
dàn juǎn
  • egg roll
蛋卷 [dàn juǎn]
  • [egg roll] 以鸡蛋面团制成卷筒,内填切碎的蔬菜,放在深油锅中炸熟

蛋卷[dàn juǎn]
  1. 蛋卷和点心是什么东东?

    So , What is Egg Roll and Dim Sum ?

  2. 这蛋卷很可口。

    A : This egg roll is delicious .

  3. 这种稍加变化的可口煎蛋卷做起来又快又容易。

    This delicious variation on an omelette is quick and easy to prepare

  4. 孩子舔了一下蛋卷冰激凌。

    The child licked his ice cream cone .

  5. 亚当:在尝过那个皮塔三明治蛋卷后,我决定制作自己的“弗兰肯食品”。

    Example : Adam : " After eating that gyro egg-roll , I decided to make my own Frankenfood . "

  6. 汹涌的客流在刚过凌晨3点时涌来,那时街对面的迪斯科舞厅“音乐盒”(TheMusicBox)关掉了旋转的水晶球,舞厅里的人群涌出来寻找热狗、冻酸奶蛋卷和雷尼辣椒碎。

    The big rush came just after 3 a.m. , when the disco across the street , The Music Box , unplugged its rotating mirror ball and its denizens spilled out in search of hot dogs , frozen yogurt cones and Lenny 's pepper hash .

  7. 她注意到电影中的一个场景,餐厅女招待拒绝给杰克•尼克尔森(JackNicholson)饰演的角色端上煎蛋卷配咖啡和全麦面包片,因为店里供应的是煎蛋卷配农家煎土豆和面包卷。

    She noted the scene in which a diner waitress refuses to bring Jack Nicholson 's character an omelette with coffee and wheat toast because it serves omelettes with cottage fries and rolls .

  8. omelet:煎蛋卷,炒鸡蛋Alfonso给我做了蛋饼,Bellini:(带有气泡酒及桃泥制成的)鸡尾酒,贝利尼饮料我可能喝了一两杯,贝里尼酒把它灌下去了。

    Chuck : Alfonso made me an omelet . I may have washed it down with a bellini or two . -

  9. 当然,流行的饮食法早就和类宗教狂热密不可分,这么说吧,只要你见过阿特金斯低碳饮食法(Atkins)的新入门者对着奶酪煎蛋卷自言自语的情形就会明白的。

    Certainly , trendy diets and quasi-religious zeal have long gone hand in hand , a point familiar to anyone who has ever endured a newcomer to , say , Atkins spinning out soliloquies on cheese omelets .

  10. 这实在是难以置信她是会把奶油蛋卷给…

    And it was inconceivable.She would have given the brioche to ...

  11. 我们就着土司面包和煎蛋卷,每个人的观点都有所改良。

    We added toast and omelets and everyone 's outlook improved .

  12. 她用奶油做法国式的蛋卷。

    She cooks omelets in butter as they do in France .

  13. 牛奶和脆玉米片,蛋卷和香肠,好吃好吃。

    Milk and cornflakes , rolls and sausages , yami yami .

  14. 你要纸杯冰淇淋还是蛋卷冰淇淋?

    Do you want a cornet or a tub of ice-cream ?

  15. 蛋卷的一面通常含有火腿和土豆;

    Omelets usually come with a side of ham and potatoes ;

  16. 我鸡蛋太少,做不了大蛋卷。

    I have too few eggs to make a big omelet .

  17. 煎蛋卷是很难做好的。

    A good omelette is very hard to bring off .

  18. 午餐吃的蛋卷比早上吃的大一点。

    The lunch omelet is a little bigger than the morning one .

  19. 你不想把煎蛋卷吃完吗?

    Wouldn 't you like to finish up the omelette ?

  20. 你的冰淇淋要放在纸杯里还是放在蛋卷里。

    Do you want your ice-cream in a tub or a cone ?

  21. 这比美国蛋卷咸一些也更有嚼劲。

    It 's saltier and more chewy than American omelets .

  22. 用鸡蛋、奶油和其他甜的东西做成的蛋卷。

    A light roll rich with eggs and butter and somewhat sweet .

  23. 这甜蛋卷尝起来有洋葱味。你有放洋葱吗?

    This omelet tastes of onions . Did you put onions in ?

  24. 中国的煎蛋卷,包有洋葱、芹菜、碎肉或鱼。

    Chinese omelet containing onions and celery and chopped meat or fish .

  25. 菜肉蛋卷,要再给你做一份吗?

    Omelettes . You want me to make you one ?

  26. 爸爸,我能吃一个特大蛋卷冰激凌吗?

    Dad , can I have a double scoop ?

  27. 我们停下来吃个蛋卷冰淇淋吧!

    Let 's stop for an ice cream cone .

  28. 蘑菇煎蛋卷正在用筷子吃他自己。

    The mushroom omelet was eating himself with chopsticks .

  29. (同一事物略微的)变化形式这种稍加变化的可口煎蛋卷做起来又快又容易。

    This delicious variation on an omelette is quick and easy to prepare .

  30. 我们的蛋卷是配有青菜的。

    Our omelet is served with a green vegetable .