
táng láng
  • mantis;praying mantis
螳螂 [táng láng]
  • [mantis] 螳螂属或者有关属(螳螂总科)的昆虫,具有长的前胸,取食其它昆虫,用前肢抱握好像念经但是对人类无害

螳螂[táng láng]
  1. 她的意识中,是一只雌螳螂正吞咽她的配偶。

    In her mind , it was a female mantis , devouring her mates .

  2. 哦,亲爱的螳螂大师,你在干什么?

    Oh , dear master mantis , what are you doing ?

  3. 除了你,螳螂,你早就是绿色的。

    Except for you , Mantis , you were already green .

  4. 签证延迟包括叫做“螳螂检查”的签证审查程序。

    The delays involve a security clearance process called Visas Mantis .

  5. 螳螂;在某些分类中,被认为是直翅目的一个亚目。

    Mantises ; in former classifications considered a suborder of Orthoptera .

  6. 金猴、螳螂、仙鹤、灵蛇、娇虎。

    Monkey ! Mantis ! Orane ! Viper ! Tigress !

  7. 螳螂有一对强壮的爪子,它们像锋利的刀。

    Praying mantis has two powerful claws like sharp knives .

  8. 猴子,螳螂,仙鹤,母蛇,考虑!

    Monkey , Mantis , Orane , Viper , Tigress !

  9. 螳螂卵囊在柞蚕场空间分布格局的调查研究

    Investigation on Spatial Patterns of Mantis ( Paratenodera angustipennis ) Egg Mass

  10. 雌螳螂在与雄螳螂交尾后,经常吃掉对方。

    The female praying mantis often eats the male after they mate .

  11. 灵蛇集合南面的村民螳螂北面

    Viper , gather the southern farmers . Mantis , the north .

  12. 吃完午餐后螳螂又跳舞又唱歌又写作业!

    After lunch Grasshopper hops and sings and works !

  13. 阿宝:甚至连螳螂都有那些……东西

    Pol : Even Mantis has those ... thingies .

  14. 喂,谢尔顿,你长得像在祈祷的螳螂。

    Hey , Sheldon , you look like a praying

  15. 一只马来西亚花螳螂,蜷缩在鲜花中等待不期而遇的猎物。

    A Malaysian flower mantis , which crouches among flowers awaiting unsuspecting prey .

  16. 其他令人着迷的彩色动物还包括小丑鱼、刺蝶鱼和螳螂虾。

    Other colorful favorites include clown fish , angelfish , and mantis shrimp .

  17. 螳螂有三百六十度的视野

    The praying mantis has 360 degree vision ...

  18. 铁线虫与石蛾、螳螂之间的寄生关系

    The Parasitical Relationships Among a Kind of Nematomorpha , a Caddisfly and Some Mantises

  19. 车夫没有理会这只愚蠢的螳螂,径直往前行驶。

    The carter thought how ridiculous this inscet was , then moved on forwards .

  20. 那螳螂总不管那帮助他暗中行走于人世的人。

    The mantis sometimes forgot who aided him in secretly walking the mortal plane .

  21. 您说的是螳螂吧?

    Lsn 't that the praying mantis ?

  22. 在我们谈话的时候,那只螳螂便津津有味地吃它的盛宴了。

    When we talk , it will mantis eat it with relish to the feast .

  23. 螳螂:他不会放弃弹跳的,你放心吧

    He 's not gonna quit bouncing . Tell you that . Ha ha ha .

  24. 不要让湿度过高或您螳螂可以死去。

    Don 't let the humidity get too high or your praying mantis can die .

  25. 这螳螂就像一片枯叶。

    A mantis is a dead leaf .

  26. 向我朋友打个招呼吧,螳螂,娇虎,金猴,仙鹤还有灵蛇。

    Say hi to my friends , Mantis Tigress , Monkey , Crane , and Viper .

  27. 她就像一只螳螂,需要时间才能体会出她那奇特脱俗的美。

    Not unlike a praying mantis , her odd and otherworldly beauty takes time to notice .

  28. 一只饥饿的螳螂小心翼翼地登上一个小枝准备捕捉树蛙

    A hungry praying mantis carefully edges its way up a twig before pouncing on a tree frog

  29. 螳螂,我们有命令,不能……-他们需要我们的帮助,来吧。

    Mantis , we have orders not to ... - They need our help . Come on .

  30. 不会飞的地中海沙漠螳螂在沙地上跑起来就像风一样快。

    The flightless Mediterranean desert mantis " runs like the wind across the sand ," Yager says .