
  • 网络Oates;Otzi;Joyce Carol Oates
  1. 最牵强附会的、存心的、沉闷而没有生气的一部小说(b乔伊丝卡罗尔奥茨)

    That most strained , willed , wooden , lifeless of novels ( bJoyce Carol Oates )

  2. 斯科特看着奥茨的双脚,什么也说不出来。

    Scott looked at Oates 's feet , and said nothing .

  3. 奥茨留在开普埃文斯,喂养小马。

    themselves.Oates stayed at Cape Evans and looked after his ponies .

  4. 那晚,奥茨写道:3辆机动雪橇,每辆价值1000英镑;

    That night , Oates wrote : Three motor sledges at £

  5. 奥茨恼火地看着这些小马,没有说什么。

    Oates looked at them angrily , and said nothing .

  6. 奥茨朝里看了看,思索了一会儿。

    Oates looked inside . He thought for a minute .

  7. 那天深夜,奥茨给他母亲写了封信。

    Later that night , Oates wrote a letter to his mother .

  8. 他所写的一切都是为了后代(乔伊丝卡罗尔奥茨)

    Everything he writes is consigned to posterity ( Joyce Carol Oates )

  9. 大量的奖赏和荣誉向她涌来(乔伊丝卡罗尔奥茨)

    Awards and honors came to her in plenty ( Joyce Carol Oates )

  10. 奥茨小说《他们》中的女性主义意识剖析

    An Analysis on Oates ' Female Consciousness in Them

  11. 斯科特、奥茨、威尔逊、埃德加埃文斯都有滑雪板,然而鲍尔斯没有。

    Scott , Oates , Wilson and Edgar Evans had skis , but Bowers did not .

  12. 在新西兰,奥茨一见到这些小马,便大为光火。

    When Oates first saw the ponies , in New Zealand , he was very unhappy .

  13. 这些都限制了奥茨女性主义意识的表达,使她的女性主义意识处于朦胧的萌芽阶段。

    These restrict the expression of Oates ' female consciousness and put it in an embryonic stage .

  14. 斯科特分配奥茨喂养小马,但不让他负责买马。

    Scott asked Oates to look after the ponies , but he did not let Oates buy them .

  15. 一位被公认为精明而有预见力的苏联领导人(乔伊丝卡罗尔奥茨)参见

    A Soviet leader of proven shrewdness and prescience ( Joyce Carol Oates ) See Usage Note at prove

  16. 奥茨是美国当代文坛一个关注女性问题的小说家。

    Joyce Carol Oates , a novelist in contemporary American literary scene , is attentive to the female issue .

  17. 队长,有3匹小马病了,奥茨说,走不动了。

    ' Three of these ponies are ill , Captain , 'Oates said . 'They can 't go on . '

  18. 美联社引述奥茨的话说:目击者告诉我们,他打开了某种瓦斯罐。

    Witnesses tell us he released some sort of canister , the Associated Press news agency quoted Mr Oates as saying .

  19. 当大地解冻时,形成无数的小溪并互相交汇集合在一起(乔伊丝卡罗尔奥茨)

    As the earth thaws , numberless little streams are formed to overlap and interlace with one another ( Joyce Carol Oates )

  20. 15天后,奥茨向斯科特请示。当时强劲的寒风刮起,两人脸上都沾上一层白雪。

    After fifteen days Oates talked to Scott.There was a strong wind , and the two men 's faces were white with snow .

  21. 学校校长,洛娜奥茨桑托斯说,在萨默维尔小学儿童筹集救灾机构大约两千元。

    The school principal , Lorna Oates-Santos , says children at Somerville Elementary have raised about two thousand dollars for disaster relief agencies .

  22. 奥茨看着米尔斯。奥茨与他的小马人困马乏,而米尔斯与他的小狗则不同,茫茫雪原对于他和他的小狗来说,就像家一样。

    Oates looked at Meares.Oates and the ponies were tired , but Meares and his dogs were not.The snow was home for them .

  23. 别犯傻了,奥茨,斯科特回答说,它们都是强壮的好畜牲,地球上最好的小马。

    ' Don 't be stupid , Oates , 'Scott answered . 'They 're good strong animals & the best ponies on earth . '

  24. 这段录像由记者兼喜剧演员泰勒-奥茨制作,是来模仿为一些看起来像假的身体疾病拍摄的广告。

    Written by journalist and comedian Taylor Orci , the short video was created as a parody of commercials for seemingly pseudo medical disorders .

  25. 起初,人们还以为奥茨是一战的参战士兵,但后来却发现他的年龄已有几千年。

    Otzi was thought to be the body of a soldier who fought during WWI but was found to be thousands of years older .

  26. 据说,奥茨拥有神秘的力量,若触犯了他的尸身,必死无疑。

    With the death of several people who have touched the remains of the ancient man , the " Otzi curse " mystery has snowballed .

  27. 奥茨通过对女性人物的描写,寄予了她对妇女悲惨命运的同情和对社会现实的不满。

    By her depiction of female images , Oates shows her profound sympathy for women of lower class and great dissatisfaction to the social reality .

  28. 奥茨的《他们》一书中的宏大历史场面、客观的叙述描写和暴力的主题阻碍了批评家们对作品中潜在的女性主义意识的挖掘。

    The macro historical scenes , objective third-person description and the theme of violence in the novel did blind the critics to see its potential feminist consciousness .

  29. 没人找到奥茨的遗体。但是他就在那儿,在地球上最寒冷、最空旷的地方的风雪里的某处。

    No one found Oates 's body.But he is there , somewhere , un-der the snow and the wind , in the coldest , emptiest place on earth .

  30. 他们一行人病累交加。奥茨的双脚已经发黑,失去了感觉。2月16日,埃德加·埃文斯又辞世而去。

    They were all tired and ill , too . Oates 's feet were black now , and he could not feel them.On February 16th , Edgar Evans died .