
  • 网络Deficiency heat syndrome;asthenic heat syndrome
  1. 结论:这种诱发虚热证的方法具有一定的优点,但仍可进一步改进。Yin的地下鳞茎。

    Conclusion : This method of developing heat syndrome due to insufficiency of Yin fluids has some advantages , however , it needs to be further improved .

  2. 实热证、虚热证造模大鼠甲状腺超微结构和功能变化的联系

    Relationship between Thyroid Ultrastructural and Functional Changes in Mice Pattern between Heat of Excess Type and Fever of Deficiency Type

  3. 实热证、虚热证模型大鼠肝细胞琥珀酸脱氢酶活性研究

    Study on the Activity of Succinate Dehydrogenase in Hepatic Cells of Rat Models of Excess Heat Syndrome and Deficiency Heat Syndrome

  4. 大鼠红细胞膜钠泵活性与造模实热证、虚热证的关系

    Connection of sodium pump activity in erythrocyte membrane in rat and animal pattern between heat of excess type and fever of deficiency type

  5. 目的:观察实热证、虚热证造模大鼠血清甲状腺激素水平及甲状腺超微结构改变与机体能量代谢的关系。

    Objective : To observe the connexion of the levels of thyroxine and ultrastructure of the thyroid gland and energy metabolism change of functional .

  6. 目的:探索阿片类物质与TRH-TSH-甲状腺轴之间的关系的相互影响。[结论]虚热证患者与实热证患者血清甲状腺激素的变化是不同的。

    [ Conclusion ] Serum thyroid hormones level in deficiency-heat syndrome is different from that of excess-heat syndrome may be related to the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid function .

  7. 方法:采用红细胞溶血液细胞膜钠泵活性试剂盒测定法测定实热证、虚热证造模组大鼠及实热、虚热治疗组大鼠钠泵活性。

    Method : The sodium pump activity in rat between heat of excess type and fever of deficiency type and therapeutic type was tested by kit of sodium pump activity of blood cytolysate membrane .

  8. 通过观察结果评价清经胶囊的临床疗效,以及观察治疗前后中医血分虚热证证候的变化及月经周期、量、色、质的变化,比较研究其疗效。

    The clinical effect of QC was evaluated through observation results , and observe the change of the clinical syndromes and signs , the menstrual cycle , color , quantity , texture before and after the treatment , compared with the treatment effect of its observation .

  9. 结果:实热证大鼠钠泵活性显著高于正常对照组、虚热证,而应热证、实热治疗组、虚热治疗组与正常对照组相比无明显差异。

    Results show sodium pump activity increased significantly in heat of excess type in rat , as compared with those in normal rats and fever of deficiency type , but there isnt significant difference in fever of deficiency type and treated groups with comparison with normal rats .

  10. [方法]运用放射免疫法对中医辨证属实热证患者27例、虚热证患者35例进行血清甲状腺激素和促甲状腺激素测定。

    [ Methods ] Serum levels of thyroid hormones and thyroid-stimulating hormone ( TSH ) in 30 healthy volunteers ( Group A ) , 27 cases of excess-heat syndrome ( Group B ) and 35 cases of deficiency-heat syndrome ( Group C ) were detected by radioimmunoassay .

  11. 对照组血液流变学指标均明显低于不同中医证型2型糖尿病患者(除外阴虚热盛证患者红细胞压积和全血还原黏度,P<0.05);

    Hemorheologicla indexes in the control group was apparently lower than those in the type 2 diabetic patients in different dialectical types of TCM ( except hematokrit and total blood reduction viscosity in patients with Yin deficiency with internal excessive heat , P < 0.05 ) .

  12. [结论]虚、实热证的体液免疫功能有所不同,实热证以免疫功能亢进为主,虚热证以免疫功能低下为主。

    [ Conclusion ] Humoral immunity varies with different syndromes : hyperactive in excess-heat syndrome and hypoactive in deficiency-heat syndrome .

  13. 补肺健脾、清热化痰法治疗小儿哮喘缓解期肺脾气虚、痰热内阻证的临床研究

    Clinic Research on Therapy of Tonifying Lung and Spleen with Cleaning Heat and Resolving Phlegm on Syndrome of Qi Deficiency in Lung and Spleen with Phlegm Heat Accumulation in Children Asthma in Clinical Remission

  14. 芦黄颗粒治疗冠心病心绞痛安全可靠,无毒副作用,可用于冠心病心绞痛肝肾阴虚兼瘀热内蕴证型患者的治疗。

    LH granule is safe for patient with CHD angina and has no toxic and side effect and can be used by the patients who is diagnosed of CHD angina of blood stasis and toxin accumulation and yin deficiency of liver and kidney .