
  • 网络Schistosoma eggs;schistosome ova
  1. 单克隆抗体斑点试验检测血吸虫卵抗原

    Detection of schistosome ova antigen by Dot-ELISA with monoclonal antibody

  2. 目的研究日本血吸虫卵黄铁蛋白基因DNA免疫小鼠诱导的保护性免疫力。

    Objective To investigate the immune efficacy of DNA vaccination in mice against yolk ferritin of Chinese Schistosoma japonicum .

  3. 单克隆双抗体夹心ELISA法检测日本血吸虫卵抗原

    Detection of Schistosoma Japonicum Egg Antigen by Sandwich ELISA with Double Monoclonal Antibodies

  4. 用可溶性日本血吸虫卵抗原(SEA)免疫小鼠制备单克隆抗体,获得5株特异的抗日本血吸虫卵单抗。

    Monoclonal antibodies ( McAbs ) were generated from mice immunized with soluble egg antigen ( SEA ) of Schistosoma japonicum .

  5. 本文通过对5例阳性病人3d全粪的研究,发现日本血吸虫卵在粪便中的分布具有聚集性。

    The distribution of egg of Schistosoma japonicum in the entire stools was studied in 15 samples of 5 patients in 3 days .

  6. 日本血吸虫卵在磷酸盐缓冲盐水(PBS)中制成匀浆。

    Schistosoma japonicum eggs were homogenized in phosphate buffered saline ( PBS ) .

  7. 治疗小鼠EAE模型的血吸虫卵抗原有效成分的初步探寻及其验证

    Exploration of the Effectual Ingredient of Schistosoma Japanese Egg Antigen on Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

  8. 应用此抗原片检测粪检血吸虫卵阳性患者104例,COPT阳性率为96.15%;

    Sera from 104 patients passing schistosome eggs gave a COPT positivity rate of 96.2 % .

  9. 本文对日本血吸虫卵粗抗原(AgO)和细抗原(AgG)在间凝试验(IHA)上进行了比较观察。

    We have made comparative observation on the application of the Schistosoma japonicum egg crude antigen ( Ag-o ) and fine antigen ( Ag-G ) to indirect hemagglutination test ( IHA ) .

  10. 目的进一步研究SCP提取物合剂对感染小鼠诱导的抗肝内血吸虫卵肉芽肿病变的调节效应和分子机制。

    Aim In order to further investigate the SCP extraction combining reagent induced immunoregulatory effects and molecular mechanisms of anti Schistosoma japonicum hepatic egg granuloma and schistosome fibrosis .

  11. 用IHA抽样筛查来往于疫区流动人群中潜在传染源,粪便检查血吸虫卵;

    The source of potential infections of Schistosomiasis was examined by IHA in the people of pestilence area and Schistosome eggs were examined in the feces .

  12. 沼气池粪样年均寄生虫卵沉降率为99.6%,灭活率为99.8%,血吸虫卵在沼液中15d后不能孵出毛蚴;

    The faecal parasite eggs can be reduced by 99 . 8 % . No miracidium hatching of schistosome eggs was found in 15 days of retention in biogas tanks .

  13. SjR47组分抗原诱导抗日本血吸虫卵肉芽肿病变免疫效应的进一步研究

    Further study on anti-pathology effect of mice immunized with Schistosoma japonicum r47 ( sjr47 ) fractional antigen

  14. 本研究通过观察CpG在体内、外对Th1/Th2免疫偏移的调控作用,探讨其对日本血吸虫卵肉芽肿及纤维化发生、发展的影响。

    In this paper , through observing the regulating effects on Th1 / Th2 immunodeviation to interfere with CpG or N-CpG or NS in vitro or in vivo , we probed the effects of CpG on eggs granulomatous formation and fibrosis .

  15. 通过在阴性人粪中加入血吸虫卵并回收虫卵的方法,对Kato-katz虫卵计量法的虫卵回收率和抽样误差作实验研究,从而对方法的敏感性和适用性作出正确的估价。

    An experimental evaluation of kato-katz 's quantitative technique on systematic and sampling errors has been performed by the recovery of S.japonica eggs previously added to the feces of noninfected people with different density of eggs .

  16. 应用凝胶电泳和免疫印斑技术对日本血吸虫卵与卫氏并殖吸虫成虫的水溶性抗原(JSEA、PAA)和尿素溶性抗原(JEA-u、PAA-u)进行了抗原蛋白组分比较分析。

    Using enzyme-linked immunoblot technique ( ELIB ) . the antigenic protein components of water-soluble and urea-scluble antigens of Schistosoma japonicum eggs ( JSEA , JEA-U ) aad Paragonimus westermani adult worms ( PAA , PAA-U ) were analysed .

  17. 目的将随机模型引进到血吸虫卵计量变异的研究中。

    Objective Adapting stochastic model for researching schistosoma egg counts variation .

  18. 日本血吸虫卵形成的生理

    Histological and histochemical studies on the egg formation of Schistosoma japonicum

  19. 虫卵可溶性抗原对日本血吸虫卵肉芽肿形成的影响

    Effects of soluble egg antigens on Schistosoma japonicum egg granuloma formation

  20. 曼氏血吸虫卵可溶性抗原基因克隆的研究

    Gene cloning of a soluble egg antigen of Schistosoma mansoni

  21. 体外日本血吸虫卵肉芽肿反应动力学的进一步观察

    Further observation on dynamics of in vitro granulomatous responses surrounding schistosome eggs

  22. 血吸虫卵计量变异的随机模型

    Stochastic Model for Variation of Faecal Schistosoma Egg Count

  23. 粪便中日本血吸虫卵的分布

    Distribution of Schistosoma japonicum egg in the stools

  24. 方法把检出血吸虫卵数分布调零分解成零分布和非零分布。

    Method Using zero-adjusted division of schistosome eggs distribution into zero and nonzero distribution .

  25. 未成熟日本血吸虫卵抗原诱导宿主肉芽肿病变免疫调节机理的研究

    The Immunoregulation Mechanism of Granuloma Formation Induced by Immature Egg Antigen of Schistosoma japonicum

  26. 未成熟日本血吸虫卵的组分蛋白及其免疫学特性的研究

    Study on Fractional Protein and Immunological Characteristics of Immature Egg Antigen of Schistosoma Japonicum

  27. 吡喹酮对日本血吸虫卵环卵沉淀试验的影响

    Effect of Praziquantel on Circumoval Precipitin Test ( COPT ) of Schistosoma Japonicum Eggs

  28. 日本血吸虫卵可溶性抗原与病人和病兔血清的免疫印斑反应

    EITB reaction of Schistosoma japonicum soluble egg antigens with infected human and rabbit sera

  29. 日本血吸虫卵在粪便中分布特点的研究

    Distribution of Schistosoma japonicum eggs in stool

  30. 雷公藤煎剂对小鼠肝脏日本血吸虫卵肉芽肿形成的影响

    Effect of Tripterygium wilfordii Decoct on the Schistosoma japonicum Egg-granuloma Formation in the Mouse Liver