
dàn bái zhì fù xìnɡ
  • protein renaturation
  1. 蛋白折叠液相色谱法(PFLC)用于变性蛋白质复性并同时纯化时对流动相组成及其洗脱条件的要求远较通常的液相色谱法高。

    Optimization of mobile phase composition in PFLC for protein renaturation with simultaneous purification is thus much more important than that in usual liquid chro .

  2. 蛋白质复性技术研究进展

    Research Advances in Protein Renaturation Technology

  3. 虽然前人已经对此家族的一些成员做过研究,但是这些实验都是基于体外蛋白质复性的过程,而且对于NK的此方面研究还是空白。

    Some research has been done , but these experiments are basically based on the process of in vitro protein refolding .

  4. 盐酸胍变性的蛋白质复性后的质量回收率和活性回收率均高于尿素,SDS变性的蛋白质构象难以恢复,复性效果最差。

    The results showed that the refolding efficiency of proteins denatured by GuHCl is the highest , and SDS is the lowest in the three denaturing agents .

  5. 目的探讨感光受体外周蛋白结合蛋白(PBP)在体外是否有促进变性蛋白质复性的作用。

    Objective The possibility of peripherin binding protein ( PBP ) to improve the refolding of denatured luciferase in vitro was investigated .

  6. 分子伴侣、低分子量添加物等在复性过程中的应用及新的复性方法的建立都大大提高了重组蛋白质复性产率表达的rPA占菌体总蛋白的40%,以包涵体形式存在。

    Renaturation yield of recombinant protein have been improved by using some additives , such as molecular chaperone , small molecules that interfere with intermolecular interactions responsible for aggregation .

  7. 包涵体经过洗涤、裂解、蛋白质复性以及SephadexG100凝胶过滤层析等步骤纯化后,获得了纯度约92.6%的人血管能抑素N端片段,CAM实验证明具有显著抑制鸡胚新生血管生成活性。

    The inclusion bodies were washed , lysed and the reactivated proteins were purified by the Sephadex G-100 gel filtration to a purity of 92.6 % . CAM assay showed that N-domain effectively inhibited the angiogenesis of chichen embryo microcapillary vessel .

  8. 层析法用于蛋白质复性是一种较新的、适用于大多数蛋白的方法。

    Protein refolding by chromatography is a new and universal technology .

  9. 流加操作与稀释添加耦合辅助高浓度变性蛋白质复性动力学

    Refolding kinetics of high-concentration denatured protein by fed-batch operation with dilution additives

  10. 疏水作用层析及其渗透质辅助包涵体蛋白质复性的研究

    Study on Inclusion Body Protein Refolding Assisted by Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography and Osmolytes

  11. 对基因重组蛋白质复性的哲学思考

    Philosophic Thoughts on the Renaturation of Gene Recombinant Protein

  12. 辅助因子促进蛋白质复性的研究

    Studies of Protein Refolding Facilitated by Folding Aids

  13. 蛋白质复性的分子排阻色谱法的研究进展

    The Development of Size Exclusion Chromatography-Based Protein Renaturation

  14. 复性过程中形成中间体和多聚体是蛋白质复性的最大问题所在,中间体阻碍作用大,蛋白质正确折叠困难,复性就困难。

    The formation of intermediates and polymers is the biggest problem for protein refolding .

  15. 基于超滤膜电渗流动建立尿素梯度及其应用于蛋白质复性

    Gene ration of Urea Gradient by Electroosmosis Through Ultrafiltration Membrane and Its Application to Protein Refolding

  16. 表面活性剂辅助重组蛋白质复性

    Surfactant assisted refolding of recombinant proteins

  17. 目的:探求热变性蛋白质复性的可能性及其理论机制。

    Objective : To explore the possibility of the renaturation of the thermally denatured protein and its mechanism .

  18. 本论文的目的在于利用疏水作用层析技术开发一种新的疏水作用层析辅助包涵体蛋白质复性方法,实现蛋白质在高浓度下的高活性和高回收率。

    The objective of this research is to develop a hydrophobic interaction chromatography assisting protein renaturation method in order to meet the challenge .

  19. 此外,若有人工伴侣的存在,在较低浓度的盐酸胍条件下就可实现快速、高收率的蛋白质复性。

    In addition , in the presence of the artificialchaperones , lysozyme refolding could be realized at high yield and folding rate at alow GdmCl concentration .

  20. 色谱复性是一种非常有效的蛋白质复性方法,尺寸排阻色谱、离子交换色谱、亲和色谱已经成功应用于很多蛋白质的复性中。

    Utilization of chromatographic columns for protein refolding is a good strategy . Size-exclusion chromatography , ion exchange chromatography and affinity chromatography have successfully refolded many proteins .

  21. 通过比较聚电解质与离子交换介质的作用机制,揭示溶液中的存在形态是影响同电荷物质促进蛋白质复性效果的关键因素。

    The working mechanisms of like-charged polyelectrolytes and ion exchangers revealed that the structure was the key factor influencing the effectiveness of like-charged agents in facilitating protein refolding .

  22. 对蛋白质复性中的一些基本理论及方法进行了阐述和比较,说明了液相色谱作为一种新的复性手段其基本原理和优点,并简要介绍了胰岛素复性研究的意义。

    Then some of the basic theories and methods of protein refolding were presented and compared , and the significance of the refolding of insulin was also illuminated .

  23. 温敏型聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺凝胶协助蛋白质体外复性的基础研究

    Renaturation of Proteins Assisted by Temperature-sensitive Poly ( N-isopropyl Acrylamide ) Hydrogel

  24. 包含体蛋白质的复性研究进展

    Advance in vitro folding of inclusion body proteins

  25. N-异丙基丙烯酰胺类温敏型聚合物的制备及其协助蛋白质体外复性研究

    The Preparation of Poly ( N-isopropylacrylamide ) Thermo-sensitive Polymers and Its Application in Assisting Protein Refolding in Vitro

  26. 本文以溶菌酶为模型蛋白研究了蛋白质的复性机理。

    In this paper , the mechanism of protein refolding is studied with egg white lysozyme as the model protein .

  27. 方法根据人工分子伴侣对重组蛋白质的复性机理,采用人工分子伴侣方法应用于重组内抑素的复性。

    Methods Based on the reactive principle of molecular chaperone , we adopted an artificial molecular chaperone-assisted refolding method for recombinant endostatin refolding .

  28. 研究表明,酰基胱胺能够在强还原环境下有效地促进蛋白质氧化复性,这是其它任何氧化剂所不能做到的。

    Acyl cystamine was proven very effective to facilitate oxidative protein refolding at strong reducing environments , which can not be achieved by any other oxidants .

  29. 色谱复性使蛋白质的复性与纯化同步进行,简化了操作程序,提高了产品的回收率。

    The means of chromatographic renaturation can renature and purify the protein at the same time , thus simplify the procedure of operation and promote the recovery ratio of the product .

  30. 并且,酰基胱胺能够极大地提高蛋白质氧化复性速率,在较低浓度下依然有效,仅需胱胺浓度的一半即可获得相同的复性效果。

    Besides , Acyl cystamine can greatly increase protein folding rate and effectively facilitate protein folding at much lower concentration . To achieve the same refolding effect , the concentration of n-hexanoyl cystamine was only about half of cystamine .