
  • 网络american bullfrog;Rana catesbeiana;Lithobates catesbeianus;R. catesbeiana
  1. 中国工商企业界人士也许会吃大个的“美国牛蛙”,但他们的美国同行肯定不吃。

    It 's reported that some private businessmen take mo account of social ethics but squeeze money out of their customers .

  2. 锌对淡水石斑鱼和美国豹纹牛蛙蝌蚪的急性毒性与积累作用

    Acute toxicity and accumulation of zn ~ ( 2 + ) on young freshwater grouper ( cichlasoma managuense ) and bullfrog ( rana catesbeiana ) tadpole

  3. 日本和美国是最大的两个牛蛙消费国,每年单是出口到美国的牛蛙就有五百多万只。

    Japan and the United States are two of the biggest consumers of frogs , with more than five million imported into the US alone each year .