
  • Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce;Couple's Sliced Beef in Chili Sauce;Beef and Ox Tripe in Chili Sauce;Couple’s Sliced Beef in Chili Sauce
  1. 夫妻肺片&这道菜在成都相当受欢迎。

    Lung pieces by the couple-a quite popular in Chengdu .

  2. 我喜欢吃夫妻肺片,她也喜欢周末早餐里的香肠、培根和豆子。

    I love my fu-qi-fei-pian and she enjoys a full breakfast of sausages , bacon and beans at the weekend .

  3. 川菜中著名的菜有:鱼香肉丝、夫妻肺片、麻婆豆腐和宫保鸡丁。

    Some of the famous dishes are Fish-Flavored Pork Threads , Fuqi Ox Lung Slice , Mapo Bean Curd and Spicy Diced Chicken with Peanuts .

  4. 现在,我们仍然经历着跨文化婚姻的坎坷与甜蜜;我喜欢吃夫妻肺片,她也喜欢周末早餐里的香肠、培根和豆子。

    We are still experiencing the eternal ups and downs of a cross-cultural marriage ; I love my fu-qi-fei-pian and she enjoys a full breakfast of sausages , bacon and beans at the weekend .

  5. 慧俪轻体首席执行官戴维-基希奥夫说,在中国经营的最大障碍是建设一个营养数据库,给品种繁杂的中国菜评分,比如宫保鸡丁和夫妻肺片等外国人不熟悉的菜式。

    David Kirchhoff , Weight Watchers'chief executive , says the biggest hurdle in China is building a nutritional database to assign points to such a vast and complex cuisine , which contains such unfamiliar dishes as Kung Pao Chicken and Husband-and-Wife Lung Slice .

  6. 夫妻肺片由腌制的牛的肺片、牛肉或者碎牛杂制成,颜色红亮,软糯入味,麻辣鲜香。据说上世纪30年代成都人郭朝华和他的妻子以卖肺片为生。

    Fuqi Ox Lung Slice was made by marinating ox lung , beef or chopped entrails , eye-pleasing , tender and spicy.It is said that in the 1930 's , Guo Chaohua , a native of Chengdu , and his wife sold ox lung slices for a living .