
  • 网络Kupffer cell;kupffer cell,KC
  1. SEC与淋巴细胞、库普弗细胞之间亦发生了密切接触。

    The intimate contact occurred between SEC and lymphocyte or Kupffer cell .

  2. 目的探讨库普弗细胞(KC)在肝部分切除(PH)后再生调控中的作用及机制。

    Objective To approach the role of Kupffer cell ( KC ) in regulation of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy ( PH ) .

  3. 烧伤后大鼠库普弗细胞的细胞因子mRNA表达变化;

    The postburn change in the expression of cytokine mRNA from rat Kupffer cells was monitored .

  4. RTPCR法检测库普弗细胞CD14mRNA表达。

    The expression of CD14 mRNA on Kupffer cells was determined by RT-PCR .

  5. 甘氨酸对大鼠肝移植缺血再灌注损伤库普弗细胞CD14和核因子-κB的影响

    The effect of glycine on CD14 and NF-kappa B in Kupffer cells from rat liver grafts after ischemia-reperfusion injury

  6. 库普弗细胞清道夫受体、CD14表达变化及其与内毒素性肝损伤的关系

    Expression of scavenger receptor and CD14 on Kupffer cells and its relationship with endotoxin-induced hepatic injury

  7. 大鼠急性CCl4损伤肝库普弗细胞对肝星状细胞增殖和Ⅰ型胶原分泌的影响

    Influences of Kupffer cells on the proliferation and collagen ⅰ secretion of hepatic stellate cells in CCl_4 treated rat liver

  8. 目的观察大鼠严重烧伤后早期,库普弗细胞在肿瘤坏死因子α(TNFα)、白细胞介素(IL)1β、IL6产生中的作用。

    Objective To observe the role of Kupffer cells in the postburn production of TNF α, IL 1 β and IL 6 in severely scalded rats .

  9. 目的观察内毒素肝损伤过程中库普弗细胞(KC)清道夫受体(SR)表达的动态变化,进而探讨内毒素肝损伤的机理。

    Objective : To observe the change of scavenger receptor ( SR ) expression on Kupffer cells and study its role in pathogenesis of liver injury in mice .

  10. 结论甘氨酸能够有效地减轻肝移植后缺血再灌注损伤,其机制可能与抑制库普弗细胞CD14表达和NF-κB活性、减少肿瘤坏死因子α和白细胞介素-1的分泌有关。

    Conclusion Glycine could efficiently protect rat liver grafts from ischemia-reperfusion injury by repressing the expression of CD14 and NF - κ B binding activity in Kupffer cells and inhibiting the productions of TNF α and IL-1 .

  11. 方法观察(1)烧伤血清对体外培养的大鼠库普弗细胞分泌TNFα、IL1β、IL6的刺激作用;

    Methods ( 1 ) The production of TNF α, IL 1 β and IL 6 from rat Kupffer cells stimulated by burn serum was observed .

  12. 目的:观察健脾活血方对酒精复合内毒素脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)诱导的肝损伤大鼠库普弗细胞活化信号通路的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effects of Jianpi Huoxue Decoction , a compound Chinese herbal medicine , on Kupffer cell signal pathway activation in rats with liver injury induced by Lieber-Decarli liquid diet and lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) .

  13. 结果猪源BPI与内毒素结合能力随着BPI浓度的增加而增加,其抑制LPS诱导肝库普弗细胞分泌TNFα的作用呈剂量效应依赖关系。

    Results The ability of porcine BPI to combine LPS was increased along with the increment of BPI concentration . The effects of the BPI on the inhibition of the release of TNF α from hepatic Kupffer 's cells were dose dependant .

  14. 本文对正常和CCl4损伤大鼠PC进行分离培养,观察PC和库普弗细胞(KC)在FSC激活过程中的协同作用。

    In this paper , we separated and cultured normal and CCL4 injury rat PC and observed cooperative action of PC and Kupffer 's Cells ( KC ) in process of FSC activation . We adopted separation and culturing PC 、 KC and FSC .

  15. 结论库普弗细胞分泌的IL1α可能是肝再生早期刺激肝细胞增殖的信号分子之一,肝再生期间肝细胞与细胞外基质之间的黏附过程可能与整合素α1和LN有关。

    Conclusion IL1 α secreted by Kupffer cells is probably one of the stimulating singals during early hepatic regeneration . The adhesion between hepatocyte and extracellular matrix might relate to integrin α 1 and LN during liver regeneration .

  16. 目的研究内毒素诱导下小鼠库普弗细胞(KC)ERK12活化规律、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNFα)分泌规律以及ERK12信号通路在TNFα分泌中的作用,探讨防治内毒素血症的新方法。

    Objective To study the rule of Kupffer cell ( KC ) ERK1 / 2 activation , TNF α secretion and regulation effect of ERK1 / 2 signal cascade on releasing of TNF α in order to explore the novel methods for preventing and treating clinical patients with endotoxemia .

  17. 方法检测猪源BPI与内毒素(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)的结合能力及其对LPS诱导的肝库普弗细胞分泌TNFα的抑制作用,并采用流式细胞仪测定LPS刺激后PMNL中BPI的表达情况。

    Methods The abilities of porcine BPI to combine endotoxin ( lipopolysaccharide , LPS ) and inhibit the release of TNF α from hepatic Kupffer 's cells were examined . And the expression of BPI in PMNL after stimulation by LPS was determined by flow cytometry .

  18. MT1受体阳性反应细胞数在左、右叶库普弗细胞也存在明显的部位差异(P<0·05)。

    The number of Kupffer ′ s cells of MT_ 1 positive reaction in the left and the right lobe was obviously different ( P < 0.05 ) .

  19. 预先抑制库普弗细胞的活性,烧伤后血浆TNFα、IL1β、IL6水平均显著降低,分别为烧伤组的34.71%、3699%、33.70%。

    But the postburn plasma levels of TNF α, IL 1 β and IL 6 decreased obviously to 34.71 % , 36.99 % and 33.7 % of those in scalding group , respectively , after the Kupffer cell activity was inhibited .

  20. 目的观察库普弗细胞(KCs)内毒素耐受形成后白细胞介素-1受体相关激酶-4(IRAK-4)表达的变化,探讨KCs内毒素耐受形成的相关机制。

    Objective To explore the mechanism of endotoxin tolerance ( ET ) through observing the expression of interleukin 1 receptor associated kinase-4 ( IRAK-4 ) during endotoxin tolerance development in Kupffer cells ( KCs ) .

  21. 结论NAC可能通过调整库普弗细胞氧化还原平衡,影响NFκBp65活化(核易位),从而抑制了TNFα等炎性因子基因的表达,减轻肝损伤。

    The study showed NAC can down-regulate the NF - κ B translocation . Conclusion Through the regulation of redox balance , NAC influences the NF - κ B p65 ′ s translocated nuclear import so as to inhibit TNF - α′ s release , relieve the liver injury .

  22. 离心淘洗技术分离纯化大鼠肝库普弗细胞

    Isolation and purification of rat liver Kupffer cells by centrifugal elutriation

  23. 库普弗细胞对实验性结肠癌肝转移的抑制作用

    Kupffer cells inhibit the experimental liver metastasis from colon cancer

  24. 库普弗细胞对原代培养贮脂细胞激活的调节作用

    Regulating action of Kupffer cells to primary culture fat store cells activation

  25. 尼莫地平对大鼠烫伤后库普弗细胞白介素-1β和白介素-6产生的抑制作用

    Inhibition of nimodipine on production of proinflammatory by Kupffer cells in severe burned rats

  26. 库普弗细胞内毒素耐受时白细胞介素-1受体相关激酶-4的表达变化

    Expression changes of interleukin-1 receptor associated kinase-4 during endotoxin tolerance development in kupffer cells

  27. 姜黄素对内毒素脂多糖诱导的库普弗细胞分泌炎症细胞因子的抑制作用

    Inhibiting effects of curcumin on expression of inflammatory cytokines in Kupffer cells induced by lipopolysaccharides

  28. 阻断肝脏神经和抑制库普弗细胞对移植鼠肝保护作用的观察

    Observations on the protective effects of hepatic denervation and suppression of Kupffer cells in rat liver graft

  29. 内毒素血症时血浆氧化型低密度脂蛋白的变化及其对库普弗细胞-内毒素反应的影响

    Changes of plasma oxidized low-density lipoprotein levels during endotoxemia and its effect on Kupffer 's cell response to LPS

  30. ERK1/2信号通路在小鼠库普弗细胞-内毒素反应中的活化规律及其作用

    A study on activation and role of ERK1 / 2 signal cascade in LPS-induced response of mice Kupffer cells