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  • Surface heat;exterior heat
表热[biǎo rè]
  1. 海表热通量异常可近似为一个与SST成正比的线性反馈项与一个大气强迫项之和。

    The heat flux anomaly is approximated as a forcing term plus a feedback term which is linear in SST .

  2. PSP总日射表热偏移特征及其测量总辐射误差分析

    Characteristics of thermal offset of a precision spectral pyranometer ( psp ) and its error in global solar radiation measurement

  3. 总日射表热滞后效应的实验研究&实验装置和结果

    Experimental study on thermal lag effect of Pyranometers - experimental apparatus and results

  4. 冬季北太平洋海表热通量异常和海气相互作用&基于一个全球海气耦合模式长期积分的诊断分析

    Wintertime North Pacific Surface Heat Flux Anomaly and Air-Sea Interaction in a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model

  5. 渤海深水区的层化结构是海表热通量和垂向混合机制相平衡的结果。

    Vertical stratification structure comes from the balance between heat flux through sea surface and vertical stirring in the water column .

  6. 从与温盐环流相联系的海表热通量来看,北大西洋北部是向大气提供热量的主要源地;

    The meridional distribution of the air-sea heat exchange shows that the northern North Atlantic is the main source for heating atmosphere .

  7. 目的重点研究总结眼表热烧伤急性期、营养紊乱期的综合治疗。

    Objective Emphasis on studying and making a conclusion on the comprehensive treatment for thermal-burned eye at acute period , nutrition irregular period .

  8. 利用温湿耦合原理,对于表热特性及辐射特性随含水量的变化给予了充分的考虑。

    By using the temperature-moisture coupling theory , the van at ions of the thermal and radiative characteristics of the natural background with the moisture are considered .

  9. 没有海表热通量的强迫,海表温度会变低,海表盐度严重失实,海平面的季节变化特征不显著。

    Sea water temperature will get lower , salinity will be seriously inaccurate and seasonal variation of sea level will be insignificant without forcing of sea surface heat flux .

  10. 如果海表热通量没有季节变化特征,海平面的季节变化特征也不显著,说明海表热通量季节变化特征决定着海平面季节变化。

    If sea surface heat flux do not have seasonal character , seasonal variation of sea level will also be insignificant , which indicates that seasonal variation of sea surface heat flux decides the one of sea level .

  11. 同时简要介绍了与PLC、数字显示表以及热偶真空计的串行通讯。

    And also introduce simply communicating with PLC , Data Display Device and Thermocouple Vacuometer .

  12. 首先,用热惯性方法建立试区土壤表观热惯量与土壤水分的关系,用其估算初始土壤含水量(W0);

    At first , the original soil water content ( Wc ) was obtained from the relationship of the soil moisture and in apparent thermal inertia which was established through the experiments conducted over nearly bare fields in the North China Plain .

  13. 关于总日射表的热稳定时间

    Thermostable phytase from Aspergillus sp. the thermal stable time of Pyranometers

  14. 用表观热惯量法计算土壤含水量探讨

    Monitoring of Soil Moisture by Apparent Thermal Inertia Method

  15. 电子式热分配表在热计量中的应用

    Application of Electric Heat Allocator in Heat Metering

  16. 墙表换热系数与风速风向的关系

    The relationship between wall body surface heat exchange coefficient and the speed and direction of wind

  17. 用于计量换热管道系统所吸收或者释放热能的仪器称为热计量表,热计量仪表可以通过液晶显示将用热总量呈现给用户。

    Heat meter is an important instrument to measure and display the heat energy in heat exchange duct .

  18. 同时对土壤含水量与土壤表观热惯量分级之间进行了相关分析,发现二者之间存在显著的正相关关系,并通过回归分析,初步建立了二者关系的数学模型。

    At the same time , the correlation and regression analysis are made between soil moisture and apparent soil thermal inertia .

  19. 且总、散表的热偏移受环境因素的影响较大。

    In addition , the thermal sensitivity shift of total solar radiometer and scatter radiometer is affected by the environmental factors to a large extent .

  20. 总辐射表的热偏移量与温度、风速和湿度的相关系数达到0.9559、0.7882、0.8732。

    The correlation coefficient of the thermal shift of the total radiometer with temperature , wind speed and humidity reaches 0.9559 , 0.7882 and 0.8732 .

  21. 用热量表进行热计量更为科学、更为合理,既方便用户,又便于管理。而本课题研究的目的就是为人们提供一种能够准确测量热量消耗,解决收费难的智能仪表。

    The purpose of researching the subject to offer users a kind of intelligence instrument that can accurately measure heat consumption and solve the difficult of charging .

  22. 研究表明,相对于土壤反射率、土壤湿度、地形湿度指数,土壤含水率与表观热惯量之间具有更加显著的相关性。

    Compared with soil reflectance , soil wetness , topography wetness index , soil albedo , the apparent thermal inertia has a distinct relationship with soil moisture .

  23. 结果表明:在实际的干旱遥感监测服务中,可以使用表观热惯量与土壤相对湿度建立的模型来监测地面旱情。

    The results reveal that the model depending on apparent thermal inertia and relative soil humidity can be used to monitor drought in the monitoring services by remote sensing .

  24. 为精确地模拟铸件的凝固过程和进行铸造工艺的计算机辅助设计,采用浇注法对粘土砂和水玻璃砂的表观热物性进行了研究。

    To simulate the solidification process of castings precisely and make CAD for casting technique , pouring method was used for researching the apparent heat physical characteristics of clay and sodium silicate sands .

  25. 表观热惯量法的指数模型能较好地估算土壤表层(10cm-20cm)相对含水量,较适合于低植被覆盖或裸地的情况;

    The result indicates that the logarithmic models of apparent soil inertia method has better performance in estimating soil surface ( 10-20cm ) moisture index than others for bare soil or lowly covered soil .

  26. 在分析应用遥感资料监测土壤水分的方法及其可行性的基础上,介绍了表观热惯量法监测土壤水分的基本原理和具体实施步骤。

    Based on the analysis of feasibility applying remote sensing methods to monitor soil moisture , the basic theories and particular implement processes monitoring soil moisture were introduced by Apparent Thermal Inertia Method ( ATIM ) .

  27. 纳米强化相变材料的表观热物性(包括密度、导热系数、液态粘度、比热和相变潜热等)通过有效介质理论和现有的拟合经验公式或模型进行预测。

    The effective thermophysical properties , including density , thermal conductivity , viscosity in liquid phase , specific heat , and latent heat , of nano-enhanced phase change materials were predicted using the effective media theory and the existing empirical equations / models .

  28. 考虑地形、植被和土壤类型因素时,下垫面越均一,表观热惯量与土壤相对湿度的相关性越好,但植被覆盖对地表温度差的影响需要进一步的研究。

    Considering a landform , vegetation and soil types , the correlativity between apparent thermal inertia and relative soil humidity become better as the underlying surface become more uniformed , but the effects of vegetation coverage on temperature on ground surface need be further studied .

  29. 未来研究的重点在于通过实验数据对纳米强化相变材料表观热物性(尤其是导热系数和粘度)的预测模型进行修正,并验证本文所得到的计算结果。

    The primary purpose of the future plan will be to amend the prediction models of the effective thermophysical properties , especially thermal conductivity and viscosity in liquid phase , of nano-enhanced phase change materials , and to verify the computational results obtained in the present work using experimental data .

  30. 和参比推进剂相比,含FS的推进剂表观分解热大,故燃速也高,增速作用亦大。

    The propellant containning FS has larger the apparent heat of decomposition , so the burning rate and the burning rate enhancement of the propellant are higher .