
  • 网络honeycombing;honeycomb lung
  1. 讨论:广泛的肺间质及肺泡纤维化在HRCT上的特征性表现为蜂窝样改变,或称为蜂窝肺。

    DISCUSSION : Extensive interstitial and alveolar fibrosis results in the characteristic HRCT finding of honey combing or honeycomb lung .

  2. 蜂窝肺均出现在14d组和28d组,以28d组为主。

    All of Honeycombing lung were in 14 d group and 28 d group , mainly in 28 d group .

  3. 12例随访病例中,2例CT征象消失,7倒无明显变化,3例进展为蜂窝肺。

    Of the 12 cases with follow - up , 2 cases recovered normal , 7 had no change and 3 progressed to honeycombed lung .

  4. 广泛多发含气或气液囊肿,病变广泛分布,呈蜂窝状改变,亦称为蜂窝肺,本组9例。

    Multiple pulmonary air cysts or multiple honeycomb is abroad : 9 cases presented .

  5. 磨玻璃密度影及胸膜下弧形线是病变的早期表现,蜂窝肺为其结局。

    Ground glass opacity and parallel subpleural lines are preliminary features of SSc , and honeycombed lung is finale .

  6. 结缔组织病相关的肺间质纤维化是呼吸系统受累最常见的并发症,主要的病理改变为各种致病因子刺激→肺泡炎→肺泡结构紊乱→蜂窝肺。

    Connective tissue of the related pulmonary intersitital fiber into the respiratory system is the most common complications involved , the main pathological changes to boost the alveolar inflammation , and alveolar structure disorder-honeycombing .