
  • 网络first street;First ST;STREET ONE
  1. 走两个街区,然后右转到第一街。

    Go two blocks and then turn right onto first street .

  2. 然后在第一街右转。

    Then turn right on first street .

  3. 清河坊特色街区先后被授予“国家4A级旅游景区”、“中华老字号第一街”等荣誉称号。

    The Qinghefang Historical and Cultural Street has been given the title of National4A Tourism Spots and the Most Famous Street of Chinese Time-honored Brands .

  4. 这是号称“西域第一街”的阳光步行街。

    This is also called the sunshine walking street as No.1 Street in the west .

  5. 警察局就在第一街和主接的交叉处。

    Eg : The police station is on the corner of the First and Main street .

  6. 但是你可以搭这班车到第一街转乘33路公共汽车。

    But you can transfer from this bus to bus No.33 when we get the1st street .

  7. 三月起,有“神州第一街”之称的长安街迎来十年来首次大修,全长约为二十六点七八公里。

    From March , the so-called " the first avenue ", the Chang'an Avenue has been renovated in a length of26.78 km .

  8. 北京马连道茶城坐落在“京城茶叶第一街”的中心位置,是规模经营的大型茶叶市场。

    Beijing City is located at Maliandao tea " tea First Street in Beijing ," the central location , are operated by large scale tea market .

  9. 根据在第一街银行多年的工作经验,查理知道每月的第三个星期四执行董事会都会把钱存入金库,检查门闩,更换大金库的门锁。

    From years of experience of working at the bank on First Street , Charlie knew that every third Thursday of every month , the executive board would replenish the supply of money , check the bolts and change the locks in the main vault .

  10. 针对现状存在的问题,分别从四个方面提出优化思路,旨在提高东长安街绿地景观的质量,使其更加符合中华第一街的定位。

    In view of the existing problems , the paper puts forward the optimization ideas from four aspects respectively , aiming at improving the quality of the green landscape in east Chang ' an , making it more in line with " the Chinese first avenue " positioning .

  11. 拥有150年历史的南京东路曾被誉为中国第一商业街,许多旅游指南都推荐游客们好好了解它的历史。

    Nanjing Dong Lu , whose history can be traced back 150 years ago , was once known as the Number One Commercial Street in China . Most guidebooks recommend tourists check it out for its history .

  12. 北京的第一条步行街王府井大街位于市中心的购物区。

    The first one is Wangfujing Street , a downtown shopping district .

  13. 第一次,街上全是人。

    The first time , it was full of people .

  14. 毕业生们发出的求职信号&学位帽上写着“雇我吧”。这让我回想起1986年我大学毕业后,让我获得第一份华尔街工作的一次面试。

    And that got me thinking back to an interview that clinched my first Wall Street job out of college , back in1986 .

  15. 还有世界第一条步行街斯特洛伊艾,那琳琅满目的商品会让并不喜欢购物的人也为之动心。

    Also has the world first walk street Si Troy Chinese mugwort , that dazzling commodity can let the person which certainly does not like the shopping also for it move .

  16. 第一个住在这街上的Mike

    the first Mike that lived on the block

  17. 哥本哈根是第一个划出步行街的城市。

    Copenhagen was the first city to declare a street for pedestrians only .

  18. 那是我第一次参观唐人街。

    That was my first visit to Chinatown .

  19. 就是亨利爵士在我们第一次在贝克街见到他的那个早上穿着的那一件。

    It was the suit Sir Henry had been wearing on the morning when we first met him in Baker Street .