
jīn qiú jiǎnɡ
  • Golden Globe Award;Golden Ball Award
  1. 这是继梅西获得首届FIFA金球奖之后,再次获得殊荣。

    Prior to this laurel , Messi had won the FIFA Golden Ball Award .

  2. 在此之前,他在FIFAU-20世界杯比赛上和一系列的比赛中分别获得过金球奖和年轻球员奖。

    In picking up this award , he has won the Golden Ball award at the FIFA U-20 World Cup and the Young Player award at successive tournaments .

  3. 该片的大多数对话都是韩语,所以金球奖主办方将其归为外语片类别。

    Most of the dialogue is in Korean , so the organisers of the Golden Globes put it in the Foreign Language Film category .

  4. 但在一月份的金球奖角逐中,《LetitGo》输给了《OrdinaryLove》。

    At the Golden Globes in January , Let It Go lost to Ordinary Love .

  5. 这位效力于西班牙巴塞罗那队和阿根廷国家队的前锋,力压巴萨俱乐部队友哈维及葡萄牙球星、效力于皇家马德里队的C罗,以压倒性的胜利获得了2011年度国际足联金球奖。

    The Barcelona and Argentina forward received the FIFA Ballon d'Or award for 2011 , beating club teammate Xavi Hernandez and Real Madrid 's Cristiano Ronaldo .

  6. C罗日前刚刚赢得了个人职业生涯的第四座金球奖,并与皇马在11月续约,将自己在皇马效力的时间延长到了2021年。

    Ronaldo , who won his fourth Ballon d'Or recently , signed a new contract at Madrid in November , extending his commitment to the club until 2021 .

  7. 而在金球奖(GoldenGlobes)的颁奖中,这部电影只在最佳原创歌曲这一个门类里获奖。

    the movie won only in the category of best original song .

  8. 梅西三连冠荣膺2011年FIFA金球奖.

    Messi wins 3rd straight FIFA player of year award .

  9. 当年,怀特凭借在该剧中的表演获得了金球奖(GoldenGlobeAward)最佳女演员奖。

    That year , Ms. Wright won a Golden Globe Award for best actress for her work on the show .

  10. 梅西三连冠荣膺2011年FIFA金球奖

    Messi wins 3rd straight FIFA player of year award

  11. 瑞士苏黎世当地时间11日,梅西荣膺2015世界最佳球员奖项——金球奖,结束了C罗此前两年对这一足坛个人最高荣誉的垄断。

    Messi won the Ballon d'Or trophy in Zurich on Monday as the world 's best player in 2015 , ending Cristiano Ronaldo 's two-year hold on soccer 's top individual honor .

  12. 万达还准备收购举办金球奖(GoldenGlobeAwards)和美国小姐选美比赛(MissAmerica)的迪克•克拉克制片公司(DickClarkProductions),已为此进入排他性谈判。

    Wanda has also entered into exclusive negotiation to acquire Dick Clark Productions , which stages the Golden Globe Awards and Miss America pageant .

  13. 他因为《菲利普斯船长》受到金球奖提名,现在他将接受ABS的采访。

    He has already received the Golden globe nomination for captain Phillips , and he sat down with ABS , to talk about it .

  14. 上个月,该集团同意斥资40亿美元,收购运营金球奖(GoldenGlobe)和美国小姐(MissAmerica)选美活动的迪克.克拉克制片公司(DickClarkProductions)。

    last month agreed to pay $ 4bn for Dick Clark Productions , the company that runs the Golden Globe awards and Miss America pageant .

  15. 金球奖将于1月11日举办颁奖典礼,在NBC台播放。

    The Golden Globes will be bestowed on Jan. 11 in a ceremony shown on NBC .

  16. 凭借在《一个明星的诞生》当中的表演,LadyGaga获得了金球奖最佳女演员的提名。

    Lady Gaga 's performance in A Star is Born has landed her a best actress nomination at the Golden Globes .

  17. 周日晚上的金球奖颁奖典礼不只具有高度的娱乐性,可以作为Twitter上的谈资;对于商业人士来说,它还是一堂堂精彩的表演课。

    What we saw on Sunday night was not just highly entertaining and thoroughly tweetable ; it was packed with performance lessons for everyone in business .

  18. 巴勃罗·拉腊因(PabloLarraín)的《神父俱乐部》也入围了金球奖,影片讲述智利沿海地区被解除圣职的罗马天主教神父的故事。

    So did " The Club , " Pablo Larra í n 's film about a home for defrocked Roman Catholic priests on the Chilean coast .

  19. 正如奥普拉?温弗瑞(OprahWinfrey)在金球奖(GoldenGlobes)典礼上发表的演讲体现出来的,她具备一切唐纳德?特朗普(DonaldTrump)不具备的特质。

    As her speech at the Golden Globes ceremony showed , Oprah Winfrey is everything that Donald Trump is not .

  20. 凭借在《悲惨世界》中的角色,Anne获得了金球奖、奥斯卡奖和美国演员工会奖。

    For her role in Les Mis é rables , Anne got a Golden Globe , an Oscar , and a Screen Actors Guild Award .

  21. 艾米·亚当斯获得了金球奖(GoldenGlobe)音乐剧/喜剧类的最佳女主角这一点很奇怪,因为《大眼睛》根本不是喜剧。

    Adams just picked up a Golden Globe for best actress in a musical or comedy , which was pretty odd because " Big Eyes " isn 't exactly a comedy .

  22. 这部广受好评的剧集收获了艾美奖、金球奖的9项提名,RobinWright拿下了剧集类最佳女演员的奖项。

    The critically-acclaimed series received nine Emmy and four Golden Globe nominations , with star Robin Wright winning for best actress in a drama .

  23. 他还曾凭《通天塔》(Babel)被提名金球奖最佳男配角奖。

    He was also nominated for a best supporting actor Golden Globe for his role in Babel .

  24. 2004年,这个系列剧在BBC美国台播出,成为第一部获得金球奖的英国情景喜剧。

    In 2004 , the series aired on BBC America and became the first U.K. sitcom to win a Golden Globe Award for best comedy .

  25. 安全预测:劳伦斯穿着柔美的褶皱折边RalphLauren(拉尔夫?劳伦)礼服完美亮相金球奖,这是她第一次转变。

    Safe Bet : This feminine ruffled Ralph Lauren gown is the perfect pick for Lawrence 's first turn at the Golden Globes .

  26. 在金球奖(GoldenGlobes)和奥斯卡奖(Oscars)等颁奖典礼上,他看到女演员们身穿鱼尾礼服在一群摄影师面前整理妆容,摆姿势。

    He had seen actresses in their fishtail dresses preening and posing before the phalanxes of photographers at ceremonies like the Golden Globes and the Oscars .

  27. 小李在2012年十分忙碌。他出席了金球奖,到澳大利亚拍摄《了不起的盖茨比》(GreatGatsby),回到美国新奥尔良拍摄《被解放的蒂亚戈》(DjangoUnchained),再到纽约拍摄了《华尔街之狼》(WolfofWallStreet)。

    Indeed , DiCaprio traveled the globe in 2012 , shooting Great Gatsby in Australia , then Django Unchained in New Orleans , and then the Wolf of Wall Street in NYC .

  28. 金球奖评委们去年的评选结果大大推动了Fox台的新喜剧《神烦警探》(BrooklynNine-Nine),今年他们再度青睐小规模的非传统电视剧。

    Globes voters - who last year gave a big boost to the new Fox comedy " Brooklyn Nine-Nine " - again leaned into smaller , unconventional TV shows .

  29. 上周,中国最大房地产公司大连万达(DalianWanda)斥资10亿美元收购举办金球奖(GoldenGlobeawards)的DickClarkProductions。

    The deal follows a $ 1bn takeover last week by Dalian Wanda , China 's biggest real estate company , of Dick Clark Productions , which runs the Golden Globe awards .

  30. 莱昂纳多因JordanBelfort一角获金球奖提名音乐剧/喜剧类最佳男演员奖。

    Leo is nominated in the best actor in a musical or comedy category for his role as Jordan Belfort in the crime biography .