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fū chāi
  • king of Wu during the Spring and Autumn Period
  1. 吴王夫差战胜越国后,以为越国从此再也不敢兴兵,就整日享乐庆祝,完全没有留言越国正养精蓄锐,准备复国。

    Towards the end of the Spring and Autumn period , King Fuchai of Wu , having defeated the state of Yue , hoped to expand his land by invading the State of Qi . But he was so busy celebrating the victory that he was not aware that Yue was preparing for revenge .

  2. 他的儿子夫差作了吴国的新国王,

    His son Fu Chai became the new King .

  3. 还是吴王夫差沉溺于西施的温柔乡中无法自拔?

    Or the indulgence of Fuchai , the Wu king in Xishi , the Yue Beauty ?

  4. 春秋时代,吴王夫差想做几个小国的霸主,率领三万军队向晋军挑战。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period , Duke Fuchai of Wu led a huge army against the State of Jin .

  5. 勾践是越国允常侯的儿子,曾被邻国吴国的国上夫差打败。

    Gou Jian was the son of Marquess Yun Chang of Yue . He was defeated and captured by King Fu Chai of Wu of the neighbouring State of Wu .

  6. 为了复仇,夫差让勾践住在他父亲墓旁的破石屋里天天看墓、喂马。

    In order to avenge his father 's death , Fu let him live in a shabby stone house by his father 's tomb and ordered him to raise horses for him .

  7. 夫差让勾践住在虎丘山其父阖闾墓旁的山洞中,为他养马、打扫庭院。老板告诉他们附近一个曾被用做马厩的山洞里可以栖身。

    The King of Wu had his captive put up in a cave near the tomb of his father He Lu and told him to work as his groom and also to sweep the palace grounds .

  8. 春秋时期,吴王夫差将他的父亲阖闾葬在这里。女王夫妇星期二飞往地中海岛国马耳他。

    In the Spring and Autumn Period ( 722-481 B.C ) in Chinese history , Fu Chai the king of the State of Wu had his father He Lu buried here . The royal couple is flying to the Mediterranean island of Malta today ( Tuesday ) .

  9. 周敬王二十六年(公元前494),吴王夫差为父报仇,兴兵败越,越王勾践求和,送给吴王珍宝美女西施,自己亲自为夫差牵马。

    In 494 B. C. , King Fuchai of the Wu state , the son of Helu , attacked Yue to seek revenge . Yue was defeated . King Goujian sued for peace , sending jewels and Xishi ( a great beauty in Chinese history ) to the Wu king , and leading the horse for Fuchai himself .