
  • 网络millet;Kate Millett
  1. 《性的政治》是美国女权主义批评代表人物凯特?米利特(KateMillett)于1970年在美国哥伦比亚大学完成的一篇博士论文。

    " Sexual Politics " was the US feminism criticizes representative personage Kate Millet ( Kate Millett ) a doctoral dissertation which completed in the US Columbia University in 1970 .

  2. 米利特成功地将文化批评与文学批评结合起来,创立了女性主义批评话语。

    Millet successfully unifies the cultural criticism and the literary criticism , established the feminine principle criticism words .

  3. 为了证明自己的观点,米利特选取了在性的反革命时期具有代表性的作家作品,通过分析作品中的两性关系,揭示男权制社会压迫妇女的事实。

    To prove his point , Millett selected period of reaction in the sexual revolution of representative writers and works , works by analyzing gender relations , patriarchy reveals the fact that the social oppression of women .