
  • 网络Oppenheim;Oppenheimer;Robert Oppenheimer;J. Robert Oppenheimer;born-oppenheimer
  1. 奥本海默的妻子是个善于交际的人。

    Oppenheimer 's wife is a diplomat .

  2. 除了娱乐界相关的影片之外,其他呼声很高的影片包括奥本海默的《沉默之像》(TheLookofSilence),是他上一部关于印度尼西亚影片的续集,更富于私人色彩;

    Among the non-showbiz-related favorites are Mr. Oppenheimer 's " The Look of Silence , " an intimate companion piece to his earlier work about Indonesia ;

  3. 在我看来,最佳首席财务官(CFO)这个位置非皮特•奥本海默莫属。

    I think there I have to choose Peter Oppenheimer .

  4. 苹果CFO彼得•奥本海默称,亚洲的iPHone手机销售同比增长了五倍。

    IPhone sales in Asia were up five-fold year over year , according to CFO Peter Oppenheimer .

  5. “我们生产的所有iPad2都已售出,”苹果首席财务官彼得•奥本海默在分析师电话会议上表示。

    " We sold every iPad 2 we could make , " said CFO Peter Oppenheimer in the conference call with analysts .

  6. 奥本海默指出,诸如耐克(Nike)等跨国公司目前从大型新兴市场赚得更大比例的盈利。

    Oppenheimer pointed out that multinationals like Nike are deriving larger portions of their earnings from the big emerging markets .

  7. 杰瑞·韦伯曼(JerryWebman)是一家名为奥本海默基金的投资公司的首席经济学家。

    Jerry Webman is chief economist for OppenheimerFunds , an investment company .

  8. 对(p,e,p)(D ̄+,e,D ̄+)多体问题须考虑核与电子同时运动以代替玻恩-奥本海默近似。

    It is necessary that the nuclei motions are taken into account , instead of Born-Oppenheimer approximation , for multimer problems such as ( p , e , p )( D  ̄ + , e , D  ̄ + ) .

  9. 周五,奥本海默家族将其持有的钻石矿业公司德比尔斯(DeBeers)40%的股份出售给英美资源公司(AngloAmerican),据称后者涉及更为严重的继承问题。

    And on Friday , the Oppenheimer family sold its40 % stake in diamond miner De Beers to Anglo American , which some have described as part of a larger succession problem .

  10. 英美资源集团由欧内斯特•奥本海默(ErnestOppenheimer)在1917年创建,此次出售交易标志着奥本海默家族在该集团的持股规模进一步缩减。

    The sale marks a further scaling-down of the Oppenheimer family 's links with Anglo American , the company Ernest Oppenheimer founded in 1917 .

  11. 券商奥本海默(Oppenheimer)分析师法德尔•盖特确定无疑的是,英国石油公司与秋明石油公司组建合资企业时,该公司就明白自己是在自找麻烦。

    Oppenheimer analyst Fadel Gheit has no doubt that BP knew that it was courting trouble when it formed the joint venture with TNK .

  12. 第二章介绍了量子化学的理论方法包括从头计算方法、波恩-奥本海默近似、Hartree-Fock近似、密度泛函理论等。

    In the second chapter , some basic of quantum chemical theory is introduced , which mainly focuses on Hartree-Fock approximation and density functional theory .

  13. 因此,本章开始我们简单介绍一些基础的量子力学概念,围绕着Hartree-Fock近似为基础,并且引入了波恩-奥本海默近似原理。

    So in the beginning of this chapter , we briefly introduce some basic concepts of quan-tum mechanics , which is around the Hartree-Fock approximation and introduce Born-Oppenheimer approximation principle .

  14. 比如苹果公司(AppleInc.)的奥本海默(PeterOppenheimer)在2010年以2980万美元的薪酬名列第三,但去年降至140万美元,因为苹果公司的做法是每两年发放一次股票奖励。

    Apple Inc. 's AAPL + 1.32 % Peter Oppenheimer was No. 3 in 2010 , for example , with compensation valued at $ 29.8 million . His compensation fell to $ 1.4 million last year as the company 's practice is to make stock grants every two years .

  15. 奥本海默指出,大部分现金都来自海外市场。

    Oppenhiemer points out that most of that cash is overseas .

  16. 奥本海默博士在最后的几秒变得异常紧张起来

    Dr. Oppenheimer grew tenser as the last seconds ticked off .

  17. 但奥本海默此刻却主导着有史以来最大的科学试验

    yet Oppenheimer leads the biggest scientific test in history ,

  18. 爆炸的威力甚至超过了奥本海默本人的预期

    The explosion is more massive than even Oppenheimer expects .

  19. 奥本海默家族又如何运用这笔钱?

    What will the Oppenheimers do with their new pile of cash ?

  20. 是讽刺波恩-奥本海默近似值的。

    It 's a spoof of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation .

  21. 从管理天才奥本海默看科研管理

    On Science Research Management from the Managing Talent Oppenheimer

  22. 奥本海默说了那句大家耳熟能详的话

    and , of course , Oppenheimer famously said ,

  23. 奥本海默用黝黑的大眼睛环顾了一下。

    Oppenheimer looked around with large sombre eyes .

  24. “经济正艰难恢复,”杰理温维彼曼说,奥本海默基金的主要经济学家。

    " The economy is slogging along ," said Jerry Webman , chief economist at OppenheimerFunds .

  25. 25.彼得•奥本海默职位:高级副总裁兼首席财务官所在公司:苹果公司2010年薪酬合计:29796666美元

    Peter Oppenheimer senior vice president and chief financial officer apple , Inc. 2010 total compensation : $ 29,796,666

  26. 很多读者可能知道奥本海默是原子弹之父,但兰根却远没那么出名。

    Many readers may know Oppenheimer as the father of the atomic bomb , but Langan is much more obscure .

  27. 我们已看到许多国家的政府在实现全面减排措施上一拖、又拖、再拖,奥本海默说。

    We 've seen many governments delay and delay and delay on implementing comprehensive emissions cuts , Dr. Oppenheimer said .

  28. 库克和其他两名高管包括首席财务官彼得•奥本海默在常务调查委员会之前出现。

    Cook and two other executives - including Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer - appeared before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations .

  29. 一位分析师上周五表示:如果奥本海默家族准备出售股份,那么所有人都会愿意卖的。

    If the Oppenheimers are prepared to sell , then anybody 's prepared to sell , said an analyst on Friday .

  30. “现在和平”组织的主席亚里夫。奥本海默说,以色列试图愚弄美国。美国把扩建定居点看作是中东和平的障碍。

    Peace Now chairman Yariv Openheimer says Israel is trying to fool the United States , which sees settlement expansion as an obstacle to peace .