首页 / 词典 / good


fū zǐ
  • an ancient form of address to a Confucian scholar in a respective way or to a master by his disciples;man;school;husband;pedant
夫子 [fū zǐ]
  • (1) [man]∶古时对男子的尊称

  • (2) [school]∶旧时称呼学者或老师

  • 公输盘曰:“夫子何命焉为?”——《墨子·公输》

  • 愿夫子辅吾志,明以教我。——《孟子·梁惠王上》

  • (3) [husband]∶旧时称自己的丈夫

  • 夫子积学,当“日知其所亡”以就懿德。——《后汉书·列女传》

  • (4) [pedant]∶称呼读古书而思想陈腐的人(含讥讽意)

  • (5) 孔门的学生对孔子的称呼

夫子[fū zǐ]
  1. 夫子之道,忠恕而已矣。

    Our master 's way is simply this : loyalty and consideration .

  2. 我们每年元宵节都到夫子庙逛花灯。

    We go to the Confucius Temple and enjoy various lanterns there every year on Lantern festival .

  3. 总之,好吃的东西都在夫子庙!

    In short , good things are in the Confucius Temple !

  4. 南京夫子庙旅游资源整合

    Reorganizing of the Tourism Resource in the Confucian Temple , Nanjing

  5. 我看到那个夫子让他进屋的。

    I saw the Goodman in the house allow him in .

  6. 夫子,律法上的诫命,那一条是最大的呢?

    Master , which is the chief rule in the law ?

  7. 他们已安排我们明天游夫子庙。

    They have arranged for us to visit the Confucius Temple tomorrow .

  8. 城市历史地段保护中的文化环境保护&以南京夫子庙为例

    On the Cultural and Environmental Protection of the Historic Districts in Cities

  9. 七点刚过,我们就来到夫子庙看花灯。

    At seven o'clock , we came to the Confucius Temple lanterns .

  10. 吃小吃的话一定要去夫子庙哦

    Snacks to eat , then go to a certain Confucius Temple Oh

  11. 南京夫子庙是中国规模最大的孔庙。

    Nanjing Confucius Temple is the largest temple in China .

  12. 夫子之道&原典意义上的理论与实践探讨

    The Way of Confucius & Probing into his original theory and practice

  13. 在南京,有一个大名鼎鼎的南京夫子庙。

    Be in Nanjing , have the Nanjing master shrine of a famous .

  14. 仁且智,夫子既圣矣!

    Benevolent and wise-Master , you ARE a Sage .

  15. 他们呼喊道:「夫子,我们丧命,你不顾么。」

    " Teacher , don 't'you care if we drown ?" they shouted .

  16. 他从口袋里放了个钱包接给了他的夫子。

    He took from his pocket a wallet and gave it to his wife .

  17. 他们说:“拉比(“拉比”翻出来就是“夫子”),在哪里住?”

    They said ," Rabbi "( which means Teacher )," where are you staying ?"

  18. 而夫子庙与盐水鸭则有着千丝万缕的联系。

    But the Confucian temple and the salty wild duck have the very complicated relation .

  19. 昔者子贡、问于孔子曰:‘夫子圣矣乎?’

    Formerly Zi Gong asked Confucius , saying ," Master , are you a Sage ?"

  20. 有几个文士说,夫子,你说得好。

    Then certain of the scribes answering said , master , thou hast well said .

  21. 又喜爱人在街市上问他安,称呼他拉比(注:“拉比”就是“夫子”)。

    And greetings in the markets , and to be called of men , Rabbi , Rabbi .

  22. 你们称呼我夫子,称呼我主,你们说的不错。我本来是。

    Ye call me master and lord : and ye say well ; for so I am .

  23. 大家要是有机械,大头,可以买给夫子我哦。

    If we have the machinery , the bulk , you can buy to master Oh my .

  24. 和善的夫子同我站在一块不动,而且允许我往后退回一些。

    My leader also stopped , and was so kind as to allow me to retrace my steps .

  25. 他对耶稣说,夫子,这一切我从小都遵守了。

    And he said to him , teacher , all these things I have kept from my youth .

  26. 门徒叫醒了他,说:“夫子!我们丧命,你不顾吗?”

    The disciples woke him and said to him ," Teacher , don 't you care if we drown ?"

  27. 高声说,耶稣,夫子,可怜我们吧。

    And they lifted up their voices , and said , Jesus , Master , have mercy on us .

  28. 门徒来叫醒了他,说,夫子,我们丧命喇。

    And they came to him , and awoke him , saying , Master , master , we perish .

  29. 把整南京夫子庙元宵节夜晚照的如同白天一样。

    The whole night , according to the Nanjing Confucius Temple , as the Lantern Festival the same day .

  30. 路二十39有几个经学家应声说,夫子,你说得好。

    Lk . 20:39 And some of the scribes answered and said , Teacher , you have spoken well .