
  • 网络Second entity;secondary substance
  1. 在链接表中,一些列是第一个实体的主键,另一些列是第二个实体的主键,还有一个可选的识别器(discriminator)列。

    The link-table contains a set of columns for the primary key of the first entity , a set of columns for the primary key of the second entity , and an optional discriminator column .

  2. 第二章从实体法和程序法两个方面,介绍了欧盟国家援助法律制度的基本法律规制。

    Chapter 2 , in substances and procedures , presents the basic regulation of Sate aid .

  3. 云南省作为区域内的第二大经济实体,在积极引入区域内的外商直接投资,落实中国西部大开发引资优惠政策,发展自身经济的同时,成为了区域间的重要投资者。

    Yunnan province as the second largest economy in this region is the main investor in GMS and also actively introduces the intra-FDI .

  4. 第二部分从实体规则、程序规则及其实施状况三个方面揭示了《行政许可法》存在的一系列问题。

    The second part of the legal system from the physical , procedural rules and the status of implementation of the law reveals three aspects of the " Administrative Licensing Law ," there is a range of issues .

  5. 第二部分为实体性制度,分别涉及自由财产制度、人格破产与复权制度、破产免责制度、破产无效行为和撤销权制度,第三节为个人破产犯罪。

    The second section is about the design of the substantive system . It includes the free capital system , personal bankruptcy , compound right system , debt relief system , the void action of bankruptcy and the right of rescission .

  6. 由于冷却性政策的施行和对销售价格的打压,中国房地产商以破记录的出价争夺黄金地的日子即将接近尾声,结束了少数地王在中国全世界第二大经济实体的统治。

    The days of Chinese developers snatching up premium properties with record-breaking offers are coming to an end as cooling measures bite and sale prices are squeezed , ending the reign of a handful of land kings in the world 's second-largest economy .

  7. 第二部分从实体权利与程序权利区别的视角分析了法律程序权利的特有属性,具体表现为价值特性、本质特性、运行中体现的特性及评价标准的特性四个方面;

    The second part analyzes the characteristics of the legal procedural right from the view of the differentiation between substantial right and procedural right , which embody four aspects : the valuable characteristic , the essential characteristic , the characteristic incarnated in the running and the characteristic of the metewand .

  8. 第二次创作是实体创作。

    The second creation is a physical creation .

  9. 第二章是从实体法的视角论述信托受益人撤销权的要件。

    The next chapter is dedicated to discuss requirements of the revocatory right from a substantive law perspective .

  10. 第二节为对实体性民事执行救济的研究。在论述实体性民事执行救济时,先引入了执行请求权的概念。

    The first section is about study on the procedural civil executive remedy and four ways of remedies on that . The second section of this part is study on substantial civil executive remedies by bringing into the conception of execution rights of pleading .