
  1. 她婚后随夫姓琼斯。

    Her married name is Jones .

  2. 大多数英国女性结婚后随夫姓。

    The majority of British women adopt their husband 's surname when they marry .

  3. 我不想用我的夫姓,因为我们已经离婚了。

    I didn 't want to use my married name because we 've split .

  4. n.姓女人结婚后,经常省去原来的姓而冠上夫姓。

    surname A woman , after marriage , usually drops her surname and takes that of her husband .

  5. 女子出嫁以后通常随夫姓。

    A married woman usually bears her husband 's surname .

  6. 女性婚后必须随夫姓。

    Women are named after their husbands ' family names after marriage .

  7. 离婚了,放弃了夫姓,留下了戒指。

    We 're divorced . I lost the hyphen , kept the ring .

  8. 她曾叫雷切尔艾略特一我想她的夫姓是卡特赖特。

    She used to be Rachel elliot & I think her married name is cartwright .

  9. 女权运动者们认为该法律规定具有歧视性,因为大多数夫妻最终都是妻子改成了夫姓。

    Campaigners have said the law was discriminatory as most couples end up using the husband 's surname .

  10. 另外还有一种方式,她们在工作中使用娘家姓,而在私人生活中使用夫姓。

    Another approach is for a woman to use her family name in her business life but her husband 's name in her personal life .

  11. 从夫姓,叫玛丽·福尔杰,她是以后福尔杰标枪手家族的女祖宗,这些标枪手都是高贵的弗兰克林的亲戚!

    afterwards , by marriage , Mary Folger , one of the old settlers of Nantucket , and the ancestress to a long line of Folgers and harpooneers

  12. 然而,在现实中,超过90%的女性婚后随夫姓,而且有些公司要求员工在工作中使用法定姓名。

    In practice , however , more than 90 per cent of women adopt their husband 's name and some companies require staff to work under their legal name .

  13. 新郎要给予新娘嫁妆,供新娘本身花用,且新娘可以保留自己的姓,而不必改随夫姓。

    A marriage dowry is given by the groom to the Bride for her own personal use , and she keeps her own family name rather than taking her husband 's.

  14. 根据对200个新娘的调查报告,有四分之一的女性计划婚后不随夫姓,另外,10个新娘中有一个不愿意穿白纱。

    The findings , revealed in a survey of 200 brides to be , revealed that almost a quarter of women planned on keeping their maiden name after marriage , while one in 10 were planning to wear a colour other than white on their wedding day .