
  • 网络Kingston;Kingstown;kin
  1. 从金斯敦乘公共汽车到多伦多大约要三个小时。

    It is about three hours ' trip by bus from Kingston to Toronto .

  2. 金斯敦是世界上最友好的城市之一,它欢迎来自世界各地的游客。

    Kingston is one of the friendliest cities in the world and it welcomes tourists from all over the world .

  3. 他当时正要来北卡州的金斯敦。他打算来我家。

    He was coming to Kinston , N.C. To my house .

  4. 我不得不离开一个小女孩在金斯敦镇

    I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town

  5. 飞机从百慕大飞往牙买加金斯敦区。

    The flight was between Bermuda and Kingston , Jamaica .

  6. 两名男孩在金斯敦街区踢足球。

    Two boys play soccer in a Kingston neighborhood .

  7. 还不如在金斯敦(牙买加首都)的市场上被卖草编篮子的敲竹杠呢。

    Better to get ripped off on straw baskets in the Kingston markets .

  8. 实际上我上周在金斯敦车站读了一首。

    In fact , I read one at Kensington station just last week .

  9. 体育界的焦点现在转移到了周日晚上在金斯敦举行的牙买加奥运选拔赛上。

    The athletics spotlight shifted to the Jamaican Olympic Trials in Kingston on Sunday night .

  10. 在现实世界中,金斯敦受到双重身份的困扰,徘徊在中国文化和美国文化之间。

    In reality , she is bothered by the two identities and lingers between the American culture and Chinese culture .

  11. 对华裔美国人独特身份的构建始终是金斯敦作品的主旨之一。

    Establishment of a distinct identity for Chinese Americans has always been one of the purposes of Kingston 's works .

  12. 第二章为自我,即金斯敦自我实现中遇到的阻碍和苦难。

    The second chapter is ego & trials and obstacles met in reality during the process when Kingston realizes her ego .

  13. 我希望我的背景条件能够被美国金斯敦大学金融工程硕士课程录取。

    I hope my background and qualifications are found suitable for admission to M.Eng in Financial Engineering program at Kingston University , USA.

  14. 牙买加首都金斯敦发生动乱之后,牙买加国家预备役士兵前往支援警察。

    Soldiers from Jamaica 's national reserves have been mobilized to help the police after parts of the capital Kingston became no-go areas .

  15. 他表示在周日的晚些时候曾与他们通过电话,当时飓风已吹毁了他们在金斯敦的庇护所。

    He said he spoke by telephone with them late Sunday , as the storm battered the house where they took refuge in Kingston .

  16. 北金斯敦历史学家提姆·兰斯敦表示,那两名木匠是被雇佣来建造两座军事基地的。

    North Kingstown historian Tim Cranston said the two men were part of a civilian army hired to build two military bases in the area .

  17. 这把弩令人印象太深,甚至被收藏进了安大略省金斯敦安全监狱的博物馆,这是加拿大最高安全级别的监狱之一。

    The crossbow was so impressive that it was housed in a museum at one of Canada 's maximum security prisons in Kingston , Ontario .

  18. 在第一起事故中,马萨诸塞州金斯敦的一位5岁小女孩去年在水上步行球里待了一小段时间就昏倒了。

    In the first , a 5-year-old girl in Kingston , Mass . , passed out last year while inside a ball for a brief time .

  19. 和格林家深居沙漠不同,金斯敦家族掌管的1.5亿美元的商业帝国就在盐湖城郊区。

    Far from hiding out in the desert , the Kingstons ran a $ 150 million business empire right in the suburbs of Salt Lake City .

  20. 然而,金斯敦认为该党在预计今年晚些时候举行的大选中可能将面临从未遇到过的最严峻挑战。

    However , Kingston says the party is expected to face its most serious challenge yet , in general elections expected to take place later this year .

  21. 爱荷华州玉米农,詹森·希松是爱荷华州金斯敦市附近的一个6代相传的玉米农民,一边为他的联合收割机出仓,一边照看着他的地螺钻。

    Jason Hinson , a sixth-generation corn farmer near Kingston , Iowa , keeps an eye on his auger as he unloads his combine on the fly .

  22. 这就是为什么大约40亿升的这些有毒废料掺水之后就被存放在田纳西州金斯敦区附近这个大池塘里的原因。

    That 's why roughly 4 billion liters of the toxic stuff mixed with water was left to sit in a massive pond near Kingston , Tennessee .

  23. 我发现金斯敦大学的金融工程硕士课程非常好,因为它兼顾理论与实践能力的发展。

    I strongly feel that M.Eng in Financial Engineering program at Kingston University is a highly structured program because it provides the right balance between theory and practice .

  24. 通过对以自己的祖先和家族为代表的华裔的移民史及其美国生活经历的回顾,金斯敦树立了华裔美国人的新形象。

    By reviewing the immigrant history and the life experiences of Chinese Americans as represented by her ancestry and her family , she has set up new images of Chinese Americans .

  25. 作为第一代移民和第二代移民的代表,《女勇士》中的勇兰和作为叙述者的金斯敦分别经历了不同的寻求文化身份之旅。

    As the representatives of the first-generation and the second-generation immigrants respectively , Brave Orchid and the narrator girl in The Woman Warrior are on different trails of pursuit of their cultural identity .

  26. 文章从华裔女作家金斯敦的《女勇士》中的两位女性人物入手,透析文学语境中的弱势群体的失语(压迫性沉默)问题。

    This article is a study on the oppressive silence of the marginal groups in the literary context through an analysis of the tragedies of two women characters in Kingston 's The Woman Warrior .

  27. 他们需要更多的名人,现有的名人子女遵循自然进程,尤其是当示希洛、苏瑞、金斯敦、维奥莱特都在相隔五个月内出生。

    They needed more celebrities , and the children of existing celebs were a natural progression , especially when Shiloh , Suri , Kingston , and Violet were all born within a five-month span .