
xuè xī chóng
  • schistosome;blood fluke
血吸虫 [xuè xī chóng]
  • [blood fluke;schistosome] 一种灰白色寄生虫,雌雄常合抱在一起,卵随粪便排入水中,在水中孵化成毛蚴进入钉螺体内变成尾蚴。尾蚴离开钉螺后,就会钻入进到水里的人畜体内,变成成虫。成虫寄生于肝肠内而导致血吸虫病

血吸虫[xuè xī chóng]
  1. DNA杂交鉴定血吸虫种株的研究

    Differentiation of schistosome species and strains by DNA hybridization

  2. 多抗&单抗双抗体夹心ELISA检测血吸虫循环抗原的研究

    A study on detection of circulating schistosome antigen by sandwich ELISA using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies

  3. 血吸虫DNA疫苗联合免疫研究进展

    Research Progress on co-immunization of DNA vaccines against schistosoma japonicum

  4. 脑血吸虫性肉芽肿CT和MRI表现与分型探讨

    CT and MRI findings and classification study of brain schistosomiasis granuloma

  5. 湖南省日本血吸虫DNA多态性的研究

    Studies on Polymorphism in the DNA Fragments of Schistosoma Japonicum from Hunan Province

  6. 日本血吸虫等电化学免疫传感器及DNA与传感载体相互作用的研究

    Studies on Electrochemical Immunosensors for Schistosoma-Japonicum and Interaction of DNA with Sensing Carriers

  7. 日本血吸虫双价DNA疫苗对小鼠单次肌肉注射的毒性试验

    Acute toxicity test of Schistosoma japonicum bivalent DNA vaccine with single dosage in mice

  8. [目的]观察蒿甲醚(Art)对日本血吸虫糖代谢酶活性的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of artemether on several enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism of Schistosoma japonicum .

  9. 日本血吸虫混合DNA疫苗pBK-CMV-Sj26/Sj32诱导小鼠的免疫应答

    Immune response of mixture of DNA vaccine pBK-CMV-Sj26 / Sj32 to Schistosoma japonicum in inoculated mice

  10. 血吸虫种株随机扩增多态性DNA差异研究

    Studies on the differences of Schistosoma species and strains by using random amplified polymorphic DNA markers

  11. 含日本血吸虫脂肪酸结合蛋白(SjFABPc)基因DNA重组质粒pCD-SjFABPc在哺乳动物细胞中的表达

    Expression of DNA recombinant plasmid containing gene coding for cytoplasmic fatty acid-binding protein from Schistosoma japonicum in mammalian cells

  12. 渗透压、pH值对日本血吸虫毛蚴体外转变成母胞蚴的影响

    Effects of Osmolarity and pH on the Transformation of Schistosoma japonicum Miracidium to Mother Sporocyst in vitro

  13. 日本血吸虫成虫RNA的快速分离纯化

    RNA isolation from adult Schistosoma japonicum by single-step method

  14. 结论:Art对日本血吸虫的Hem活性具有抑制作用。

    CONCLUSION : Art possesses an inhibitory effect to Hem of S japonicum .

  15. 东方田鼠两个亚种特异DNA序列比较分析及抗日本血吸虫抗性相关基因的筛选与克隆

    Comparison of Specific Genomic DNA Fragment between the Two Subspecies of Microtus Fortis and Screening and Coloning of Anti-Schistosoma Japonicum-Associated Gene

  16. 该法提取的血吸虫基因组DNA较纯,适合于以后进行DNA限制性核酸内切酶谱分析和Southernblot分析。

    The technique is useful in the analysis of restriction endonuclease digestion of genomic DNA and Southern blot .

  17. 用标准曲线单位判定ELISA检测血清中血吸虫抗体水平的研究

    Using a standard curve to determine the levels of serum antibody of schistosomiasis in ELISA

  18. MRI动态增强扫描对脑血吸虫性肉芽肿的诊断价值(附20例报告)

    Value of Dynamic Gadolinium-Enhanced MR Imaging in Diagnostic of Intracerebral Schistosomiasis ( An Analysis of 20 Cases )

  19. 日本血吸虫消减雌性成虫cDNA文库的建立及其特异表达基因的筛选

    Construction of the Female Subtractive cDNA Library and Screening of the Specific Expressing Genes

  20. 日本血吸虫虫卵毛蚴中带信号序列基因的全长cDNA序列分析

    Sequence analysis of full length cDNA of Schistosoma japonicum egg miracidia genes harboring signal sequence

  21. 日本血吸虫中国大陆株肝期童虫cDNA文库的构建及鉴定

    Construction and identification of schistosomulum cDNA library

  22. 前结区P细胞多,较密集呈团状排列,后结区P细胞较疏松。中国大陆山区型日本血吸虫之间D为0;

    There were cords between the two regions . In the front nodal region P cells were denser and arranged in lumps . 0 in hilly regions ;

  23. 用日本血吸虫部分cDNA表达质粒文库免疫小鼠产生的保护性效果

    Protective Effect Induced by Vaccination with a Partial cDNA Expression Library of Schistosoma japonicum in Mice

  24. 基于PEG凝集的压电免疫传感器用于日本血吸虫抗体的测定

    Piezoelectric Immunosensor Based on the Agglutination of PEG for Determination of S. Japonicum Antibody

  25. SD大鼠天然抗日本血吸虫感染免疫特性的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Immunological Characteristics of Natural Resistance in Rat to Infection with Schistosoma japonicum

  26. 日本血吸虫EST序列的电子延伸及结果分析

    The in Silico Elongation and Analysis of the EST from Schistosoma japonicum

  27. 葫芦素B对小鼠日本血吸虫肝纤维化组织VEGF及氧化应激的影响

    Effect of cucurbitacin B on the expression of VEGF and oxidative stress in the liver fibrosis tissue due to Schistosoma japonicum infection

  28. 日本血吸虫ATP合酶脂结合蛋白样蛋白基因结构与功能分析

    Studies on the Structure and Function of ATP Synthase Lipid-binding Protein-like Protein Gene of Schistosoma Japonicum

  29. 血吸虫的基因编码两种形式的PO。

    Schistosome genes encode two forms of phenoloxidases .

  30. 目的探讨重组白细胞介素-4(IL-4)真核表达质粒增强日本血吸虫组织蛋白酶bDNA疫苗对小鼠的免疫保护效果。

    Objective To investigate the enhancement effect of IL-4 expression plasmid on cathepsin B DNA vaccine of Schistosoma japonicum ( Sj ) in mice .