
mǎn chónɡ
  • mite;acarid
  1. 11株螨虫分离株的ITS-2序列分析与系统关系研究

    Sequence Analysis and Phylogenetic Relationships of 11 Mite Isolates Based on ITS-2 Gene

  2. 结果:离体杀螨试验,螨虫平均麻痹时间为15min,平均死亡时间为51min;

    Results of the experiment were : 1.experiment of mite-killing efficient in vitro showed that average paralysis time of mite was 15 minutes and average dead time was 51 minutes ;

  3. 恢复肌肤的正常PH值,维护健康的内环境,不易滋生痘痘和螨虫。

    To Restore the PH value of skin , maintain the normal internal environment avoid of blain and mites .

  4. 驱螨虫化妆品中地塞米松类甾体化合物的LC-MS检出

    LC / MS Analysis of Steroids Such as Dexamethasone in Cosmetics of Driving Acarid

  5. 即使是果蝇这种低等生物,在它们感染螨虫时,也会出现一种跟搔痒看起来颇为相似的“强力梳理行为(robustgroomingbehaviors)”,加州大学伯克利分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley)的细胞和发育生物学助理教授戴安娜·鲍蒂斯塔(DianaBautista)说。

    Even fruit flies engage in " robust grooming behaviors " that look a lot like scratching when they are infected with mites , said Diana Bautista , an assistant professor of cell and developmental biology at the University of California , Berkeley .

  6. EPR注射液以0.2mg/kg剂量进行皮下注射对兔耳螨、绵羊螨虫和线虫、肉牛虱子和线虫的驱杀效率均为100%。

    The milk to plasma ratio was 0.16.Eprinomectin has an ultimate efficacy against ear mite in rabbit , mites in sheep , nematodes in sheep and beef cattle , louse in beef cattle following subcutaneous administration at a dose of 0.2mg/kg .

  7. 纯植物精油可以驱逐蚊子,跳蚤,蚂蚁,螨虫等。

    Essential oil eliminates mosquito , flea ant and mite repellant .

  8. 织网的螨虫,损害庭园植物和果树。

    Web-spinning mite that attacks garden plants and fruit trees .

  9. 又或者螨虫听说过吸二手烟的危害。

    Or maybe they 've heard about the dangers of secondhand smoke .

  10. 鼻子痒是不是长螨虫的前兆啊?

    Is nose itchs is long mite bug augural ?

  11. 1996年有两组科学家对转基因的螨虫和蠕虫做了野外试验。

    In 1996 , two groups did field tests of genetically modified mites and worms .

  12. 土层中的绝大多数螨虫以小昆虫或它们的卵为食。

    The majority of mites in the soil layer eat small insects or their eggs .

  13. 但是对于鸟儿们来说,一天一个烟蒂,螨虫就会远离我。

    But for the birds , a butt a day might just keep mites away .

  14. 这些螨虫携带“仿小核糖核酸(picorna-like)”病毒。

    These mites carry picorna-like viruses .

  15. 作为螨虫如何触发引起慢性变态反应性疾病的实例,鼻炎是一个极好的例子。

    Rhinitis is a good example of how mites can cause and trigger chronic allergic disease .

  16. 进口古巴原糖螨虫污染的检验和卫生管理方法探讨

    An exploration into the inspection and hygienics management of the mites polluting the Cuban raw sugar

  17. 新的生物杀虫剂螨虫素对棉花、蔬菜害虫的毒力评价及应用技术研究

    Laboratory toxicity test and field experiment of new biopesticide ( 7051 ) against cotton and vegetable insects

  18. 养蜂人和科学工作者们曾经怀疑许多的原因,从手机辐射、气候变迁到螨虫感染或杀虫剂。

    Beekeepers and scientists have suspected everything from cell-phone radiation or climate change to mites or pesticides .

  19. 纺织品的防螨虫可采用化学处理方法,以减少室内螨虫的滋生,以改善室内生活环境的清洁卫生和提高人们的生活质量。

    Anti-mite finish of textiles with chemicals can reduce breeding of indoor mite and improve the indoor sanitation .

  20. 他们可以受到跳蚤和螨虫感染,与所有潜在的并发症带来的。

    They can be subject to flea and mite infestations , with all the potential complications that brings .

  21. 当这些螨虫大规模的聚集到一个毛囊内的时候,就容易引起发炎和感染。

    When these acarids gather into a hair-follicle in a large scale , it is easy to get inflamation and infection .

  22. 害螨虫口减退率蔬菜83%~97%,果树76%~90%。

    Mites decreasing rate was 83 % - 97 % in vegetables and 76 % - 90 % in fruit trees .

  23. 蜘蛛螨虫非常小,可以研究了显微镜或手只镜头的使用情况。

    Spider mites are extremely small and can be examined closely only by the use of a microscope or hand lens .

  24. 他们发现挂有最多过滤嘴纤维的鸟巢里螨虫的数量最少。

    And they found that the nests that were festooned with the most filter fiber had the lowest numbers of mites .

  25. 除了蝙蝠之外,这个硫磺饱和的环境下还孳生着大量的蜘蛛,螨虫,有鞭蝎以及一种富含血红蛋白的小鱼。

    In addition to bats , spiders , mites , amblypygids , and small , hemoglobin-rich fish thrive in the sulfur-saturated environment .

  26. 这只螨虫标本在化石记录中极为罕见,它有可能是现存薄口螨科动物家族中最为古老的一种。

    The specimen , which is extremely rare in the fossil record , is potentially the oldest record of the living family Histiostomatidae .

  27. 例如,可能是对角蛋白或皮脂等毛囊内容物的反应,甚至可能是对毛囊螨虫的反应。

    It may , for instance , be a reaction to follicular contents , such as keratins and sebum , or even to Demodex folliculorum .

  28. 经常查看一下你的植物,不要等到它们都病入膏肓了才着急。用放大镜来检查是否有螨虫等。

    Examine your plants now and then , don 't wait for them to start looking sad . Use a magnifying glass to look for mites .

  29. 他的同事理查德-普雷佐伊斯补充道,现在研究小组可以确定从多久之前象这只螨虫一样的物种就开始利用大型的生物做交通工具。

    Fellow biologist Dr Richard Prezoisi added that the team could now date how long species such as the mite had been using larger organisms for transportation .

  30. 吸入组即通过呼吸道吸入体内,如尘土、花粉、霉菌、螨虫、油漆等。

    Inhalation group that is inhaled through the respiratory tract in vivo , such as dust , pollen , mold , mites are , such as paint .
