
rè dài bìnɡ
  • tropical disease
  1. 请访问TDR(热带病研究)网站的资助金机会网页或RHR(生殖卫生和研究)网站的能力加强网页。

    Visit the grant opportunities page in the TDR ( Tropical Disease Research ) web site or the capacity strengthening page in the RHR ( Reproductive Health and Research ) web site .

  2. 她患有一种罕见的热带病。

    She is suffering from a rare tropical disease .

  3. 克莱恩博士的研究领域是热带病。

    Dr Crane 's specialism is tropical diseases .

  4. 也在对热带病研究和培训特别规划(TDR)进行审查。

    The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases ( TDR ) is also under review .

  5. 来自胡志明市热带病医院的医生参与了该研究组,他们从H5N1禽流感幸存者的血液中分离出了抗体。

    The researchers , including doctors from the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam , isolated antibodies from the blood of human survivors of the H5N1 virus .

  6. 在6月16日晚间于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区举行的颁奖仪式上,热带病研究和培训特别规划负责人RobertRidley博士代表该规划接受了这项全球最大的公共卫生奖。

    At a ceremony in Washington , DC the evening of16 June , the world 's largest public health prize was presented to TDR Director Dr Robert Ridley .

  7. 世界卫生组织热带病研究与培训特别项目(TDR)的ShenglanTang正在帮助协调11月的这次研讨会。

    Shenglan Tang of the WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases ( TDR ), who is helping to coordinate the November symposium , told SciDev .

  8. 制药公司葛兰素史克(GSK)宣布了在解决被忽视的热带病问题上的重大变革的计划,这一举动已经导致了激烈的辩论。

    The drug company GlaxoSmithKline ( GSK ) has announced plans for radical changes in the way it approaches neglected tropical diseases , a move that has caused intense debate .

  9. 美国国际发展机构称,政府和企业每年要花费100亿美元来治疗被忽视的热带病(NTDs),这就导致生产力和治疗费用的损失。

    The United States Agency for International Development says neglected tropical diseases , or NTDs , cost governments and businesses ten billion dollars a year . This is in lost productivity and treatment costs .

  10. 发表在上周(8月3日)的《公共科学图书馆•被忽视的热带病》上的这项研究的第一作者CarlosGuerra说,但是这是首次为间日疟原虫绘制这种地图。

    But this is the first time that such a map has been developed for P.vivax , said Carlos Guerra , lead author of the study , published last week ( 3 August ) in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases .

  11. 也有人发起了其他对抗NTDs的运动,全球被忽略的热带病网络的NeerajMistry博士说,因为获取药物的途径有限,早期的治疗效果不大。

    There have been many campaigns against neglected tropical diseases . Dr. Neeraj Mistry of the Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases says those earlier efforts were not very effective because access to drugs was limited .

  12. 血吸虫病是人类主要热带病之一。

    Schistosomiasis is one of the major tropical diseases of mankind .

  13. 热带病被忽视这一现象是贫穷落后的象征。

    Neglected tropical diseases are a symptom of poverty and disadvantage .

  14. 被忽视的热带病是我们团结一致的另一个例子。

    The neglected tropical diseases provide another example of our solidarity .

  15. 问:为什么一些热带病被称为“被忽视的”?

    Q : Why are some tropical diseases called " neglected "?

  16. 卫生发展包括慢性病和被忽视的热带病。

    Health development includes the chronic diseases and the neglected tropical diseases .

  17. 坦桑尼亚科学家提名将该奖授予热带病研究和培训特别规划。

    Tanzanian scientists were among those that nominated TDR for the award .

  18. 新发热带病监测显示出明显的固定模式

    Clear pattern emerges from surveillance of imported tropical diseases

  19. 热带病及卫生学文凭【医】波状热,布鲁氏杆菌病

    Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene [ DTM & H ] undulant fever

  20. 链接到《公共科学图书馆·被忽视热带病》论文全文

    Link to full article in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases

  21. 这个地区各种热带病猖獗。

    The region is swarming with tropical diseases .

  22. 他染上了一种少见的热带病。

    He got a rare tropical disease .

  23. 足球明星塞缪尔•埃托奥承诺抗击与昏睡病和其它被忽视的热带病。

    Commitment of football star Samuel Eto'o to the fight against sleeping sickness and other NTDs .

  24. 目的为口岸更好地防制热带病传入传出提供参考。

    Objective To provide scientific data for the prevention and control of infectious diseases at ports .

  25. 持续性的环境和媒介管理,仍然是预防通过媒介传播的被忽视热带病的主要方法。

    Sustained environmental and vector management remain key approaches for the prevention of vector-borne neglected tropical diseases .

  26. 上个月,被忽视的热带病全球伙伴召开了第一次会议。

    Last month , the first meeting of global partners for the neglected tropical diseases was held .

  27. 为对付被忽视的热带病,世卫组织召集了其有史以来最成功的一些会议。

    To address the neglected tropical diseases , WHO convened some of its most successful meetings ever .

  28. 麻风病是在21世界初可以被消灭的少数几种热带病之一。

    Leprosy is one of the few tropical diseases which could be eradicated early in the21st century .

  29. 被忽视的热带病需要今天启动的联合小组以创新的方式给予关注。

    The neglected tropical diseases need the kind of innovative attention offered by the consortium being launched today .

  30. 由于被忽视的热带病很可能不会传播,它们很少对较富裕社会造成直接威胁。

    Since neglected tropical diseases do not travel easily , they pose little immediate threat to wealthier societies .