
  • 网络blood
  1. 口腔齿科手机是HBV、HCV、HIV等血液传播性疾病和消化道传染病的传播媒介。

    The dental handpiece is transmitting mediums of blood transmitted diseases and infectious diseases of digestive tract , such as HBV , HCV , HIV etc.

  2. HIV感染途径分别为:经血液传播(单采血浆)75.00%,经性接触传播18.75%,经母婴垂直传播6.25%。

    The routes of HIV infection : blood transmission 75.00 % , sexual & transmission 18.75 % , the vertical transmission from mother to child 6.26 % .

  3. 对于各种病毒包括那些血液传播的病毒,DNA疫苗均可被用于预防措施中。

    DNA vaccine can prevent all kinds of virus infection , including those blood-transmission viruses .

  4. 丙型肝炎是一种主要经血液传播的,由HCV感染引起的一种病毒性肝炎。

    HCV infection is one of the main causes of chronic liver disease worldwide .

  5. 目的评估黄石地区献血者中抗-HIV筛查阴性血液传播HIV的危险度。

    Objective The risk of transmitting HIV by blood transfusion of anti - HIV negative blood was estimated for the blood donor population of HuangShi , China .

  6. 16名HIV感染孕产妇中,经性接触传播占813%(13/16),经血液传播占187%;有3人其配偶为HIV抗体阳性。

    Of the 16 HIV-infected pregnant women , 13 were infected by sexual contact ( 81.3 % ), 3 were by blood transmission and 3 partners were HIV-positive .

  7. 目的为了控制艾滋病病毒(HIV)通过血液传播,提供低危献血员定期献血,提高血源质量,降低输血风险。

    Objective To promote regular blood donation from low risk blood donors so as to control blood transmission of HIV infections and reduce the risk of blood donation .

  8. 第一类是合成化学物质过碳氟化合物简称PFC,它没有被血液传播病原体感染的危险。

    The first is a synthetic chemical called a perfluorocarbon , or PFC , which would not risk contamination by blood borne pathogens .

  9. 目的为防止HIV通过血液传播,对无偿献血者进行AIDS控制干预。

    Objective This study was conducted to evaluate the interventions for the prevention and control of AIDS among non-remunerated blood donors , providing data for better prevention of HIV transmission through blood .

  10. Cochrane系统评价证据表明,口服替代治疗能降低阿片类药瘾者HIV的血液传播。

    Evidence from Cochrane systematic reviews has showed that : oral substitution treatment is associated with a reduced transmission of HIV among opioid drug users ;

  11. 与易于通过血液传播的病原体不同,HSV隐藏于背部被称为脊髓神经节的神经细胞内。

    Unlike pathogens that spread in readily accessed blood , HSV hides out in nerve cells called dorsal ganglia , located in the back .

  12. 采取措施防止HHV-8经输血传播具有一定的现实意义。HHV8有经血液传播的可能。

    HHV - 8 may be transmitted by blood transfusion .

  13. 她说:“我有时在网上结识捐血者,但我在吸血前一定要亲自和他们见面,确认他们有血样证明,不是艾滋病HIV或其他血液传播疾病患者。”

    I meet some donors online but I absolutely have to meet them in person first , she says . ' And they have to get blood tests to make sure that they 're not carrying any blood borne diseases like AIDS or HIV . '

  14. 结果1995~2003年共检出艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者108例,艾滋病病人16例(已全部死亡)。108例HIV感染者中血液传播占87.04%,经性传播11.11%,母婴垂直传播1.85%。

    Results 108 HIV positive cases including 16 AIDS cases were found in Enshi district from 1995 to 2003.The cases infected with HIV through blood transmission accounted for 87.04 % and through sex transmission for 11.11 % and through mother to child transmission for 1.85 % .

  15. 她说:我有时在网上结识捐血者,但我在吸血前一定要亲自和他们见面,确认他们有血样证明,不是艾滋病HIV或其他血液传播疾病患者。

    ' I meet some donors online but I absolutely have to meet them in person first , she says . ' And they have to get blood tests to make sure that they 're not carrying any blood borne diseases like AIDS or HIV . '

  16. 先天的形式是通过血液传播给胎儿。

    The congenital form is spread to the fetus through the bloodstream .

  17. 丙肝病毒是通过被污染的血液传播的。

    The hepatitis C virus is spread through contaminated blood .

  18. 输血前检测经血液传播疾病相关指标的重要性

    The significance of detecting the index of blood disseminated diseases before blood transfusion

  19. 黑龙江省目前主要传播途径以血液传播为主。

    At present the main infectious transmission is through blood in Heilongjiang province .

  20. 丙肝病毒通过接触受感染者的血液传播。

    HCV is transmitted through contact with the blood of an infected person .

  21. adj.天生的,先天的先天的形式是通过血液传播给胎儿。

    congenital The congenital form is spread to the fetus through the bloodstream .

  22. 手术室护士血液传播疾病防护知识调查

    Survey on the Knowledge in Blood-borne Diseases Among the Nurses Working in Operating Rooms

  23. 感染途径以血液传播为主,占83.45%。

    The infection pathway was mainly through blood transmission , accounting for 83.45 % .

  24. 血液传播性疾病检测在医务人员职业风险中的意义

    The significance of blood transmitted disease test in the professional risk of medical staff

  25. 此外,肺炎可通过血液传播,尤其是在分娩期间和紧接之后的阶段内。

    In addition , pneumonia may spread through blood , especially during and shortly after birth .

  26. 丙肝病毒同样也最经常通过接触受感染血液传播。

    Hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) is mostly also transmitted through exposure to infective blood .

  27. 三个途径,我们都知道了,性传播,血液传播,还有母婴。

    Three ways , we all know , sexual transmission , blood transmission , and mother .

  28. 目的:60Co-γ射线对多种微生物均有杀灭作用,其中包括经血液传播的病毒体。

    Objectives : 60Co - γ radiation method can kill many kinds of micro-organisms , which include blood-transmitted viruses .

  29. 结果实习护士生对经血液传播疾病知识的掌握情况和有关职业防护方面的意识存在明显的欠缺。

    Results Nurse students were obviously deficient in the knowledge of blood transmitted diseases and the consciousness of occupational protection .

  30. 首先,受伤压坏的肌肉组织会通过血液传播有毒物质,几小时之内就可以使人丧命。

    Crushed and damaged muscle tissue can flood the bloodstream with toxic substances capable of killing within a few hours .