
  • 网络First responsibility;primary liability
  1. 青年人的第一责任,就是孝敬父母。

    Youth 's first duty is to show their respect to parents .

  2. 当好安全第一责任人

    Doing well to be a first man of safety duty

  3. 对企业是药品安全第一责任人的思考

    The Consideration about Manufacturer as the first Person Responsible for Drug Safety

  4. 企业家的第一责任是决策制胜。

    The first responsibility of an enterpriser is to get victory by decision-making .

  5. 作为人的第一责任是什么?

    What is the man 's first duty ?

  6. 施工合同段经理为环保第一责任人。

    The manager of construction contract section is the first responsible person for environmental protection .

  7. 在我国现代社会救助体系中,国家承担着第一责任主体角色。

    In China 's modern social succor system , government is playing the first leading role .

  8. 因此,人决心用自己的行动去改变社会,改变社会是人类求生的第一责任。

    Therefore people determination own action to change society , change society human survival first responsibility .

  9. 国家是基因资源保护的第一责任人。

    A state is the first person that bears the responsibility for the protection of gene resources .

  10. 煤矿主要负责人是瓦斯治理的第一责任人;

    The main person-in-charge of a coal mine shall be the first responsible person for the gas control ;

  11. 在现有的经济环境下,解决这道难题的第一责任人是各级政府。

    In the current economic environment , the responsibility of resolving this difficult problem are governments at all levels .

  12. 这可能包括承认不确定性&科学记者的第一责任是向他们的读者提供一个可靠的概括。

    This can involve acknowledging uncertainty & science journalists'first responsibility is to provide their audience with a reliable summary .

  13. 孩子的爸爸妈妈都清楚自己是引导孩子情绪健康的第一责任人吗?

    The child 's father and mother have a clear guide to the emotional health of children first responsibility ?

  14. 安全生产第一责任者的法律界定&论生产经营单位主要负责人安全生产责任制度

    Safety Responsibility System of the Person in Charge in Production and Business Units Discussion on the Administrative Supervision Responsibility System

  15. 作为履行监理合同的第一责任人,项目总监的业务素质水平在很大程度上决定着监理工作的最终成败。

    As the first person to perform supervision contract , the working effect is depends on vocational level of the chief-supervisor closely .

  16. 商业银行作为第一责任者应深入学习香港法律和内地法律,提高法律意识;

    As the first responsible party , commercial banks should study Hong Kong and domestic laws arduously to enhance their legal awareness ;

  17. 在我国农村弱势群体的救助主体中,政府是农村弱势群体教育救助的第一责任主体,社会组织是农村弱势群体教育救助的必要补充。

    In educational assistance of rural vulnerable groups , the government is the first responsibility body , the social organization is the necessary supplement .

  18. 但权力空间的拥有,恰恰彰显了各类人员(学校领导、第一责任人、学科教师、班主任)的能力不足。

    The possessing of power , however , highlights the inability of the people concerned ( including the school leaders , teachers , head teachers ) .

  19. 中国电信乌鲁木齐网络操作维护中心是网络运行安全的第一责任人,它担负着全市本地网的网络监控。

    Urumqi network operation and maintenance center is the safe operation of the network of person of the first responsibility , it bears the local network monitoring .

  20. 与此同时,境外投资的出资公司作为国有资本境外投资风险控制的第一责任人和主要责任的承担者,应成为风险控制的核心和实践主体。

    At the same time , as the first responsible person , the funding company of overseas investment should become the core and the subject of risk control .

  21. 我们应当树立第一责任人的意识,采取一切措施以促进教育公平,从而实现建立和谐社会的战略目标。

    We should set up the conception of First Responsibility Person , take every measure to improve education justice so as to realize the strategic target of setting up harmonious society .

  22. 新《会计法》将单位负责人明确列为本单位会计工作的第一责任人,突出了单位负责人的会计责任和会计法律责任。

    The person in charge is specified as the number-one responsible for the accounting and his accounting responsibility and accounting legal responsibility are laid stress on in the new " Accounting Law " .

  23. 分析认为,在现代社会救助体系中政府固然是第一责任主体,然而在政府财力有限的情况下充分调动非政府组织的社会力量是现实的选择。

    And then , on this basis , she advances the significance of reference in building up a modern social assistance system in which the government and the social forces are mutual complementary and fused .

  24. 明确提出政府是教育公平的第一责任人,建立了政府主导的教育公平机制,细化相应的配套制度。

    The education program has clearly put forward that the government is " the first person " of education fairness and established the education fairness mechanism guided by government , refined the corresponding supporting system .

  25. 作为药品安全质量的第一责任人,假药劣药生产企业难辞其咎,但是作为批准假药劣药进入市场的监管机构也难以推卸责任。

    As the first responsible person , Counterfeit and substandard drugs manufacturers should be blamed . However , as regulatory authorities who approved counterfeit or substandard drugs to market is difficult to pass the buck .

  26. 一是强化对县级政府实现义务教育公平的工作考核,树立第一责任人的意识,探索适合教育发展规律的干部任用体制。

    First , strengthen the county government work to achieve a fair assessment of compulsory education , foster awareness of the first responsible person to explore the development of the law for educational institutions and appointment of cadres .

  27. 保证煤矿的安全生产,是一切工作的前提,晋城矿务局紧紧抓住落实四级安全第一责任这个关键,取得了不凡成绩。

    To guarantee the safe production in coal mine is the prerequisite of overall . Jincheng Mining Bureau grasped to implement the four class safety duty work to be as a key firmly , and have got significant results .

  28. 房地产开发企业是住宅工程质量的第一责任者,对保障性住宅工程质量全面负责,应该把项目的质量管理与质量控制贯穿于工程项目各个组成部分和各个阶段。

    Real estate development enterprise is the first responsibility of residential engineering quality , responsible for affordable housing project quality comprehensive , quality management and control of projects across the various components of the project and at all stages .

  29. 以项目经理为第一责任人,成立应急事故预防及抢险领导小组和专业抢险组织,制定规章制度,实行责任制,并与奖罚挂钩。

    Project manager is considered as the first person in-charge ; organize the emergency prevention and rescue leading team and professional rescue group , prepare regulations and system , implement the responsibility system and link it up with reward and punishment .

  30. 高校的导师,不仅应当是研究生专业上的引路人,而且应当是研究生思想发展的第一责任人;导师既应做好教书的工作,又应做好育人的工作。

    College instructors , graduate students should not only be a guide for professional and graduate students should be primarily responsible for the development of thinking ; instructors teach both should do the work , what should the good work of educating people .