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  • 网络Rice Market;Rovaniemi;Missouri City;Squamish;Maumee;Lechkhumi
  1. 长沙米市是在近代特定的社会历史条件下形成的,它可远溯至宋,发展于明,形成于清,繁盛于民国。

    The Changsha Rice Market was formed under particular historical conditions .

  2. 裁厘加税与芜湖米市的走向

    Abrogation of Tax and Trend of Wuhu Rice Market

  3. 论近代长沙米市

    The Study of Modern Rice Market of Changsha

  4. 最初的期货交易于17世纪中叶首次出现在日本的米市。

    Rudimentary futures were first used in the Japanese rice market in the mid-17th century .

  5. 芜湖米市在60年运行中,经历了发展、兴盛和衰落三个阶段。

    Wuhu rice market underwent its rising , flourishing and declining periods in its past 60 years .

  6. 由于当时各种客观因素的影响,又使得米市衰落过程呈复杂化趋势。

    The effects of the various objective factors of the time made the declining process more complex .

  7. 完善的米市结构,稳定的米粮运销区域,保证了芜湖米市的持续发展。

    Perfect market structure and stable rice transportation and sale region guaranteed the sustainable development of Wuhu Rice Market .

  8. 以芜湖米市为代表的皖米市场同样具有这些弊端,而且在有些方面尤为突出。

    As a typical rice market in Anhui , Wuhu rice market also had those disadvantages and even worse in some aspects .

  9. 芜湖米市&近代中国四大米市之一,一直是学界的关注点之一。

    The Wuhu Rice Market , one of the four largest rice markets in morden China , is always one of the focus in academia .

  10. 其次,分析了兰溪米市的现状,并从其内部资源和能力状况着手,找出自身存在的关键优势和劣势。

    Secondly , the status quo of Lanxi rice market is analyzed , and the key strengths and weaknesses are found from the situation of internal resources and capabilities .

  11. 摘要芜湖米市在开埠通商条件下得到快速的发展,其根本原因在于芜湖本身所具有的市场条件、交通条件和富饶的稻米生产基础。

    Wuhu rice market developed fast under the condition of opening wharfs for trade , the key to which is its market , transportation and base of rice production .

  12. 但自抗日战争爆发后,战争不仅扰乱了浙江米市米源的供给,同时还急速增加了浙江国统区前后方的粮食消费。

    Since the outbreak of the war against Japan , It not only upset the supply of rice markets but also rapidly increased food consumption of Zhejiang Kuomintang controlled areas .

  13. 20世纪30年代米厘制度被撤废,米市粮源失去政府的政策性保护,芜湖米市由此逐渐走向衰落。

    In 1930s , Wuhu rice market gradually declined because of the abolition of the rice tax system , resulting in no government policy protection for sources of the market .

  14. 流通中的诸多中间剥削对芜湖米市和腹地经济的发展是有百害而无一益的。本文重点分析和探讨了芜湖米市的社会经济功能。

    Much exploitation in the circulation were harm to Wuhu rice market and economic development in its adjacent areas . The thesis emphasis analyzed and discussed the social economy function of Wuhu rice market .

  15. 益阳兰溪米市(以下简称兰溪米市)是全国闻名的十大米市之一,现有200多家从事大米加工、销售的企业以及个体工商户。

    Lanxi rice market of Yiyang is one of the ten most famous rice markets in China . There are more than two hundred enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households engaged in rice processing and marketing .