
  1. 通过分析我国上市公司实施MBO的特点提出以下假设前提条件:(1)管理层偿还融资利息的资金来源于股利与卖出部分股权的收益;

    By analyzing the characteristics of MBO of listed company in our country , it proposes postulated conditions : ( 1 ) The funds repaid for the interest of financing stem from dividend and earnings of transferring of the stock ;

  2. 你在草案中建议的你方融资的利息计算公式。

    The formula you proposed in the draft to calculate the interest of your financing .

  3. 某个时期维持一个物业所需要的开销,包括财产税、险费,融资的利息等。

    The expe e required to maintain a property over a given period of time , including property taxes , maintenance , I urance payments , interest charges on financing , etc.

  4. 从企业所得税方面来说,企业通过负债融资产生的利息,被当作经营过程中产生的费用允许税前扣除,这样相对于无负债经营企业可以少纳所得税,获得税收上的好处。

    From the aspect of corporate income tax , regarding the interest originated through debt financing , the costs incurred can be deducted before the payment of corporate income tax . Hence , relatively speaking , companies without debt financing need to pay less income and then enjoy tax benefits .

  5. 希腊在4月份需要100亿欧元为债务进行再融资,并支付利息。

    Athens needs € 10bn to refinance debt and meet interest payments in April .

  6. 近三分之二的工厂企业主表示,年融资成本(包括利息和手续费)超过10%。

    Almost two thirds of factory owners report annual financing costs of more than 10 per cent ( including interest and fees ) .

  7. 北京方面在5月15日还指示国有银行继续向公共基础设施项目提供资金&即便这些项目背后的融资工具拖欠了利息或本金。

    Beijing also instructed state banks on May 15 to continue to fund public infrastructure projects even if the finance vehicles backing them were behind on their interest or principal payments .

  8. 对清算公司而言,这可能算是意外之财,他们可以对融资余额收取融资利息,对被冻结的融券收取融券费。

    This is something of a bonanza for the clearing firms , which get to collect interest on the credit balances , and charge interest on the debits associated with the frozen investor positions .