
fēng là
  • beeswax;wax;beewax
蜂蜡 [fēng là]
  • [beeswax] 将蜂巢用沸水溶化,经粗滤然后冷却而得到的黄色到棕色的蜡,主要用于抛光剂、模型和图案制作

蜂蜡[fēng là]
  1. 蜂蜡起到乳化剂的作用。

    Beeswax acts as an emulsifying agent .

  2. 这项研究的合著者费德丽卡·贝尔托基尼说,蠕虫分解日常食物的能力也就是蜂蜡的能力,可以让它们分解塑料。

    Federica Bertocchini , co-author of the study , says the worms ' ability to break down their everyday food — beeswax — also allows them to break down plastic .

  3. 等位基因b频率除与蜂蜜产量呈正相关外,与蜂王浆、蜂花粉、蜂蜡和蜂毒的产量均呈负相关,但相关系数较小,没有达到显著水平。

    The allele b frequency was positively with honey production and negatively correlated with the other economic traits , but all correlation coefficients were very low , and not reached significant level .

  4. 蜂蜡不影响植入区的新骨长入和骨缺损的修复,亦不影响PHA发生生物降解。

    The new bone growth , repairing of bone defect and PHA biodegradation were not effected by wax .

  5. 利用蜂蜡(BW)和月桂酸(La)对SPI膜进行共混改性,在形成乳化液的基础上形成SPI/脂类膜。

    Blend-modification of soy protein isolate solutions with beeswax and lauric acid ( La ) to has been used to form SPI / lipid emulsion edible films .

  6. 蜡染是在布匹着色的过程中,以蜂蜡(beeswax)作为防止染色的材料。

    During the dyeing process , beeswax is applied to prevent some parts of the cloth form being dyed .

  7. 蜂胶(propolis)是蜜蜂从植物新生芽、树干、伤口等处采集的树脂,混入其上颚腺分泌物、蜂蜡、花粉等混合加工而成的一种具有芳香气味的胶状物质。

    Propolis is a resinous substance which collected by honeybee from plant buds , trunk and wound , and mixed with wax , pollen and their mandibular gland secretions .

  8. 方法:以PEG6000、PEG400、卡波姆为基质,蜂蜡为阻滞剂,制成中空栓。

    METHODS : OHS was prepared with PEG 6000 , PEG 400 and Carbopol-940 as wase material and wax as retardant .

  9. 一种脂肪酸,CH3(CH2)24COOH,发现于蜡状物如蜂蜡或巴西棕榈蜡中。

    A fatty acid , CH3 ( CH2 ) 24COOH , occurring in waxes , such as beeswax or carnauba wax .

  10. FlowHive不像传统蜂箱那样让蜜蜂自建蜂巢,它提前准备好了垂直相对的半个塑料蜂巢,然后让勤劳的蜜蜂去完成剩下的半个,在里面产蜜,然后用蜂蜡覆盖蜂巢。

    Unlike current hives that allow bees to build the entire honeycomb , Flow Hives come equipped with sets of half-built plastic honeycombs that face each other . The industrious bees then complete the job by connecting the half-built combs , filling them up with honey and covering them with wax .

  11. NathanBurrell:“所有产品,从蜂蜡到花粉到蜂王浆都可以出售,可以为我们的合作单位增加收入。”

    NATHAN BURRELL : " Everything from the wax to the pollen to the royal jelly could be marketable and can add income and revenue generation to those cooperatives that we 're working with . "

  12. 三十烷醇(TA)是由30个碳原子组成的长链脂肪醇,普遍存在于动植物的蜡质中,常用蜂蜡为原料制取。

    Triacontanol ( TA ), a long chain fatty alcohol composed of 30 carbon atoms , generally exists in animal and vegetable waxes . Ordinary beewax is used as raw material for the preparation of TA . Big progress has been made in the study of TA formula .

  13. 利用该流程,将石腊、DC-200气相色谱固定相、黄油、蜂蜡、救心油、红花油等样品进行超临界流体色谱分离。

    With this system , hydrocarbon wax , DC-200 stationary phase of chromatography , butter , beeswax and the medicines such as Jiuxin oil , Wanhua oil can be separated , respectively .

  14. 主要成份:乳木果、蜂蜡、檀香、佛手柑。

    Main ingredients : shea , beeswax , sandalwood and bergamot .

  15. 主要成份:橄榄、蜂蜡、薰衣草、香茅。

    Main ingredients : olive , beeswax , lavender and citronella .

  16. 主要成份:蜡菊、蜂蜡、玫瑰、檀香。

    Main ingredients : helichrysum , beeswax , rose and sandalwood .

  17. 它们日夜忙碌用蜂蜡建起一堵堵的墙。

    They work day and night building small walls of wax .

  18. 采用塑料台基取代蜂蜡台基育王的研究

    Study on Replacing Wax Cup with Plastic Cup for Queen Breeding

  19. 可以作为蜂蜡指纹图谱测定用样品。

    They can be used as samples for determining beeswax fingerprint .

  20. 高品质的家具蜂蜡在市场上非常受欢迎。

    High quality furniture beeswax is easily available in the market .

  21. 蜂蜡、糠蜡中三十烷醇的分离提纯及其特性

    Isolation and Purification of Triacontanol from Bees-wax and Bran-wax and Its Properties

  22. 蜂蜡、卵磷脂对刺五加混悬剂稳定性的影响

    Effects of Bee Wax and Lecithin on Acanthopanax senticosus Suspension

  23. 蜂胶水提除蜡工艺是可行的,不仅蜂蜡去除效果明显,而且黄酮损失小。

    The process of dewaxing with water from raw propolis was feasible .

  24. 相反,它倒是对蜂房里的蜂蜡颇为倾心。

    But it does like the wax in the bees ' honeycomb .

  25. 化学改性天然增稠剂皂化蜡催化氧化制备天然蜂蜡替代品

    Preparation of Substitute of Natural Beeswax from Saponified Wax by Catalytic Oxidation

  26. 蜂蜡中二十八烷醇的制备及其抗疲劳和耐缺氧功能的研究

    Studies on Preparation , Anti-fatigue and Anti-hypoxia Funtions of Octacosanol from Beeswax

  27. 用中蜂蜡提取三十烷醇的工艺改进

    Improving the technique of extracting Triacontanol from wax produced by Chinese bees

  28. 一只蜜蜂开始用蜂蜡封住入口。

    A bee began to cover the entrance with wax .

  29. 蜂蜡涂膜剂保鲜南丰蜜桔的研究初探

    Study on Preservation of Nanfeng Mandarin by Coating with Beeswax

  30. 在上海,哪里能买到蜂蜡蜡烛?

    In Shanghai , where to buy beeswax candles ?