
chán chú
  • toad;the moon;bufonid;the fabled toad in the moon
蟾蜍 [chán chú]
  • (1) [toad]∶俗称癞蛤蟆,两栖动物,体表有许多疙瘩,能分泌粘液,吃昆虫、蜗牛等小动物

  • 下有蟾蜍,张口承之。--《后汉书.张衡传》

  • (2) [the moon]∶指月球,因为传说月亮里有三条腿的蟾蜍

蟾蜍[chán chú]
  1. 科学家们还在这种蟾蜍的DNA中发现了三种新的病毒,它们可能被用来控制有害动植物。

    The scientists have also discovered three new viruses within the toad 's DNA , which could be used to control pests .

  2. 蟾蜍比青蛙脚短,一般说来没有青蛙灵活

    Toads have shorter legs and are generally more clumsy than frogs .

  3. 许多种蟾蜍在冬天都会冬眠。

    Many kinds of toad hibernate in winter .

  4. 蟾蜍和青蛙都是两栖动物。

    Both the toad and frog are amphibian .

  5. 而且自那以来,海蟾蜍蔓延至澳大利亚各地,其所到之处的当地野生动植物都受到了毒害。

    And they 've been spreading through Australia ever since , poisoning native wildlife as they go .

  6. 一支由多国科学家组成的团队已成功破解了海蟾蜍超过90%的基因组信息,即其遗传物质。

    An international team of scientists has succeeded in unlocking more than 90 % of the toad 's genome – its genetic8 material .

  7. 她陷入了自己编造的谎话罗网。n.蟾蜍

    She entrapped herself in the web of her own lies . toad

  8. 他右边太阳穴上有个伤口。n.蟾蜍;

    He had a cut on his right temple .

  9. 蟾蜍的腿比青蛙短,而且通常比青蛙丑。

    Toads have shorter legs and are generally clumsier than frogs .

  10. 问题7关于长尾蟾蜍我们可以推测出什么?

    Question 7.What can be inferred about the tailed toad ?

  11. 不一会儿,它就看见蟾蜍正吃着米糕!

    He soon found the toad eating the rice cake .

  12. 癞蛤蟆;讨厌的家伙蟾蜍的腿比青蛙短,而且通常比青蛙笨拙。

    toad Toads have shorter legs and are generally clumsier than frogs .

  13. 科学家们观察发现蜜蜂还会收集蟾蜍卵。

    They 've observed the bees collecting toad eggs too .

  14. 克隆实验开始于20世纪50年代,对象为青蛙和蟾蜍。

    The first cloning experiments in the 1950s involved frogs and toads .

  15. 青草绿树蟾蜍青苔臭鼬死臭鼬池塘泥土山羊

    Grass tree toad moss skunk dead skunk pond mud goat

  16. 学生可携带一只猫头鹰或一只猫或一只蟾蜍。

    Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad

  17. 在村子里的一个池塘里住着一只蟾蜍。

    In the village pond there lived a toad .

  18. 在那里,蟾蜍碰见了一只猴子。

    There he met a monkey .

  19. 女王第一次见到他的时候他8岁,当时正和爱德华王子一起在学校演出话剧《蟾蜍之家的蟾蜍先生》。

    First saw him aged eight , with Prince Edward in school productionToad of Toad Hall .

  20. 你们看见一只蟾蜍了吗?

    Has anyone seen a toad ?

  21. 与此同时,蟾蜍则离开屋子,跳入一口井内。

    Meanwhile , the toad moved away from the house and then jumped into the village well .

  22. 女巫黑格把满满一锅蟾蜍放在火里炖,妖里妖气地给它们念一道可怕的咒语;

    Hagar , the witch , chanted an awful over her kettleful of toads , with effect .

  23. 男:拿两种动物,斑点猫头鹰和长尾蟾蜍举例。

    M : Take for instance , two animals , the spotted owl and the tailed toad .

  24. 农历五月初五,家家户户都开始挂红色饰物,龙香蒲或虎艾蒿,吉祥的红纸蟾蜍装潢窗户。

    putting out cattail dragon or mugwort tiger , and decorating windows with auspicious red paper toad .

  25. 赤练蛇喜欢吃蟾蜍,而这些长疣的两栖动物长有一些腺体,里面充满蟾蜍二烯羟酸内酯毒素。

    Tiger keelbacks love chowing down on toads , and these warty amphibians have glands overflowing with bufadienolides .

  26. 搭配香肠一起吃的时候,它又被形象地称为洞中的蟾蜍。

    When baked with sausages ( within the batter ) , it is known as toad in the hole .

  27. 这些颈部腺体释放的毒素叫做“蟾蜍二烯羟酸内酯”,可以影响心脏,让呼吸困难。

    These nuchal glands release toxins called " bufadienolides , " which attack the heart and make breathing difficult .

  28. 但是蔗蟾蜍却毁坏了大量的野生生物变成了那片土地上的害虫。

    But the cane toad itself became a pest and it destroyed much of the wild life on that continent .

  29. 当蛇吃下大量有毒的蟾蜍后,它们贮存毒素,以备回击对手。

    When snakes pig out on a bowlful of toxic toads , they load up on poison to fight off predators .

  30. 1935年为了除掉澳大利亚甘蔗种植园中的一种有害昆虫,蔗蟾蜍被引入。

    The cane toad was introduced back in 1935 to control an insect pest that was destroying Australia sugar cane plantations .