
xiā hǔ yú
  • goby
  1. 总DP浓度的最高值出现在梭鱼脑组织中(208.73ng/g1w),最低值出现在虾虎鱼的肌肉组织中(8.7ng/g1w)。

    The highest concentrations of total DP appeared in brain samples of barracuda ( 208.73ng / g1w ), while the lowest concentrations of total DP appeared in muscle samples of goby ( 8.7ng / g1w ) .

  2. 推土虾和虾虎鱼合作兴建队道。

    Bulldozer shrimps and a goby cooperate to build a shared tunnel .

  3. 与虾虎鱼有关的热带浅水中少为人知的小鱼。

    Poorly known family of small tropical shallow-water fishes related to gobies .

  4. 虾虎鱼科3亚科28属45种。

    Gobiidae fish is 3 subfamily 28 geuns 45 kinds .

  5. 鼓虾是不会在没有他们的虾虎鱼助手的陪伴下出门的,真是一对好基友啊

    Pistol shrimp in such relationships will not go out without their goby assistants .

  6. 一个小拦水坝将虾虎鱼引导到一侧,并把它们冲进陷阱之中。

    Small weirs divert them to one side , where they are washed into traps .

  7. 聚满了热带鱼的咸水湖与虾虎鱼相象的热带鱼,在浅水底静卧。

    Tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water .

  8. 视力很好的虾虎鱼扮演着鼓虾眼睛的角色。

    Gobies , with their significantly better eyesight , act as the pistol shrimp 's eyes .

  9. 在晚上,虾虎鱼和鼓虾一起栖息在鼓虾的隧道里,享受这一免费庇护所。

    At night , the goby rests with the shrimp inside the free shelter provided by its tunnel .

  10. 虾群缓缓爬上大石头,虾虎鱼则是游过倾泄而下的水层。

    The shrimp simply crawl up the boulders , while the fish swim through films of cascading water .

  11. 有一种半透明的虾虎鱼生活和喂养在一个大蛤所形成的披风之下。

    These submarine archipelagoes are bathed in the warmest of waters , and the designs of life are fashioned like tapestries .

  12. 找到几近完美的鱼类栖息地虾虎鱼可以在这儿安详地觅食,成长和繁殖

    They find themselves in a near-perfect fish habitat ..... where the gobies can feed and grow and breed in peace .

  13. 纹缟虾虎鱼人工繁殖技术与早期仔鱼生存活力恶人为何存活,享大寿数,势力强盛呢?

    On the artificial propagation technique and survival activity of early larva of Tridentiger trigonocephalus Why do the wicked live on , growing old and increasing in power ?

  14. 在印尼弗洛雷斯岛外的毛梅雷海湾里,一条有着亮丽的桔黄色条纹的虾虎鱼在一些气泡珊瑚前游动。

    Photograph by Tim Laman A goby fish with brilliant orange streaks stands out on a bit of gray bubble coral in Maumere Bay off Indonesia 's Flores Island .

  15. 一旦发现狩猎者,虾虎鱼的尾巴会向鼓虾发出撤退的信号。即使当危险迫在眉睫时,虾虎鱼也会这样做。

    If a predator is seen , the goby 's tail will signal the shrimp to retreat , which the goby will also do if the danger comes close enough .

  16. 就像导盲犬引导着人类一样,在他们的日常活动中,虾虎鱼的尾鳍和鼓虾的触角保持着持续的接触。

    Much like a human being led by a seeing eye dog , the goby 's tail fins remain in constant contact with the shrimp 's antennae as the two go about daily activities .

  17. 自然历史博物馆说之前世界上最小的鱼是印度太平洋虾虎鱼的一种,体长十分之一毫米。

    The previous record for world 's smallest fish , according to the Natural History Museum , was held by a species of Indo-Pacific goby ( 15 ) one-tenth of a millimeter ( 16 ) longer .

  18. 塘鳢科虾虎鱼属于暖水性的鱼类,主要分布于长江以南的淡水和河口咸淡水地区,长江以北分布较少。

    Eleotridae is warm water fishes belong to the fish , mainly in the south of the Yangtze River estuary of fresh water and salt and fresh water area , north of the Yangtze River less distribution .