
zhī zhū zhì
  • spider angioma
  1. 结论有门脉高压、皮下蜘蛛痣和杵状指体征时,提示HPS的存在。

    Conclusion The constellation of clinical findings of portal hypertension , cutaneous spider nevi and clubbing finger is strongly suggestive of HPS .

  2. Child-PughA、B、C级肝炎孕妇肝掌和蜘蛛痣的发生星率分别为21.7%、26.7%和51.7%,彼此间差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。

    The incidence of spider angiomatas and liver palms in pregnant women whose Child - Pugh class A , B and C are 21.7 % , 26.7 and 51.7 % respectively , there are not a significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) .

  3. 58例根据内镜下表现分组,高危组蜘蛛痣、PLT、TP、PT延长时间、超声下测量脾厚度较低危组有统计学差异。

    Endoscopic features of 58 cases grouped according to high-risk group of spider veins , PLT , TP , PT extension of time under ultrasound measurement of the thickness of the lower risk group of spleen were significantly different .

  4. 肝硬化患者不同门静脉内径、有无蜘蛛痣、不同肝功能分级的PaO2和SaO2值比较,均有极显著差异(P<0.01)。

    Compared the cirrhosis patients with different portal vein bore , with or without nevus araneus or with different Child-Pugh , the difference in PaO_ 2 and SaO_ 2 were significant , respectively ( All P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 儿童皮肤蜘蛛痣的意义

    The significance of cutaneous spider naevi in children

  6. Nd:YAG激光快速治疗蜘蛛痣94例

    94 cases of rapid treatmemt of spider telangiectasis using a Nd : YAG laser

  7. 罕见的巨大蜘蛛痣1例

    A rare case of giant spider telangiectasis

  8. 让我看看你的颈子,唷,颈上有很多蜘蛛痣。

    Let me have a look at your neck , well , there are many spider on it .

  9. 具体评价内容:胁肋疼痛、舌象、肝肿大、脾肿大、肝掌蜘蛛痣。

    Specific evaluations : Pain in ribs , tongue demonstration , hepatauxe , enlarged spleen , spider telangiectasia in liver palm .

  10. 蜘蛛痣、化脓性肉芽肿和较浅的草莓状血管瘤选用扫描式照射,输出功率为15~30W,直到病灶变为灰白色或轻微凹陷;

    The patients with vascular spider , pyogenic granuloma and trivial strawberry hemangioma were treated with the surface irradiation with 15 ~ 30W output powder until the vascular lesions become pale or lightly concave .