
  • 网络protein translation
  1. RPS5与蛋白质的翻译;

    RPS5 and protein translation .

  2. 核糖体蛋白质的翻译特异性&遗传密码翻译装置对信使RNA的选择性

    Translational Specificity of Ribosomal Proteins & The Selectivity of Translational Apparatus Towards mRNAs

  3. 另外29个EST主要涉及植物的抗逆应答、RNA加工、蛋白质的翻译与加工、光合作用、能量代谢等。

    Twenty-nine of them involve in response to abiotic stresses , RNAs processing , proteins translation and processing , photosynthesis , energy metabolism and other pathways .

  4. 核糖体蛋白(ribosomalprotein,RP)是组成核糖体的重要单位,其主要功能是参与核糖体的组装和蛋白质的翻译。

    Ribosomal protein ( ribosomal protein , RP ) is the important composition of ribosomes unit , its main function is to participate in the assembly and protein ribosomes translation .

  5. 作为蛋白质的翻译后修饰,泛素及其类似物(ubiquitin-likemodifiers,Ubls)对底物的修饰被认为是真核细胞内一种重要的调节机制。

    Post-translational modification by ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modifiers ( Ubls ) is one of the most important mechanisms regulating a wide range of cellular processes in eukaryotes .

  6. 在蛋白质的翻译后修饰中,可逆磷酸化的调节需要激酶和磷酸酶的参与。

    Reversible phosphorylation is a crucial way to regulate protein functions as post-translational modification based on kinases and phosphatases .

  7. 在大多数情况下,在昆虫细胞中表达的真核蛋白质的翻译后加工过程与其在哺乳动物细胞中的方法类似。

    In most cases , posttranslational processing of eukaryotic proteins expressed in insect cells is similar to protein processing in mammalian cells .

  8. 蛋白质的翻译后修饰是一种调节蛋白质定位、功能、翻转的正常生理机制。

    The post-translational modifications ( PTMs ) of proteins is a common biological mechanism for regulating protein localization , function , and turnover .

  9. 蛋白质肽链的翻译后加工

    Studying the processing of polypeptide chain in protein translation and post-translation

  10. 随着一系列非组蛋白甲基化修饰的鉴定,显示甲基化修饰可能是一种普遍的调控蛋白质稳定性的翻译后修饰方式。

    The discovery of non-histone protein methylation suggests that this is a common post-translational modification for regulating protein activity .

  11. 蛋白质的转录翻译后修饰在生命活动中扮演着重要的角色,如磷酸化、乙酰化、甲基化和泛素化等。

    The post-translational modification of transcription plays a important role in life activities , such as phosphorylation , acetylation , methylation and ubiquitination .

  12. 目的:研究氨甲酰化作为晶状体蛋白质重要的翻译后修饰,对α-晶体蛋白分子伴侣活性的作用。

    Purpose : To investigate the effort of carbamylation , an important post-translational modification of lens proteins , on chaperone activity of α - crystallin .

  13. 该系统具有对蛋白质完整的翻译后加工能力,包括糖基化、磷酸化、信号肽切除及肽段的切割和分解等,修饰的位点与天然蛋白在细胞内的情况一致。

    It has the processing capacity of co-translation , including the glycosylation , the phosphorylation , the excision of signal peptide , the cutting and decomposition polypeptide , and its modified sites are the same as ones of natural proteins in cells .

  14. 蛋白质是产品的翻译。

    Proteins are the product of translation .

  15. 蛋白质组学是研究蛋白质的表达、翻译后修饰、在细胞内定位以及蛋白质与蛋白质之间的相互作用的科学。

    Proteomics is a subject that aims to study the expression , translation and location of proteins , the relationship between proteins and proteins as well .

  16. qRT-PCR结果提示蛋白质表达水平的改变可能不完全源于mRNA的变化,很可能也与蛋白质的翻译后修饰或降解有关。

    The results of qRT-PCR suggested that changes in protein levels may not be entirely due to the mRNA change . It may be related to protein post-translational modification or degradation , too .