
dié yǒng
  • butterfly;butterfly stroke
蝶泳 [dié yǒng]
  • [butterly style swimming;butterfly stroke] 游泳姿势之一,跟蛙泳相似,但两臂划水后须提出水面再向前摆去,因形似飞蝶而得名

蝶泳[dié yǒng]
  1. 蛙泳、仰泳、蝶泳以及自由泳。

    Breast stroke , back stroke , butterfly stroke , and free stroke .

  2. 蝶泳被列入正式比赛项目是在1958年。

    The butterfly stroke had not accepted as a formal event until 1958 .

  3. 只有蝶泳我不会。

    Butterfly is the only stroke I can 't do .

  4. 她获得200米蝶泳比赛的第三名。

    She was third in the 200m butterfly .

  5. 对刘子歌备战第29届奥运会200m蝶泳技术攻关研究

    Research on 200m Butterfly Stroke Techniques of LIU Zi-ge Prepared for the 29 ~ ( th ) Olympic Games

  6. 他的“绶带比(迈克尔)菲尔普斯(MichaelPhelps)还多”——这里是说冠军绶带,不过恐怕不是蝶泳冠军。

    He has " more belts than [ Michael ] Phelps " - title belts , that is , though presumably not from the butterfly stroke .

  7. 在奥林匹克水上运动体育馆,一场百米蝶泳比赛之前,一个官员两次要求观众保持安静,参赛者当中包括巴西选手黛安妮•迪亚斯(DaieneDias)和戴纳拉•德•保拉(DaynaradePaula)。

    At the Olympic Aquatics Stadium , an official twice requested silence from the crowd before a 100-meter butterfly race that featured the Brazilians Daiene Dias and Daynara de Paula .

  8. 第二天,迈克尔·菲尔普斯参加了200米蝶泳比赛,再次身穿去年的SpeedoRacer泳衣。

    The next day , Michael Phelps competed in the two hundred meter butterfly . Again he wore last year 's Speedo Racer .

  9. 在美国普利茅斯大学的一件宿舍里,来自普利茅斯的15岁姑娘RutaMeilutyte在奥运会上赢得女子百米蝶泳项目金牌之后,宿舍同学发出一阵欢呼。

    Students at Plymouth College reacted with delight when 15-year-old Ruta Meilutyte won a gold medal in the final of the 100m breaststroke .

  10. 我们通常把蝶泳踢腿称作海豚泳。

    We often refer the butterfly kick as the body dolphin .

  11. 这就是我的蝶泳小窍门,你也一定能够飞起来。

    That is my guide to butterfly swimming , get flying .

  12. 蝶泳手臂出水不要有提肘动作。

    You do not want the elbows lift on the fly recovery .

  13. 蛙泳手加蝶泳腿,或者蛙泳手加自由泳打腿。

    Breaststroke arms with fly kick and breast arms with flutter kick .

  14. 在蝶泳中,打腿也非常重要。

    The butterfly , the fly kick is very important , also .

  15. 史蒂芬。霍金想做500次蝶泳的那个怎么样?

    House : What about Stephen Hawking trying to do the500 butterfly ?

  16. 我爱游泳,你知道我最喜欢蝶泳。

    I love swimming , you know my favorite style is butterfly .

  17. 哇!他能教我蝶泳和仰泳吗?

    Wow ! Can he teach me the butterfly and the backstroke ?

  18. 澳大利亚选手莉比.特里克特夺得女子100米蝶泳金牌。

    Australian Lisbeth Trickett emerged the winner of the women's100-meter butterfly final .

  19. 他只参加两项比赛,100米蝶泳和100米自由泳。

    He swam in just two events , the100m butterfly and100m freestyle .

  20. 下一个练习是蝶泳划臂练习。

    The next drill is just a butterfly stroke drill .

  21. 大多数优秀的蝶泳运动员都打两次腿。

    And most of your good butterflyers are2 beats kickers .

  22. 把两手拉回到体侧,开始打蝶泳腿。

    Pull the hands to the sides and do the fly kick .

  23. 这是开始学习蝶泳腿的好方法。

    It is a great way to start the kick .

  24. 站在泳池边,运动员向前弯曲,同时作蝶泳移臂的动作;

    On pool deck , swimmer bends forward and practices arm action .

  25. 这是我们使用的一种打腿练习,蝶泳的打腿练习。

    This is one of our kick drills , butterfly kick drills .

  26. 但是我听说她还是获得了100米蝶泳金牌。

    But I heard she reached and touched the gold of the100m butterfly .

  27. 施皮茨以蝶泳最为擅长,在自由泳项目上成绩也非常优秀。

    Notably a butterfly specialist , Spitz was also successful in the freestyle .

  28. 现代海豚式打腿技术在蝶泳比赛中的运用

    Leg Functions in Sex The Use of Modern Dolphin Kicking in Butterfly Competitions

  29. 蝶泳一定是最难(游)的。

    The butterfly-stroke has got to be the hardest .

  30. 做蝶泳转身时,你要径直游向池壁。

    The butterfly turn , you want to come straight into the wall .