
  • 网络myiasis;Hypodermiasis
  1. 新生儿蝇蛆病2例报告

    Report on 2 cases of myiasis in the new-borns

  2. 超声多普勒对25例疖肿型蝇蛆病的诊断价值

    The value of Doppler ultrasound in diagnosis in 25 cases of furunculoid myiasis

  3. 皮肤蝇蛆病10例诊治

    Diagnosis and treatment of 10 cases of myiasis cutis

  4. 澳门肠道蝇蛆病

    Intestinal myiasis in Macao eight cases of myiasis

  5. 分别以虫体粗蛋白和纯化的重组蛋白为检测抗原,建立牛皮蝇蛆病的血清学诊断方法。

    The ELISA for Hypodermosis was developed using natural protein and recombinant protein as antigen .

  6. 临床检查,羊狂蝇蛆病感染率为92.21%;

    Sheep 's Lesson ovis maggot , and that the infection rate of Oestriasis was 92.21 % .

  7. 为根除我国牛皮蝇蛆病,试验了一种经皮肤给药透皮吸收的新药剂&点涂剂。

    To eradicate bovine hypodermosis disease Fenthion spot-on as a new medicine absorbed percutaneously was tested and exploited .

  8. 自1994~1996年对5000多头牛应用倍硫磷浇泼剂防治牛皮蝇蛆病。

    Fenthion Pour On were used on more than 5000 cattles during 1994-1996 for prevention or treatment of Hypodermatosis .

  9. 有些种类可寄生于人类及其它脊椎动物的肠道中,以及伤口化脓处,导致蝇蛆病发生。

    Therefore , they can live in the intestines of human and other vertebrates and wound rotting place , causing flies maggots disease occurrence .

  10. 对我国北方地区牛的血清检测结果表明该地区牛的牛皮蝇蛆病仍然处于较高的感染状态,平均感染率为28.45%;

    The results of sero-surveillance show that there is still high infection rate on hypodermosis in China and the average infection rate is even up to28.45 % .

  11. 内蒙古自治区牛皮蝇蛆病主要分布于中、东部的锡盟、呼盟、通辽市等地区。

    Hypodermiasis in bovine mainly prevails in Xinlinguoler League , Hulunbeier League , Tongliao City and so on in the middle and the east part of Inner Mongolia .

  12. 其散发的气味能驱赶牛皮蝇离开牛体,从而阻断牛皮蝇在牛体上产卵,破坏其生活史,达到防治牛皮蝇蛆病的目的。

    The drug can prevent the hypodermal fly from laying eggs on the cattle , destroying its life chains and achieving the goal of preventing and curing the disease of hypodermal fly maggots .