
  • 网络egg
  1. 约克郡在很大程度上仍以农业为主,出产优质肉类、奶制品和蛋类。

    Yorkshire is still very much a farming community with good meat , good dairy produce and eggs

  2. 没有证据显示H5N1病毒能够通过妥善处理的禽类或蛋类传播。

    There is no evidence to suggest that the H5N1 virus can be transmitted to humans through properly prepared poultry or eggs .

  3. SOD水平的影响因素包括民族、蛋类摄入情况、肉类摄入情况和血浆硒的水平;

    The effect factors of SOD are nationality , meat intake frequency , eggs intake frequency and the level of Se in plasma .

  4. 没有流行病学证明显示,有人在食用经妥善烹煮的家禽或蛋类后感染H5N1型病毒。

    There is no epidemiological evidence to indicate that people have been infected with H5N1 virus following consumption of properly cooked poultry or eggs .

  5. 结果多因素Logistic回归分析表明,与海岛居民脂肪肝发病率有关的膳食因素有体重指数、饮酒、大量食用蛋类、海鱼、腐乳、大蒜、葱、香蕉等。

    Results The results of multifactor logistic regressive analyses indicated that there was a significant relationship between the incidence of fatty liver with body massive index , drinking , high eggs diet , sea fish , preserved beancurd , garlic , shallot , banana , et al .

  6. 肺结核合并糖尿病组蛋类每日摄入量高于健康人群组(P0.05);各人群组营养素摄入水平显示,各主要营养素的摄入水平低于全国水平(维生素B1除外)及推荐摄入量(铁除外)。

    Tuberculosis and diabetes group eggs daily intake was higher than healthy group ( P0.05 ); Each group of nutrients intake levels , according to the main nutrients intake levels below the national level ( except vitamin Bl ) and recommended intake ( except iron ) .

  7. 他对蛋类食物过敏会碍事吗?

    Does it really matter that he 's allergic to eggs ?

  8. 坚持食用健康的食物比如:蛋类,燕麦片和新鲜的水果。

    Stick with healthy foods like eggs , oatmeal and fresh fruit .

  9. 食物一定要煮熟,尤其是肉类、家禽类以及蛋类。

    Fully cook your food , especially meat , poultry and eggs .

  10. 蛋类应烹调至蛋黄和蛋清较硬为宜。

    Cook eggs until the yolks and whites are firm .

  11. 同时,还应多吃一些橘柑、胡萝卜、蛋类等等。

    Should also eat some oranges , carrots , eggs and so on .

  12. 认为蛋类的食品能使人的嗓音变得甜美;

    Eggs were thought to make the voice pretty .

  13. 器皿、蛋类等因撞击而破碎;

    Tool or eggs that are broken by striking ;

  14. 赖家组蛋化石数量少,仅见长形蛋和圆形蛋类,其时代均为晚白垩世。

    The fossil eggs are Late Cretaceous in age .

  15. 乳蛋素食者可以食用奶制品和蛋类。

    and ovo-lacto vegetarians allow themselves dairy and eggs .

  16. 然而,我们可以通过食用蛋类来延缓这一自然过程。

    However , we can fight against this natural process by eating eggs .

  17. 与食管癌易感性有关系的环境因素主要包括摄入较多的新鲜蔬菜水果和蛋类,二者皆为保护性因素。

    Taking in fresh vegetable and fruit and eggs were protective factors of EC .

  18. 1999年,比利时的家禽和蛋类中发现了高含量的二恶英。

    In1999 , high levels of dioxins were found in poultry and eggs from Belgium .

  19. 蛋类以及奶制品的设备及其表面。

    Eggs and milk products are prepared .

  20. 如何食用家禽和蛋类?

    What about eating poultry and eggs ?

  21. 烹调时彻底煮熟肉类和蛋类。

    Eat thoroughly cooked meat and eggs .

  22. 食用经过适当烹制的禽类和蛋类不会染上禽流感。

    There is no risk of getting avian influenza from properly cooked poultry and eggs .

  23. 肉、奶和蛋类是伊拉克人最重要的蛋白质来源。

    Meat , milk and eggs are the most important source of protein for the population .

  24. 蛋类食物就在其列。

    Eggs are on the list .

  25. 鸡蛋过敏患儿蛋类特异性抗体的检测

    Specific antibodies detection in egg-allergic children

  26. 应当加强蔬菜、水果、鱼类、奶类、蛋类及富食品的摄入量。

    The feeding quantity of vegetables , fruits , fishes , milk , eggs should be strengthened .

  27. 牛奶按品脱卖,黄油论磅卖,蛋类论打卖。

    Milk is sold by the pint , butter by the pound , and eggs by the dozen .

  28. 增加食物消费支出,贫困县的水产品、牛奶、蛋类、水果消费将显著增加。

    When food expenditure increased , aquatic products , milk , eggs and fruits consumption will increase dramatically .

  29. 褐马鸡蛋成分的分析及与其他蛋类成分对比

    Analysis of brown eared pheasant egg chemical constituents and chemical constituents contradistinguish between its egg and other bird eggs

  30. 复活节的特色菜肴有羊羔肉、春豌豆、新鲜的小土豆,还有各种蛋类。

    Easter dinner features young lamb , spring peas , tiny new potatoes , and eggs in many forms .