvement of network technology and the popularization of internet , virtual community made substantial development both in quantity and quality .

  5. 本系统依托于《学院派》3D虚拟社区项目,此项目把3D网络游戏和社区相结合。

    The system relies on the " Academic ", a 3D virtual community project , which combine 3D online game with community .

  6. 伴随着互联网技术和Web技术的发展,涉及电子政务、网上交易、虚拟社区、企业办公等服务的Web应用系统不断出现。

    Along with the development of Internet technology and Web technology Web applications about e-government , online trading , virtual communities , corporate office services continue to emerge .

  7. SNS网站是新兴的互联网虚拟社区形态,它与传统的虚拟社区的根本区别在于SNS网站大多数用户身份的真实性。

    Social Networking Sites are new forms of Internet virtual community .

  8. 虚拟社区成员满意度测评QFD方法研究

    Study on QFD Method of Members of Virtual Community Satisfaction Survey

  9. 学员和教员的网络化身在3D虚拟社区复制了真实世界的活动,参与者不必真正亲自到场能够感觉自己身临其境。

    Avatars of students and faculty have been replicating real-world activities in a three-dimensional virtual community where participants can feel they are present without really having to be there .

  10. 基于用户群文化差异的SNS网络虚拟社区界面设计

    The Research on Interface Design of SNS Virtual Community Based on Cultural Differences of User Group

  11. 虚拟社区C2C知识交换对客户价值及忠诚度影响的实证研究

    Case Study of the Influence of C2C Knowledge Exchange on Customer Value and Customer Loyalty Intension

  12. 用户生成内容(UGC)与虚拟社区的经济价值

    Users generate content and the economic value of virtual community

  13. 新兴的即时通信(Instantmessaging)是目前互联网应用的一大热点。即时通信系统通过建立网络虚拟社区,为用户提供了实时有效的沟通手段。

    Instant Messaging ( IM ) is the highlight of current Internet applications , which provides web users with real-time , effective communications by organizing virtual Internet community .

  14. 社交的方式包括短信、电话、邮件、博客、twitter、聊天,既有真实世界的聚会,也有虚拟社区的交流。

    Social is texting and talking , letters and blogs , tweeting and chatting , and gathering in person as well as in a virtual community or world .

  15. 目前虚拟社区方面的社会网络分析主要以非盈利社区为主,如音乐论坛社区,BLOG社区等等,对以盈利为目的的交易型社区的研究比较少。

    At present social network analysis of the online community is mainly on nonprofit community , such as music BBS community , BLOG community . Research on transactional community aimed at profit is less .

  16. SNS虚拟社区的兴起与热门,及这个平台的高度互动使得人们开始关注这一网络互动平台。

    With the rise and popularize of SNS virtual community , and the high interactive , people start to pay attention to this interacted network platform .

  17. 现在国内关于基于SNS虚拟社区的互动对消费者品牌认知的影响的实证研究比较缺乏。

    At present , it is lack of the empirical research about the impact on interactive based on SNS virtual community and consumers ' brand awareness .

  18. 网络团购、虚拟社区、Web2.0等的出现,给过去网络营销带来了巨大的机会和挑战。

    Group Buying Online , Virtual Community , Web 2.0 , etc. , have brought great opportunities and challenges to the past online marketing researches and practice .

  19. 本论文从虚拟社区的互动关系模式出发,以虚拟社区VBACommunity的具体研究数据分析为起点,聚焦于探索虚拟社区社区成员之间社会互动对于知识共享的影响。

    This paper models the interaction of the virtual community , and starting with VBA_Community community-specific research and data analysis , focusing on exploring social interaction between virtual community members of the community for the effects of knowledge sharing .

  20. 网络、博客、数字化、3G、P2P、自媒体、虚拟社区等新兴媒体概念成为当今社会流行的符号,愈发深刻地影响着我们的日常生活。

    The concepts of network , blog , digital , 3G , P2P , we media , virtual communities and other new media become a popular symbol in nowadays society , and increasingly profound impact on our daily lives .

  21. 通过分析现实社会社区与虚拟社区的层次关系和映射关系,结合结构化P2P网络环境的特点和优势,使得社区构建更为真实合理,从而有效地提高了虚拟社区的运作性能。

    By analyzing the hiberarchy and mapping relationship between real and virtual community , combining with the merit of structured P2P network environment , it leads to build virtual community more reasonable and then effectively improve the efficiency of it .

  22. 对前人在C2C知识交换研究领域的文献作了综述,以淘宝网为例调查了虚拟社区C2C知识交换对客户价值及忠诚度的影响。

    This paper firstly gives a brief view on the antecedents of customer-to-customer knowledge exchange ; secondly investigates the influence of C2C knowledge exchange on customer value and customer loyalty in virtual community of Taobao .

  23. 最后,结合本研究的相关实证结论,就企业如何在SNS虚拟社区实行互动活动,从而提高消费者的品牌认知提出一些营销启示。

    Finally , combined with the related research conclusion , the paper puts forward some marketing inspiration that how enterprises implement the interaction activities in the SNS virtual community , so as to improve the consumer brand awareness .

  24. OSG以其开源特性在虚拟社区迅速传播开来,受到了越来越多的开发者的青睐,应用领域也越来越广泛。

    OSG has been spread quickly with its open source characteristics in virtual community , influenced more and more developers and its application fields are more and more widely .

  25. 本文在虚拟社区中VRML多用户环境关键技术研究的基础上,论述了虚拟空间生成,系统和用户间通信数据包的构造方法,实现了用户的交互感知,行为共享和持续性。

    This article , based on research on key technology of VRML multi-user environment on virtual community , discusses the creation of virtual environment , the methods to construct communicating message between system and users and realization of interaction and awareness , share behavior and persistence .

  26. 虚拟社区组织公民行为影响因素研究

    Study on the Influences of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Virtual Community

  27. 论虚拟社区中的青少年行为与心理

    On the behavior and psychology of youngsters in the virtual community

  28. 通过聚类分析,我们识别出虚拟社区中谁是意见领袖,并分析意见领袖在虚拟社区口碑传播中所起的作用。

    Through cluster analysis , we identified who are opinion leaders .

  29. 虚拟社区中的个人承诺是否同样起着重大影响。

    Does the individual commitment in virtual communities have the same effect ?

  30. 虚拟社区信任与社区成员购买行为研究

    A Study on Trust and Members ' Purchase Behavior in Virtual Communities