
xuè ɡuǎn yùn dònɡ zhōnɡ shū
  • vasomotor center
  1. 在急性心肌缺血过程中,肾交感神经传出放电明显减少,由此表明血管运动中枢活动受到抑制。

    The renal sympathetic efferent discharge was inhibited by temporary coro-nary occlusion , thus indicating the depression of activity of vasomotor center .

  2. 外伤导致原发性下丘脑和脑干血管运动中枢受损所致的弥漫性脑肿胀属于弥漫性轴索损伤的特殊类型。

    Diffuse brain swelling ( DBS ) occurred by primary hypothalamus and vasomotor center of brain stem damaged is a special type .

  3. 从实验结果可以看出,HRV的中枢作用以对延脑及视丘下部血管运动中枢的抑制较为显著,周围作用则为一定程度的抗交感作用,与单纯的利血平有所不同。

    It appeared therefore that centrally HRV inhibited remarkably the vasomotor centers of the medulla and hypothalamus , and peripherally it seemed to be sympatholytic to a certain extent .

  4. 休克状态时血管运动中枢及呼吸中枢的机能状态

    The reactivity of vaso-motor and respiratory centers during shock and shock-like conditions