
  1. NF-κB在阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征血管内皮损伤中的作用

    The Effect of Nuclear Factor Kappa B on Vascular Endothelial Injury in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome

  2. 结论抗氧化维生素可抑制甘露醇引起的血管内皮损伤,且维生素C较维生素E作用明显。

    Conclusions Anti-oxidative vitamin can inhibit the injury on blood vessel by mannitol , vitamin C has more obvious effects than vitamin B.

  3. 结论:DMA对OA所致的血管内皮损伤具有保护作用。

    Conclusion : DMA can protect the vascular endothelium from damage induced by OA .

  4. 缺血再灌脑血管内皮损伤及GPⅢa表达的研究

    Studies of Endothelial Injury and GP ⅲ _a Expression at Ischemia_reperfusion Gerbil Brain

  5. 结论TM作为新的血管内皮损伤的分子标志物对临床有重要价值。

    Conclusions TM can be used as a new molecular marker to detect the injury of endothelial cells .

  6. 结论:(1)DAO气阴两虚证型ET水平显著升高,表明患者肢体存在明显血管内皮损伤,络脉有不同程度受损的情况。

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) The marked increasing ET show that DAO patients have the degree of collateral damage .

  7. 微炎症在尿酸致早期CKD血管内皮损伤中的作用

    Effect of Micro-Inflammation on Endothelial Dysfunction in Early CKD with Hyperuricemia

  8. 原发性高血压血管内皮损伤与TM、VWF、PAI-1的研究

    The relationship between the variations of TM , VWF , PAI-1 and endothelium dysfunction in essential hypertension

  9. 结论苯那普利可能通过Fas系统调节动脉血管内皮损伤修复过程中血管平滑肌细胞凋亡,而抑制新生内膜形成。

    Conclusion Benazepril may probably regulate the apoptosis after vascular balloon injury through Fas system and then inhibit the neointima hyperplasia .

  10. 结论:VEGF水平升高与血管内皮损伤及内皮细胞增多有关,防止血管内皮损伤可减少HACC的发生、发展。

    Conclusion : VEGF may be related with the pathogenesis and progress of HACC .

  11. 提示脑出血血管内皮损伤持续存在>10~14d,持续升高的TM可能是脑出血的独立危险因子。

    Continuous high level of TM has anticoagulant activation , is an independent risk factor of cerebral hemorrhage .

  12. 目的:探讨CIC和IgE与妊高征血管内皮损伤的关系。

    Objective : Studies on the relationship of CIC , IgE and the damage of blood vessel endothelial cells of PIH .

  13. 目的血管内皮损伤在经皮冠状动脉腔内成形(PTCA)后的急性与慢性合并症的发生发展中起着重要的作用。

    Aim Endothelial dysfunction plays critical roles in acute and chronic complications after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty ( PTCA ) .

  14. 通络干预对力竭游泳所致过劳引起RAS激活及血管内皮损伤的作用研究

    The Study about Defatigation Caused by Forced Swimming Induced the Activation of TAS and the Damage of Vascular Endothelium and the Effect of Tongluo Intervention

  15. 目的研究罗格列酮对链脲佐菌素(STZ)诱导的1型糖尿病大鼠血管内皮损伤的保护作用与内源性一氧化氮合酶(NOS)抑制物的关系。

    OBJECTIVE To determine the relationship between protective effect of rosiglitazone on the endothelium in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitor .

  16. 结论通心络能调整ET/NOS比值及AngⅡ水平,其对血管内皮损伤有一定的保护作用。

    Conclusion Tongxin-luo can regulate the ratio of ET / NOS and the levels of Ang ⅱ, which has a certain protective effect on vascular endothelium injury .

  17. 结论血管内皮损伤后ATR上调,AT1R参与血管内皮损伤后内膜增殖。

    Conclusion ATR upregulates , and AT 1R is involved in neointima hyperplasia after vascular balloon injury .

  18. 结论AMI及UA患者CECs数量增加与炎症引起的血管内皮损伤有关。

    Conclusion The mechanism responsible for the increase of CECs in acute coronary disease may be due to the vessel injury caused by inflammation .

  19. 前言:目的观察高脂血症与血浆黏附分子(VCAM-1)水平的关系,观察宽胸化痰法对血管内皮损伤的治疗作用。

    Objective : To observe the expectorant enlarge chest of TCM in treating dyslipidemias and connection of dyslipidemias and VCAM-1 .

  20. 结论NIDDM病人在出现并发症之前,就已有血管内皮损伤;

    Conclusion The injury or aberant function of the vascular endothelium exists before diabetic complications , which can increase the incidence of vascular disease in NIDDM .

  21. ACS发病后ET迅速升高,12h达峰值,是急性血管内皮损伤时一种强烈的内源性致病因子。

    The plasma levels of ET increase to top at 12 h after episode in patients with ACS . ET is a strong pathogenic mediator after acute injury of endothelia .

  22. 血栓调节蛋白(Thrombomodulin,TM)是反映血管内皮损伤较敏感的指标,血浆中TM升高见于多种内皮损伤性疾病。

    Thrombomodulin ( TM ) has been suggested as a sensitive marker of endothelial cell injury . The plasma level of TM increases in many diseases with endothelial lesions .

  23. 目的:探讨钠氢交换抑制剂二甲基氨氯吡咪(DMA)对低浓度油酸(OA)所致的血管内皮损伤的保护作用。

    Ve : To study the protective effect of sodium-hydrogen exchanger inhibitor ( NHEI ) dimethyl amiloride ( DMA ) against vascular endothelial injury induced by oleic acid ( OA ) .

  24. PCI术后不可避免地会引起血管内皮损伤及内皮功能障碍,进而导致血管内皮损伤局部新生内皮过渡增殖引起再狭窄的发生。

    PCI will inevitably lead to vascular endothelial injury and cause endothelial dysfunction , Which will lead to transitional proliferation of new endothelial in the local of vascular endothelial injury , and then cause the restenosis .

  25. 结论HBO可以促进血管内皮损伤大鼠纤溶活性的恢复,减少血小板的聚集,促进内皮细胞损伤的修复,有效地抑制血栓前状态,从而预防血栓的形成。

    Conclusions HBO could significantly promote the recovery of fibrinolysis activity , decrease platelet aggregation , improve the recovery of injured VEC , inhibit the prethrombotic state effectively and prevent thrombosis .

  26. 就中医症状总疗效比较:B组显著优于A、C组,P0.05,A、C组间无显著差异。结论:脂代谢紊乱、血管内皮损伤及炎症在UA事件中发挥重要的作用;

    The total clinic effective rate of traditional Chinese medicine of group B was higher than that of group A and group C , P0.05 . Conclusion : Lipid metaboly turbulence , Vascular endothelium injury and inflammation play very important roles in UA .

  27. 葛根素对大鼠血管内皮损伤后P-选择素、TXB2、6-Keto-PGF(1α)的影响

    A Study on the Effect of Puerarin on P-Selection , TXB_2 and 6-keto-PGF_ ( 1 α) Activation in Rat Model after Balloon Angioplasty

  28. 结果阿魏酸钠治疗组和阳性对照组血小板活化指标及血管内皮损伤程度显著高于正常对照组(P<0.01),活动期UC患者又明显高于缓解期患者(P<0.05)。

    Results The indexes of platelet activation and vWF : Ag in SF therapy group and positive control group were significantly higer than those in the negative control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  29. 结论血管内皮损伤可能在SLE发病机制中起重要作用,血浆sTM、vWF水平可作为判断SLE疾病活动性及肾脏损伤程度的指标。

    Conclusion The vascular endothelium injury may play an important role in the pathological mechanism of SLE , markers of endothelial cell injury may be used as index of the disease activity and renal damnification .

  30. 动脉粥样硬化(artherosclerosis,AS)是引起心血管事件的最重要的病理基础,血管内皮损伤是AS的启动因素,也是其主要发病机制之一。

    Vascular endothelial damage is the start factor and one of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis which is the most important pathological basis of cardiovascular events .