
  • 网络Kouchner;bernard kouchner
  1. 法国外交部长库什内(BernardKouchner)表示,去年9月份,法国已经单方面将驻阿富汗军队增加至3800,在1月份英国召集的关于阿富汗援助的会议召开之前,不考虑做出改变。

    Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said France unilaterally increased its troop presence last September to some 3800 , and will not even consider another change until a conference on Afghan aid being convened by Britain in late January .

  2. 法国外交部长库什内星期四曾说,欧洲有可能对俄罗斯实行经济制裁。

    French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said Thursday that Europe may apply sanctions against Russia .

  3. 上周,法国外长贝尔纳库什内(bernardkouchner)曾提出由欧洲政界人物抵制奥运开幕式的想法,但库什内后来收回了这一讲法。

    The idea of European politicians boycotting the opening ceremony of the Olympics was mentioned last week by Bernard Kouchner , French Foreign Minister , although he later backed away from the idea .

  4. 库什内对记者说,建立这支部队的目的是威摄。

    He told reporters the force is designed as a deterrent .

  5. 库什内告诉法国电视台,他正在推动一个持久的停火建议。

    Kouchner told French television he is pushing for a lasting truce .

  6. 库什内表示,伊朗政府本身已经分裂。外交部长库什内表示,政府内部高层什叶派与当前政体存在不同意见。

    Kouchner said the Iranian government was itself divided .

  7. 库什内说,欧盟军舰可以在12月抵达亚丁湾。

    Kouchner says the European ships would reach the Gulf of Aden sometime in December .

  8. 库什内说:“正在考虑实施制裁,会有多种制裁方式”。

    Kouchner said : " Sanctions are being considered and many other means as well " .

  9. 由于法国是欧盟轮值主席国,法国外长库什内代表欧盟在协议上签字。

    French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner signed for Europe , since France holds the rotating EU presidency .

  10. 法国外交部长库什内警告说,全世界应该做好可能同伊朗开战的准备。

    French Foreign minister Kouchner warned that we all over the world should make good preparation for the war to Iran .

  11. 库什内说,他将呼吁俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚立即停止在争取分离的南奥塞梯的战争。

    Kouchner said he would call on both countries to bring the fighting to an immediate stop in the breakaway province .

  12. 库什内是在和芬兰外长斯图贝前往第比利斯会晤格鲁吉亚总统之前发表上述讲话的。

    Kouchner was speaking just before heading to Tbilisi with his Finnish counterpart Alexander Stubb for a meeting with the Georgian president .

  13. 利夫尼随后在爱丽舍宫跟法国总统萨科齐和外交部长库什内会谈。

    Livni spoke at the Elysee presidential palace in Paris following talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner .

  14. 欧盟轮值主席国法国的外交部长库什内星期二在巴黎主持了一个旨在解决危机的会议。

    Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner of France , which currently heads the EU , hosted a meeting in Paris on Tuesday aimed at resolving the crisis .

  15. 库什内说,派遣监督员或维和人员的想法是欧洲应该采取的行动&在当地采取行动并且向民众提供援助。

    Kouchner says the idea of having monitors , or peacekeepers , was how Europe should conduct itself-to act on the ground and provide aid to people .

  16. 法国政府还说,这个巴勒斯坦激进组织表现出新的灵活性。法国外交部长库什内说,他与哈马斯的接触是非正式的,他还暗示,与哈马斯组织保持接触是法国的责任。

    French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner described the contact with Hamas as informal and suggested it was France 's duty to be in touch with the Palestinian group .

  17. 库什内说,哈马斯看上去比以前更具有灵活性,并且愿意承认未来的巴勒斯坦国,尽管他没有具体说明哈马斯采取的标准是什么。

    Kouchner said Hamas seemed to be more flexible than before and was willing to recognize a future Palestinian state , although he did not specify under what criteria .

  18. 库什内说,派遣监督员或维和人员的想法是欧洲应该采取的行动---在当地采取行动并且向民众提供援助。

    Kouchner says the idea of having monitors , or peacekeepers , was how Europe should conduct itself - to act on the ground and provide aid to people .

  19. 法国外长库什内最近几天一直穿梭于两国之间以确保停火。他说,27国集团决心采取行动。

    French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner , who has been shuttling between the two countries in recent days to secure a cease-fire , said the27-member bloc was determined to act .

  20. 库什内说,米利班德的提议受到了大家的欢迎。因为,此次欧盟会议因为在处理俄罗斯的问题上有分歧,因此不时出现紧张局面。而这一提议缓和了会场气氛。

    Kouchner said Miliband 's initiative had been welcome because it relaxed the atmosphere at an EU meeting that was at times tense due to differences over dealing with Russia .

  21. 不过,有记者问道有关这个星期印度海军军舰在索马里海域击沉一艘海盗船时,库什内暗示这类行动可以接受。

    But when asked about the action by an Indian navy ship to sink a pirate vessel this week off the Somali coast , he suggested such actions are acceptable .

  22. 库什内同时表示,欧盟一支海军特遣舰队将跟已经奉命前往索马里海域的美国、俄罗斯和印度军舰一道保证那里海运通道畅通。

    Kouchner said in the meantime , a European Union naval task force would join the U.S. Russian and Indian ships that have been dispatched to the Somali coast to keep shipping lanes open .

  23. 法国外交部长库什内星期天把在南奥塞梯的敌对状态说成是“屠杀”。他说,欧盟不能容许发生这种具有极端毁灭性的战争,这是不能接受的。法国目前担任欧盟轮值主席国。

    French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Sunday described the hostilities in South Ossetia as " massacres . " He said the European Union , which France currently heads , could not allow such a terribly devastating and unacceptable war .

  24. 库什内说,法国愿意和其他方面举行会谈,以取得他所说的“有用的”会谈。他说,其他方面也包括叙利亚。他刚刚在两个星期前和叙利亚官员通过话。

    Kouchner said Paris was willing to hold talks with other groups in order to be what he called " useful . " He said that included Syria and that he had spoken to Syrian officials just over two weeks ago .

  25. 赖斯在和布什总统会见后在白宫说,她和另外七个工业化集团国家的外交部长听取了法国外长库什内的电话情况介绍。库什内受法国总统萨尔科齐的派遣,前往莫斯科执行斡旋使命。

    Rice , speaking at the White House after meeting President Bush , said she and fellow foreign ministers of the G7 Industrial powers had been given a telephone briefing from French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on the mission to Moscow by French President Nikolas Sarkozy .

  26. 英国外长米利班德和法国外长库什内前去参加一个刚果民主共和国和卢旺达局势的联合使命会谈。一名英国官员说,会谈的目的是让这两个国家的政府意识到目前情况的严重性。

    British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and his French counterpart Bernard Kouchner are heading on a joint mission for talks in the DRC and Rwanda - with the aim of , as one British official put it , impressing upon both those governments the seriousness of the situation .

  27. ..法国外交部长贝尔纳·库什内拒绝伊朗最近在浓缩铀方面的举动,称这是外交周旋。在接受法国电台采访时,库什内表示,国际社会绝对不可能接受对伊朗核项目的最后通牒。

    France Dismisses Iranian Nuclear Counterproposal French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner rejected Iran 's latest move on its uranium-enrichment efforts as a " pirouette . " In an interview on French radio , Kouchner said it was the international community would accept an Iranian ultimatum on its nuclear program .