
  • 网络madama butterfly;butterfly;madame butterfly;Mitsouko;Madam Butterfly
  1. 维什涅芙丝卡娅1960年首次登上美国舞台,同年她录制了《蝴蝶夫人》的咏叹调。

    Vishnevskaya made her American debut in 1960 , the same year she recorded this aria for Madama Butterfly .

  2. 星期五晚上蝴蝶夫人的戏票。

    To see Madame Butterfly this Friday night .

  3. 普契尼的歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》是一个明显带有东方主义痕迹的文本。

    Puccini 's opera , Madame Butterfly , is a text with the ostensible properties of Orientalism .

  4. 从蝴蝶夫人到蝴蝶君&黄哲伦的文化策略初探

    From " Madame Butterfly " to " Mr. Butterfly ": A Study of David Henry Huang ′ s Cultural Strategies

  5. 普契尼,这部歌剧蝴蝶夫人的作曲家经常派蛋糕他的导演托斯卡尼尼的圣诞节。

    Puccini , the composer of the Opera Madame Butterfly often sent a cake to his director Toscanini at Christmas .

  6. 解构蝴蝶夫人:论黄哲伦的文化策略

    Deconstructing Madame Butterfly : The Politics of David Henry Hwang & The Reversed Stereotypes of the East for the West in M.Butterfly

  7. 谢谢蝴蝶夫人设置一个交流能量和生命信息的平台。

    Thank you , Lady Butterfly for setting up a sharing platform for dialogues and information exchange in the matter of Energy and Life .

  8. 著名歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》是西方戏剧史上的世纪绝唱,代表了西方的东方主义思想。

    The famous opera Madame Butterfly , representing the thought of " orientalism " in the west , is the peak of the century in western drama history .

  9. 抛开蝴蝶夫人之类的偶像,一段成功的跨种族恋爱,象所有其它的不同文化之间的交流一样,是植根于其参与者之间互相尊重与理解中的。

    Getting away from icons as Madame Butterfly , a successful interracial relationship , like any other encounters between different cultures , is rooted in healthy understanding and mutual respect of each other of its participants .

  10. 在文中,她们都被描述为父权制下的受害者,安托瓦内特最终飞蛾扑火,结束了自己的生命,而月兰则成为美国歌剧中的著名人物蝴蝶夫人的又一个悲剧式翻版。

    They are both depicted as the victims of the patriarchal system . Antoinette ends her life in fire like a moth ; Moon Orchid is another tragic version of Madame Butterfly , a famous character in an American opera .

  11. 第一章真实主义与普契尼的歌剧创作,对普契尼的真实主义歌剧创作思想作一阐述,并且着重介绍了其作品中的《艺术家的生涯》、《托斯卡》、《蝴蝶夫人》三大歌剧。

    The contents are as follows : In Chapter one , Verism and Puccini 's Major Operas , the author elaborates Puccini 's verism in opera creation , and introduces his three major operas : La boheme , Tosca , and Madam Butterfly .

  12. 东方幻象的建构与解构&论《蝴蝶君》对《蝴蝶夫人》的改写

    Construction and Deconstruction of the Image of the Orient : M.Butterfly as an Adaptation of Madame Butterfly