
ān mǎ
  • pommel horse;side horse;saddle and horse;life on horseback;horse and harness;horse;horseman
鞍马 [ān mǎ]
  • (1) [horse and harness]∶泛指马和马具

  • 愿为市鞍马,从此替爷征。--《木兰诗》

  • (2) [horse]∶指人骑的马

  • 而操舍鞍马,仗舟楫,与 吴越争衡。-- 司马光《资治通鉴》

  • (3) [horseman]∶骑马的人

  • 门前冷落鞍马稀。--白居易《琵琶行》

  • (4) [side horse;saddle and horse] 一种体育器材,形状略像马,背部有两个半圆环,可以调整高度,用来做体操

鞍马[ān mǎ]
  1. 对2006年全国体操锦标赛中鞍马项目成套动作及完成情况进行分析。

    This paper analyzes the movements of the sets in pommel horse , which are done in national gymnastics champion competition in2006 .

  2. 英国队队长LouisSmith下周也将在鞍马比赛上也冲击奖牌,他说:“尽管申诉导致了奖牌顺序变更,但是能获奖对我们而言已经是美梦成真一般了。”

    Louis Smith , the captain of the team and a favorite to win a medal later this week on the pommel horse , said : ' Despite the protesting getting the scoring changed , this is a dream come true for all of us .

  3. 我骑着无鞍马来到了牧场。

    I rode bareback to the paddock .

  4. 在裁判重新观看内村航平的鞍马动作回放时,北格林威治体育馆(NorthGreenwichArena)的观众都在紧张地等待着。

    The crowd at North Greenwich Arena tensely waited as the judges reviewed Uchimura 's routine .

  5. 在英国男子体操队意外摘得一枚银牌后,日本对鞍马比赛的评分提出申诉,在这项男团决赛的最后一项比赛中,日本超级巨星内村航平(KoheiUchimura)似乎从鞍马上跌落下来。

    After Britain appeared to notch a surprise silver medal on its home turf , Japan appealed a score in the day 's last event , in which superstar Kohei Uchimura appeared to fall off the pommel horse .

  6. 鞍马全旋训练研究

    A study on the training of completely rotating on side horse

  7. 跳马与鞍马相似,只不过更高一点。

    The vault is similar to the pommel horse but taller .

  8. (练习跳跃用的)鞍马。

    Vaulting horse ( wooden apparatus for practice in vaulting )

  9. 马鞍型并联跟踪台手动介入控制方法的研究GB/T8394-1987鞍马

    Research on hand-operated intervenient controlling method of saddle typed parallel tracking platform

  10. 我最近一直过着鞍马生涯。

    I have been in the saddle all the last few days .

  11. 鞍马鞍环三维测力处理系统

    A System for Measuring and Processing 3-D Forces on a Pommel Horse

  12. 鞍马是很难掌握的器械。

    The vaulting horse is a difficult piece of apparatus to master .

  13. 骑无鞍马时你也这么说。

    That 's what you said about bareback riding .

  14. 对男子少年儿童体操鞍马规定动作完成情况的研究

    Required Set Accomplished in Pommel Horse by Male Juvenile

  15. 鞍马技术训练对策探讨

    On the Technical Training Strategies of Pommel Horse

  16. 摆上一个鞍马和蹦床。

    Get a vaulting horse and a trampoline .

  17. 鞍马艺术在唐代的发展达到了一个前所未有的程度。

    History of the development of art in the Tang Dynasty reached an unprecedented level .

  18. 法国,也选择了鞍马,在第一轮比赛中排列第二。

    France , which also competed on the vault , was second after the first rotation .

  19. 在俑的旁边常常附有鞍马、车辆、庖厨用具和家畜等。

    Beside these human figures were placed horses , vehicles , cooking utensils and livestock figures .

  20. 鞍马两环外宽臂支撑托马斯全旋转体360°的训练方法

    Training Method of Thomas Circle Full Twist at Two Times with Wide Arms Support outside Double Pommels

  21. 鞍马的基本练习包括:异侧摆越,双脚全旋和交叉。

    The basic exercises on the pommel horse include the undercut , double leg circles and scissors .

  22. 黑城堡曾经拥有多达五千名全副武装、鞍马齐备、仆从如云的战士。

    Once Castle Black had housed five thousand fighting men with all their horses and servants and weapons .

  23. 朝鲜的裴吉洙是奥运会鞍马冠军。这次他又获该项目冠军。

    Yes , there are Pea Gil-Su of DPRK , Olympic pommel horse gold medalist , won this event again .

  24. 张萱是开元年间的画官,擅长画贵族妇女、婴儿、鞍马。

    Zhang Xuan was a painter of the imperial court who was adept at drawing ladies , infants , horses and saddles .

  25. 男子个人单项包括自由体操、跳马、鞍马、单杠、双杠和吊环。

    The individual events for men include floor exercise , vault , pommel horse , horizontal bar , parallel bars , and rings .

  26. 在第一轮比赛后,排在第一的是选择鞍马的罗马尼亚队,中国队排在后面,居第五位。

    After the first rotation , though , China was fifth , behind the first-place Romanians , who had competed on the vault .

  27. 体操运动中的一个动作,凭借这个动作,体操运动员从鞍马上跳下或完成自由体操运动,一般是双脚落地。

    Sports A move in gymnastics whereby the gymnast gets off an apparatus or completes a floor exercise , typically landing on both feet .

  28. 近四届奥运周期竞技体操各项目的技术发展相对成熟,鞍马、吊环进入了稳定时期。

    Close to the fourth purpose of artistic gymnastics Olympic cycle technology is relatively mature , pommel horse , rings , entered a stable period .

  29. 这6枚金牌是双杠、跳马、吊环、鞍马、个人全能和作为联合队团体冠军成员的1枚金牌。

    His golds came in the parallel bars , vault , rings , pommel horse , individual and as a member of the winning Unified Team .

  30. 在我国第11届全运会中我省竞技体操运动员杨佩、张宏涛分别摘得了跳马项目的金牌和鞍马项目的银牌。

    In eleventh Chinese National Games in our province gymnastics athlete Yang Pei , Zhang Hongtao won the vault gold medal and silver medal in pommel horse .