
xuè xiān wéi dàn bái yuán
  • fibrinogen
血纤维蛋白原[xuè xiān wéi dàn bái yuán]
  1. 复发性脑梗死的可控危险因素主要是高血压病,血纤维蛋白原、TC水平、血浆粘度和全血高切还原粘度升高及HDL-C降低;

    The major controllable risk factors to recurrent cerebral infarction are hypertension , the increased value of blood fibrinogen , TC , plasma and whole blood viscosity and decreased HDL-C.

  2. 免疫复合物共振散射光谱法测定人血纤维蛋白原

    A Simple and Sensitive Immune Resonance Scattering Spectral Assay for Determination of Fibrinogen

  3. 巴曲酶组和联合治疗组血纤维蛋白原明显低于ASA组(P〈0.01);

    Batroxobin group and combined group was significantly lower than fibrinogen ASA group ( P0.01 ) .

  4. 目的:探讨冠心病(CoronaryHeartDisease,CHD)患者血纤维蛋白原(Fg)和尿酸(UA)水平变化及其与冠心病病变程度的关系。

    Objective : To explore the relationship between change of plasma fibrinogen ( Fg ) and uric acid ( UA ) level in patients with coronary heart disease .

  5. 对两组患者的年龄、性别、血脂水平、血纤维蛋白原水平、血糖水平、发热、白细胞增多、平均动脉压、糖尿病史和CT早期梗死征象进行比较。

    Their ages , sexes , the levels of lipid , fibrinogen and blood glucose , fever , leukocytosis , mean arterial pressure , diabetes history and signs of early cerebral infarction on CT were compared .

  6. 结果:①DM组较NDM组血纤维蛋白原、空腹血糖、甘油三酯浓度高(P均0.05);而高密度脂蛋白胆固醇DM组较NDM组低(P0.05)。

    Results : ① Serum fibrinogen , blood glucose and serum lipid concentration in DM group was markedly higher than that of NDM group ( P0.05 ) .

  7. 巴曲酶组及联合治疗组血纤维蛋白原水平、血高切应力均降低(P0.005,P0.01)。

    Plasma fibrinogen levers and high sheer rate decreased significantly in Batroxobin group and ASA combined with Batroxobin group compared with ASA group ( P0.05 , P0.01 ) .

  8. 结论:血纤维蛋白原、C-反应蛋白、PMN是慢性炎症的独立敏感指标,与冠心病心功能不全有一定关系并对缺血性心功能不全病情及预后的预测有一定的价值。

    Conclusion : The parameters of inflammation such as Fg , CRP and PMN , may be closely related with coronary heart disease , and can predict the prognosis of IHF .

  9. 它不仅能有效地延长凝血酶对人血纤维蛋白原聚集的凝血酶时间而且能抑制人凝血酶对特异性三肽发色底物(CBZPheValArgPNA)的催化水解。

    Thrombin inhibitor S-254 could not only prolong the thrombin time efficiently but also inhibit the human thrombin activity of hydrolyzing specific tripeptide chromogenic substrate ( CBZ-Phe-Val-Arg-PNA ) .

  10. 统计学分析未提示肝功能Child-pugh分级、血小板计数、凝血酶原时间、血纤维蛋白原含量及饮酒比例等是肝硬化PVT形成的危险因素(P>005)。

    However , no significant statistic differences were found in the etiology of cirrhosis , Child-pugh classification of liver function , blood platelet counting ( BPC ), prothrombin time ( PT ), and plasma fibrinogen level between the study and control groups ( P > 0 05 ) .

  11. 治疗组血纤维蛋白原水平降低显著,不良反应轻微。

    The serum fibrinogen level was decreased significantly in the treatment group .

  12. 不稳定型心绞痛危险分层中血纤维蛋白原浓度的临床意义

    Clinical significance of serum fibrinogen levels in risk classification of unstable angina pectoris

  13. 血纤维蛋白原浓度与高密度脂蛋白胆固醇浓度呈负相关。

    There was negative correlation between the plasma concentration of Fg and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol .

  14. 高血压、糖尿病及血纤维蛋白原水平与颈动脉斑块形成有密切联系(P<0.05)。

    It was correlated to high blood pressure . dia-betes and increased fibrinogen level ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 血纤维蛋白原和凝血酶,自身手创伤时使血液凝固以堵塞血管破口,防止血液流失过多。

    Fibrinogen and thrombin may concrete blood to jam the crevasses of blood vessels for avoiding excessive loss of blood .

  16. 结论:血纤维蛋白原浓度的变化对糖尿病伴发的双下肢血管病变起着重要的作用。

    Conclusion : The changes of blood fibrinogen concentration play a great role in diabetes with angiopathy lesion of both lower extremities .

  17. 采用经颅多普勒监测分析51名健康受试者大脑中动脉血流速度与空腹血纤维蛋白原及红细胞压积的关系。

    We analyzed the correlation between middle cerebral artery blood velocity and both hematocrit and fibrinogen concentation in51 healthy subjects in transcrantial doppler .

  18. 与给药前比较,各组兔血纤维蛋白原含量和血粘度在给药后有不同程度的降低,这与血液凝固时间缩短一致。

    The rabbit blood fibrinogen concentration and blood viscosity were decreased , which coincided with the effect of shortening of blood coagulation time .

  19. 目的:观察血纤维蛋白原浓度的变化对中老年2型糖尿病患者双下肢血流动力学的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effects of blood fibrinogen concentration on blood stream dyskinesis in both lower extremities in type 2 diabetes in middle-old age .

  20. 对照组治疗前后血纤维蛋白原、神经功能缺损评分无显著变化(P>005)。

    And on control treatment group there was no remarkable changes in serum fibrinogen and neurologic function deficits before and after the treatment ( P > 0.05 ) .

  21. 结果:去纤酶组显著改善神经功能缺失程度,提高日常生活能力,降低血纤维蛋白原水平;

    Results : The neurological function of the patients treated with defibrase was significantly improved , the scores of daily living abilities increased , and the level of fibrinogen in blood decreased .

  22. 结果:芦白胶囊能明显降低大鼠的全血粘度、血浆粘度、血纤维蛋白原含量、血沉及血小板粘附率,减轻血瘀大鼠血液的粘、凝状态,防止血栓形成;

    Results : LBC could decrease the whole blood and plasma viscosity , fibrinogen , erythrocyte sedimentation and aggregation ratio of blood platelets of rats , ease the sticky condition of blood stasis rat models and prevent from forming thrombus .

  23. 结果:研究结果表明中亚圣灯治疗器治疗可降低全血粘度、血浆粘度,并使红细胞聚集指数下降、血纤维蛋白原浓度降低,同时见主动脉局部泡沫细胞聚集减少。

    Results : The study showed that blood and plasma viscosity decreased , the index of erythrocyte aggregation and serum fibrinogen decreased Meanwhile , the accumulation of foam cells abated in the aorta during the treatment of the Chinese Magic Lamp .

  24. 结果:虚热时交感神经兴奋,肾上腺皮质素释放增多,ANAE%,PFC空斑数增多,NK活性降低,血内纤维蛋白原增多。

    Results : Deficiency of Hot syndrome group : The sympathetic N. S. excited , adrenal cortex hormone release increased , ANAE % , PFC increased , NK cell activity decreased .

  25. 目的:了解不稳定型心绞痛(UAP)患者冠脉循环和周围血中纤维蛋白原(Fg)和D-二聚体(DD)的变化。

    Objective : To assess the changes of D-Dimer ( DD ) and fibrinogen ( Fg ) in peripheral blood and coronary circulation of unstable angina pectoris .

  26. 下肢骨折卧床患者血中纤维蛋白原水平的临床意义

    The clinical significance of the level of fibrinogen in blood of the patients with low limb fracture

  27. 综述了蕲蛇酶中药物性质、药理作用、药代动力学、毒理作用以及临床应用。蕲蛇酶具有降低血中纤维蛋白原浓度、抑制血小板聚集、预防血栓形成和溶解血栓作用,且毒性较低;

    Acutobin has the action of lowering blood fibrinogen level , inhibiting platelet aggregation , preventing thrombosis and dissolving thrombus .

  28. 不同性质颈动脉斑块脑梗死患者的血hs-CRP与纤维蛋白原水平研究

    Study of Serum hs-CRP and Fibrinogen Level in Cerebral Infarction Patients with Different Characteristic Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques

  29. 它能直接作用于血中的纤维蛋白原,水解血液中纤维蛋白原的4个Arg-Gly肽键,产生不溶性的纤维蛋白,使血液变成凝胶而发生凝固。

    It can directly act on the fibrinogen , and hydrolyzes 4 Arg-Gly peptide bond of the fibrinogen , which makes fibrinogen become to fibrin for congealing the blood .

  30. 二是水解血纤维蛋白或纤溶酶原;新氯化-水解法的原理和应用

    Principle and application of the new chlorination - hydrolization process