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xián méi
  • hold a wooden stick in the mouth to ensure silence
衔枚 [xián méi]
  • [(in ancient times) have the soldiers keep sth.like a stick in their mouth to prevent them from making noise in a secret move] 古代军队秘密行动时,让兵士口中横衔着枚(像筷子的东西),防止说话,以免敌人发觉

  • 徒衔枚而进。--《周礼.夏官.大司马》

  • 章邯夜衔枚击 项梁定陶。--《汉书.高帝纪》

  • 衔枚疾走

  1. 在这些早期贺卡的部分图片上,知更鸟往往用喙衔着一枚信封或一张明信片,像邮递员一样进行递送工作。

    On some of these early cards , the robin was often pictured carrying an envelope or postcard in its bill , delivering it like a postman .