
  • 网络abstract material
  1. 自然界是由实物质与虚物质两种物质组成。

    The nature is composed of concrete material and abstract material .

  2. 对于人体而言,经络系统的实质是虚物质运行的管道系统。

    To human body , essence of the meridian system like a piping system in which abstract material cycle .

  3. 所谓“暗能量”就是辐射态的虚物质,“暗物质”就是静态的虚物质。

    The so-called " dark energy " is the state of virtual substance in radiation ," dark material " is static virtual substance .

  4. 由虚物质所构成的自然空间是绝对空间,实物质转化为虚物质的过程所经历的时间为绝对时间。

    From virtual substances that form the natural space is an absolute space , solid substance transformation as virtual material process experienced by the time for absolute time .

  5. 爱因斯坦的“引力场方程”实质上是虚物质在辐射过程中所形成的“等势面方程”,不存在真实的“时空弯曲”。

    Einstein 's " field equation " is essentially " Etc potential surface equation " by the formation of the virtual substance in the process of radiation , there is no real " bending spacetime " .