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  1. 表见代理刍议BPA:让广告主和媒体脱颖而出

    BPA : Let The Ads Agency And Media Talent Showing Itself

  2. 论表见合伙制度(2)效标关联效度研究发现:EI维度具有明显的内外向人格特征;

    Apparent Partnership ( 2 ) Criterion validity study showed that : Generally , EI was apparent ;

  3. 对于后者,则称为表见代理,表见代理即被视为有代理权之无权代理,将发生与有权代理一样的法律后果。对于后者指Fe,Ni和Co。

    For the latter , continental law system names it as agency by estoppels regarded as the agency of authorized agency . for the later represents Fe , Co and Ni .

  4. 第三部分是表见代理适用的范围研究。

    Part III is about the application of the apparent agency .

  5. 论表见代理在行政法领域之导入与适用

    On Adoption and Application of Agency by Estoppel in Administrative Law

  6. 论我国表见代理制度之缺陷

    < title > Defects of Agency by Estoppel System in China

  7. 重力异常视深度滤波及应用表见代理制度研究

    Apparent depth filter for gravity anomalies and a case study

  8. 我国新合同法中的表见代表制度评析

    Analytical Study of Agency by Estoppel in the Newly Enacted Contracted Law

  9. 论表见代理制度的法律价值和理论基础

    On the Legal Value and the Theoretical Basis of Prima Facie Proxy System

  10. 论表见代理的构成要件和类型

    The Main Components and Types of Agency by Estoppel

  11. 表见代理应具备被代理人有过错这一主观构成要件。

    The subjective requisites of Ostensible Agency must include the principal 's fault ;

  12. 论表见代理的性质及法律效力

    On the nature and legal effect of form-meet agent

  13. 从购车款被骗谈我国《合同法》中的表见代理

    Discussion on Apparent Authority in Chinese Contract Law From a Car-buying Fund Case

  14. 在民事代理法律制度中,表见代理是一种特殊的代理类型。

    Among civil legal systems apparent authority is a special agent ' type .

  15. 关于表见代理理论问题的研究

    Study of Some Theoretical Problems about the Apparent Representation

  16. 权利表见理论及其法哲学基础

    Theory of Appearance of Right and Its Jurisprudential Foundation

  17. 表见代理概念的确立。

    Establishment of acting as agency without authority ;

  18. 第四章:表见代理在两种典型代理关系中的适用。

    Chapter Four : Application of agency by estoppel in two typical law relation .

  19. 析表见代理中的有理由相信原则

    On the Principle of " Having Reasons to Believe " in the Apparent Representation

  20. 表见证明若干问题研究

    On Several Problems in Primary - face Proof

  21. 表见代理是保证交易安全的一项重要制度。

    Agency by estoppel is an important system to guarantee the safety of trade .

  22. 保险表见代理制度研究

    Study on the System of Insurance Apparent Agency

  23. 还初步就表见证明的前提、依据以及对其的限制进行了论述。

    This paper also discusses the prerequisites , basis and restrictions of primary-face proof .

  24. 表见代理的经济分析

    An Economic Analysis of Agency by Estoppel

  25. 《合同法》表见代理之评判

    Judging the Appearance Agent of Contract Law

  26. 表见代理制度研究试论会展与旅行社互动发展

    On the Apparent Agency Research on Mutual Development between Convention and Exhibition and Travel agency

  27. 我国自《合同法》才首次确立这一制度,表见代理实质是有权代理,属法定代理范畴。

    Agency by estoppel is in essence agency with power , belonging to legal agency .

  28. 试析表见代理制度

    On the System of Apparent Agency

  29. 论表见代理中的两个问题

    On Two Problems in Non-deny Agent

  30. 从而得出在表见代理模式下特许人承担替代责任的构成要件。

    Apparent mode so as to arrive at the franchisor vicarious liability of the constituent elements .