  • fly
  • 〔苍~〕昆虫,种类很多,通常指家蝇,产卵在肮脏腐臭的东西上,幼虫称“蛆”。成虫能传染霍乱、伤寒等疾病。


(苍蝇) fly:

  • 果蝇

    fruit fly;

  • 灭蝇

    kill flies

  1. 在非洲凡是有这种蝇虫的地方,几乎都会出现这一牛病。

    The cattle disease occurs more or less anywhere in Africa where the fly occurs

  2. GIS技术与实蝇监测

    GIS Technology and Fruit Fly Monitoring

  3. 卡杜纳州是尼日利亚最大的西红柿生产地,这种名为番茄斑潜蝇的昆虫破坏了那里80%的农场,致使当地政府宣布进入紧急状态。

    The insect , Tutaabsoluta , has destroyed 80 % of farms in Kaduna , Nigeria 's largest tomato producing state , leading the government there to declare a state of emergency .

  4. 一家宠物食品制造商说,他们的一款新产品中含有40%的兵蝇幼虫。据估计,宠物吃掉全球20%的肉类。

    It 's estimated that pets consume around 20 % of the world 's meat .

  5. 目的分析研究河北省花蝇科昆虫的种类及其分布。

    Objective To study the faunistic distribution of the Anthomyiidae in Hebei province of China .

  6. 在更温暖的夏日里,这些动物为驱赶蝇虫,不得不消耗很多能量,以至于无法维持自身的生存需要。

    During warmer summers , the animals have to use so much energy to keep the flies away that they can 't sustain themselves .

  7. 纯素狗粮已有售,但那些注重环保的、想给宠物吃动物蛋白的狗主人们现在可以转向一款叫作Yora的荷兰产品。这个产品中含40%的黑色兵蝇幼虫。

    Vegan dog foods are on sale but environmentalist owners wanting to treat their pet to animal protein can now turn to a Dutch product called Yora . The grubs of black soldier flies make up 40 % of it .

  8. 运用GIS系统预测四川省两种斑潜蝇的发生状况

    Forecasting the Occurrence of Two Leaf Miners by Application of GIS

  9. 新疆蝇类研究V.生态学调查资料

    Studies on Flies in Xinjiang V , Ecological investigation

  10. 从舍蝇复眼ERG光谱敏感性的测定对R(1-6)和R(7、8)网膜细胞产生的敏感峰的鉴别

    Identification of spectral peaks of r_ ( 1-6 ) and r_ ( 7 , 8 ) retinular cells from ERG of the compound eye of housefly

  11. 灭蚊蝇现场使用后1h,成蚊密度下降90.0%,成蝇密度下降94.4%;

    Field efficacy test showed that the mosquito density decreased 90.0 % and the fly density decreased 94.4 % after 1h ;

  12. 但是,阿托品预处理使蝇蕈醇和β-氯苯氨丁酸促进胃切片3H-GABA摄取的效应完全消失。

    The pretreatment of atropine can completely abolish the acceleration of muscimol and baclofen on the GABA uptake of stomach slices .

  13. 按1:50的剂量投放垃圾场4d蝇幼虫死亡率达100%;

    And the 4 d mortality of fly larvae reached 100 % while the dosage ratio was 1 ' 50 . Conclusion ;

  14. 温度对丝光绿蝇Luciliasericata幼虫体长变化的影响

    Effect of Temperature on the Body-Length Change of Lucilia sericata

  15. 驯鹿狂蝇形态及线粒体COI基因序列研究

    Study of the Morphology and Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I ( COI ) Gene Sequence of Cephenemyia Trompe

  16. 结果在模拟现场,捕蝇器和诱蝇笼2h诱捕率分别为92.1%和0.2%;

    Results In analogous room , the average rate of catching flies by the fly-capturer and fly trap were 92.1 % and 0.2 % in 2h .

  17. 食蚜蝇(Syrphidae)生物学特性及人工室内饲养技术的研究进展

    Study on Biological Characters of Syrphidae and the Advances of Manpower Rearing Technique Indoor

  18. 寄主植物对葱蝇Deliaantiqua(Meigen)生长发育的影响及治理药剂的研究

    Effect of Different Host Plants on Development of Delia antiqua ( Meigen ) and Chemical Control

  19. 结果:家蝇对5种常用杀虫剂的平均LD50(μg蝇)分别为:溴氰菊酯0.0197,氯氰菊酯0.0813,氯菊酯0.0436,敌敌畏0.0337,敌百虫16.0021。

    The LD 50 of Deltamethrin . Cypermethrin . Permethrin , Dichlorovos and Trichlorphon for the house flies were 0.019 7 , 0.081 3 , 0.043 6 , 0.033 7 and 16.002 1 μ g / fly respectively .

  20. 分子生物学技术如同工酶电泳、RFLP、RAPD、核酸序列分析、微卫星DNA和探针杂交等,在实蝇科昆虫系统发育研究中具有重要作用。

    Molecular biological techniques , such as isozymes electrophoresis , RFLP , RAPD , nucleic acid sequence analysis , micro-satellite DNA and probe hybridization , were applied in the studies of phylogeny in fruit flies since its commencement in 1980 's.

  21. 目的:建立大头金蝇(Chrysomyiamegacephala,C.megacephala)成虫头壳蝶啶含量的分析方法。

    Objective : To develop a method for pteridine fluorescence analysis in adult Chrysomyia megacephala ( C.megacephala ) .

  22. 利用微机辅助分析系统对柑桔中桔大实蝇(TetradacuscitriChen)幼虫发出的振动信号进行了时域、频域分析。

    The vibrational signals generated by fruit fly larvae , Tetradacus citri Chen , in citrus fruits were studied in time domain and frequency domain with micro-computer-aided insect sound analysis system .

  23. 对蚊、蝇、蟑螂KT50为3.44、4.19和4.58min;

    The KT 50 was respectively 3.44 , 4.19 , and 4.58 mins on mosquitoes , flies and cockroaches .

  24. 利用核糖体内部转录间隔区(ITS)和大亚基(LSU)核苷酸序列对苹果煤污病与蝇粪病病原进行多样性分析。

    Pathogen diversity analysis of Sooty blotch and flyspeck ( SBFS ) by the internal transcriber spacer ( ITS ) and larger subunit ( LSU ) sequences .

  25. 近年来,基于胆碱能假说,人们将大量的研究集中于寻找高效的、有选择性的AChE抑制剂,从而提高中枢神经系统中蝇碱受体和尼古丁受体处的乙酰胆碱水平。

    Presently , in the frame of the so-called " cholinergic hypothesis ", a great deal of research is being devoted to the discovery of the potent and selective AChE inhibitors able to maintain high levels of acetylcholine at the muscarinic and nicotinic receptors in the central nervous system .

  26. TNG推介的是一种可解决角蝇之害的牛疫苗,角蝇每年给养牛业造成的损失高达10亿美元左右。

    TNG pitched a cattle vaccine that tackled the vicious horn fly , a pest that costs the cattle industry around $ 1 billion a year .

  27. 结论大肠埃希菌O157∶H7感染性腹泻并发急性肾功能衰竭是病人死亡的主要原因,家畜、家禽的高带菌率可通过污染水、食物传染给人,亦可通过蝇和日常生活接触感染。

    Conclusion The main factor causing death was the complicated acute renal failure from diarrhea infected by E. coli O157 ∶ H7 . The pathogen from livestock or poultry with high carrying rate might infect people through polluted water , food flies and close contacts .

  28. 低、中剂量雄蝇最高寿命显著延长(分别延长了110%和74%,P001)。

    The maximum life span of the female fly in low and middle doses was increased by 4.4 % and 6.7 % ( P0.05 ) and that of the male fly in low and middle dose by 11.0 % and 7.4 % ( P0.01 ), respectively .

  29. 大兴安岭落叶松球果花蝇的发生规律及其防治

    The Development Regular of Larch Cone Flies and Its Chemical Control

  30. 蝇蟑宁毒饵对家蝇、德国小蠊的灭效观察

    The Efficacy Tests of Snip Poison Baits against Flies and Cockroaches